The Stupendous Spider-Man, alternately known as Marvel's The Stupendous Spider-Man, is an Canadian-American animated action-adventure-comedy-drama superhero television series based on Spider-Man by Marvel Comics, being developed by TBD. The series is produced by WildBrain, Marvel Animation and Disney Television Animation and premiere on Teletoon, in Canada, and Disney XD, in the United States, since November 14th, 2020.
Upon of gaining his powers, young teen Peter Parker start using his powers to protect life and battling against potential threats as Spider-Man.
Cast & Characters[]
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man (voiced by Cole Howard) - TBD
- Aunt May Parker (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain) - TBD
- Mary Jane "MJ" Watson (voiced by ) - TBD
- Gwendolyn "Gwen" Stacy (voiced by Emily Tennart) - TBD
- Eugene "Flash" Thompson (voiced by Drew Nelson) - TBD
- Captain George Stacy (voiced by ) - TBD
- Off. Jean DeWolff (voiced by ) - TBD
- Elizabeth "Liz" Allan (voiced by Anna Cummer) - TBD
- John "J" Jonah Jameson (voiced by Alan Marriot) - TBD
- Joseph "Robbie" Robertson (voiced by Omari Newton) - TBD
- Elizabeth "Betty" Brant (voiced by Ashleigh Ball) - TBD
- Jessica Jones/Spider-Woman (voiced by ) - a feisty yet caring young woman and Peter's childhood babysitter TBD
- Max Modell (voiced by ) - TBD
- Anna Maria Marconi (voiced by Tara Strong) - TBD
- Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (voiced by ) - TBD
- Randall "Randy" Robertson (voiced by Daniel Bacon) - TBD
- Uncle Benjamin "Ben" Parker (voiced by Fred Henderson) - TBD
Guest stars[]
- Steven "Steve" Rogers/Captain America (voiced by David Hayter) - TBD
- The Fantastic Four, consisting of:
- Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic (voiced by ) - TBD
- Susan "Sue" Storm/Invisible Woman (voiced by ) - TBD
- Benjamin "Ben" Grimm/Thing (voiced by ) - TBD
- Jonathan "Johnny" Storm/Human Torch (voiced by ) - TBD
- Matthew "Matt" Murdock/Daredevil (voiced by ) - TBD
- James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (voiced by ) - TBD
- Katherine "Kitty" Pryde/Shadowcat (voiced by ) - TBD
- Anthony "Tony" Stark/Iron Man (voiced by ) - TBD
- Richard Rider/Nova (voiced by ) - TBD
- Nicholas "Nick" Lewis, Jr./Crime Master (voiced by ) - TBD
- Jason Macendale/Demogoblin (voiced by ???, as Jason Macendale, Brian Drummond, as Demogoblin) - TBD
- Edward "Ned" Leeds/Hobgoblin (voiced by Samuel Vincent) - TBD
- Phineas Mason/Tinkerer (voiced by ) - TBD
- Angelo Fortunato/Venom (voiced by ) - TBD
- Vincente "Don" Fortunato (voiced by ) - TBD
- Giachomo "Jimmy-6" Fortunato - TBD
- Lorina Dodson/White Rabbit (voiced by ) - TBD
- Hippo (voiced by ) - TBD
- Living Brain (voiced by ) - TBD
- Maxwell Markham/Grizzly (voiced by ) - TBD
- James Beverley/Overdrive (voiced by ) - TBD
- Cole Clayton/Clash (voiced by Matt Hill) - TBD
- Martin Li/Mr. Negative (voiced by Vincent Tong) - TBD
- Jonathan Ohnn/Spot (voiced by Brad Swaile) - TBD
- Edward Lansky/Lightmaster (voiced by ) - TBD
- Miles Warren/Jackal (voiced by ) - TBD
- Doppelganger (voiced by , spliced voices) - TBD
- John Jameson/Man-Wolf (voiced by ) - TBD
- Abner Jenkins/Beetle (voiced by ) - TBD
Guest stars[]
- Dr. Victor von Doom (voiced by Paul Dobson) - TBD
See List of The Stupendous Spider-Man (TV series) episodes.
- ???
Easter Eggs[]
- On TBD, OsCorp is mentioned.
- On TBD, ???