TV Ideas Wiki
TV Ideas Wiki

The Frankie Frog Show is an American-animated television series created Carl Carlson and was produced by TUB Productions, it originally aired from April 7, 1995 to May 15, 2010.



Carl Carlson first pitched the show to ABC in 1989, but the pilot wasn't produced until September 1993.

Carlson's Departure[]

Carl Carlson left the production of the show after Season 1 pursuing other ventures.

Scrapped Episodes[]

Frankie's Day (1998)[]

This episode would have been about Frankie trying to have a great day, but everything he does goes terrible.

Crazy Frankie (2006)[]

The episode was pitched by director Sam Stone, it would have been about Frankie being so angry about everything that he goes insane, the episode was almost immediately scrapped and Sam Stone was fired shortly after.

Goodbye (2010)[]

This was the early version of the final episode "So Long and So Soon", in this version Frankie is happy that it's finally over and eagerly fades away into the sunlight.

Home Video[]

  1. The Frankie Frog Show (Season 1) (1997) VHS
  2. The Frankie Frog Show: The Complete Series (2011) DVD