Rhyboflavin's Little Apprentices is a Cartoon Network original animated television series. It was co-created by Dynasti Noble and Kyle A. Carrozza.
Many events after the Mighty Magiswords finale “Let's Team Up Because We Aren't Bad Friends”, a group of five children from Rhyboflavin become apprentices with a little help from Witchy Sparkles.
- Oria (voiced by Melissa Fahn) - A fellow warrior-in-training and cousin of Prohyas and Vambre. She is the older twin sister of Gallius.
- Gallius (voiced by Melissa Fahn) - Oria’s younger twin brother.
- Imeyna (voiced by Shelby Rabara) - An Elfen sorceress who uses magic powers like Tilly, Witchy Simone and Witchy Sparkles.
- Andrion (voiced by Cristina Pucelli) - A fellow prince who is a fellow cousin of Princess Zange.
- Tilda “Tilly” (voiced by Cree Summer) - A young African-American witch and the cousin of Witchy Simone and Witchy Sparkles.
List of episodes[]
List of Rhyboflavin's Little Apprentices episodes