The Magic Land (French: Le Atterrir Echanté) is a French-American animated television series based on the characters created by Waku Yaniko.
This series centers around a land called The Magic Land, which has Mei Chan the dwarf, Gano the cat, Machiko the bird, Pacho the marmot and Zuzu the wizard live in under the eye of the leader of the land Tutto but while they would have some fun with eachother, they would also try to stop Mataru from trying to take over The Magic Land.
Marie-Christine Adam: Mei Chan
Jacques Audiard: Tutto
Adeyto: Gano
Nelly Alard: Machiko
Éric Judor: Pacho
Ramzy Bedia: Zuzu
Edouard Baer: Mataru
Lucy Liu: Mei Chan
Mark Hamill: Tutto
Grey Delisle: Gano
Tara Strong: Machiko
Richard Steven Horvitz: Pacho
Billy West: Zuzu
Jeff Bergman: Mataru