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TV Ideas Wiki

The Gamies is a French-Spanish-American animated adventure musical comedy-drama television series based on the franchises that were made by Sega, Nintendo and Bandai Namco.


In the world of video games, almost every franchises made by Sega, Nintendo and Bandai Namco lived in the town of Gamesville until one day, a giant storm destroyed everything there was so because of this, the leader of The Gamies named Mr. Heyward assigns game mascots Sonic, Mario and Pac Man to find them a new home. While they were travelling, they encounter a Japanese girl named Florance Suzuki who is a game expert though she doesn't consider herself a gamer. After the trio found a new home, they were given new jobs as travellers by Mr. Heyward where they go to different places, while occasionally trying to find Florance's parents.
