Wonder Woman: The Amazing Amazon is an Canadian-American animated action-adventure-fantasy superhero television series based on Wonder Woman by DC Comics, being developed by TBD. The series is produced by WildBrain, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation and premiere on Teletoon, in Canada, and Cartoon Network, in the United States, since September 17th, 2016 to April 13th, 2019.
Set in the early-1990s, young Amazonian princess Diana travel to Men's World as she prepare herself where she became Wonder Woman and start protecting civilians and battling against potential threats.
Cast & Characters[]
- Princess Diana/Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (voiced by ) - a brave but slightly naive Amazonian princess from Themyscira who travel "Men's World" to protect peoples and dealing with threats while also jugging with adjusting to it.
- Stephen "Steve" Trevor (voiced by Andrew Francis) - a brave yet slightly sarcastic TBD and Diana's love interest TBD
- Etta Candy (voiced by ) - TBD
- Queen Hippolyta (voiced by Nicole Oliver) - Diana's strict and protective but caring mother and the queen of Themyscira who help made her from clay and bought her to life by the Greek Gods TBD
- Donna Troy/Wonder Girl (voiced by Ashleigh Ball) - Diana's adventurous yet curious sister TBD
- Artemis (voiced by ) - a rebellious and short-tempered TBD
- Julia Kapatelis (voiced by ) - TBD
- Antiope (voiced by ) - Diana's TBD aunt and Hippolyta's sister TBD
- Nubia (voiced by Cree Summer) - TBD
- Mala (voiced by ) - TBD
- Gen. Philip "Phil" Darnell (voiced by ) - TBD
- Prof. Helena Sandsmark (voiced by ) - TBD
- Zeus (voiced by ) - TBD
- Mayfly (voiced by ) - TBD
- Io (voiced by ) - a TBD blacksmith TBD
- Philippus (voiced by ) - TBD
- Epione (voiced by ) - TBD
- Brian Elliot (voiced by Matt Hill) - TBD
- Heracles/"Harold Champion" (voiced by Brian Drummond) - TBD
- ???
Guest stars[]
- Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman (voiced by ) - TBD
- Kara Zor-El/Linda Danvers/Supergirl (voiced by ) - TBD
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (voiced by ) - TBD
- Barbara Gordon/Batgirl (voiced by ) - TBD
- Orin/Arthur Curry/Aquaman (voiced by ) - TBD
- Dinah Lance/Black Canary (voiced by ) - TBD
- ???
- Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah (voiced by ) - a disgraced British archaeologist who get turn into an were-cheetah by the Urzkartaga while trying to uncovering the locations of Themyscira TBD
- Ares (voiced by Paul Dobson) - the God of Wars TBD
- Diemos (voiced by ) - TBD
- Phobos (voiced by ) - TBD
- Eris/Strife (voiced by ) - TBD
- Veronica Cale (voiced by ) - the cynical CEO of Cale-Anderson Pharmaceuticals TBD
- Dr. Edgar Cizko/Dr. Psycho (voiced by ) - an short-tempered dwarfish psychologist TBD
- Doris Zuel/Giganta (voiced by ) - TBD
- Circe (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain) - TBD
- Angelo Bend/Angle Man (voiced by ) - TBD
- Byrna Brilyant/Blue Snowman (voiced by ) - TBD
- Dr. Marina Maru/Dr. Poison (voiced by ) - TBD
- Dr. Cyber (voiced by ) - a terrorist who wear a robotic mask TBD
- Vanessa Katapelis/Silver Swan (voiced by ) - TBD
- Alkyone (voiced by ) - TBD
- Crimson Centipede (vocal effects by ) - a humanoid centipede-like creature TBD
- Orisa (voiced by ) - TBD
- Hades (voiced by ) - TBD
- Hecate (voiced by ) - TBD
- Nikos Aegeus (voiced by ) - a Greek terrorist TBD
- Queen Clea (voiced by ) - TBD
- Medusa (voiced by ) - TBD
Guest stars[]
- ???
See List of Wonder Woman: The Amazing Amazon episodes.
- ???
Easter Eggs[]
- A list of former Cale-Anderson Pharmaceuticals employees including the names: Jack Nimbell (the second Toyman), Arthur Light (the evil Dr. Light), ???
- On TBD, ???