TV Ideas Wiki

Quincy is a 2004 American adult animated anime-influenced television series created by Garrett Fredrickson. The series follows a part time detective named Quincy (voiced by Maurice LaMarche) and primarily focuses on his job as a crime fighter and also sometimes his personal life. The series also stars other actors such as Jim Cummings, Richard Steven Horvitz, John Cleese, Tim Curry, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kath Soucie, Jeff Bennett, Kirk Thornton, Tara Strong, and many others.

The series was produced by Castle Rock Entertainment, Garrett Fredrickson's company LIVE Entertainment, and animated by Madhouse, it was distributed by Warner Bros. Television. The first season aired on The WB from 2004 to 2005, and when Fredrickson wanted to incorporate more drama into the show, the series moved to TNT, with the rest of the series airing from 2005 to 2010, with reruns continuing to air on TNT. The series was well known for it's fairly serious and realistic tone, depiction of the police system, humor, and prescense of big name actors of regular voices (including Seth Rogen, Martin Short, and John Cleese).

Quincy was a ratings success for both The WB and TNT and was acclaimed by critics and audiences, who praised the show for it's art direction, characters, voice acting, soundtrack, and themes; the show's depictions of romance, post-traumatic stress disorder, and action were lauded by critics. The series had numerous accolades including several Emmy Awards, five Annie Awards, and a Writer's Guild of America award. A finale television movie was released in 2013.


Set in a fictionalized version of Toledo, the series follows Detective Quincy McShane (voiced by Maurice LaMarche). He solves various crimes in the city while tackling with his arch-nemesis Forrester Roland (voiced by Seth Rogen). The series also focuses on Quincy's personal life outside of just crime-fighting, and also deals with topics such as post-traumatic stress disorder, gambling, romance, and depression.

Major Characters[]

  • Quincy McShane (voiced by Maurice LaMarche, using an impression of the late Dick Shawn) - The main protagonist of the series. Unlike most detective characters, Quincy is both very straightforward and serious but can also be fairly streetwise and laid-back. He can also show emotional vulnerability and has a sometimes violent and aggressive side to his personality; he's also shown to gamble and play cards often with other people. Garrett Fredrickson stated he imagined him as "a detective with elements of Starsky from Starsky & Hutch".
  • Forrester Roland (or as he likes to be called, Sir Roland; voiced by Seth Rogen) - The main antagonist of the series. He is a crime boss and is fully aware of his criminal status. Despite this, he keeps his plans secret from many and is good at manipulating his foes. This has led to Quincy's dislike towards him. Fredrickson stated he was inspried by Snidely Whiplash from The Dudley Do-Right Show
    • Norton (voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz) - Roland's dumbfounded yet smarmy bodygaurd
  • Captain Randall (voiced by Jim Cummings) - The police captain who sometimes assists Quincy in some of his missions. He's fairly well mannered, sophisticated, and quite intellegent, even sometimes seeing through Forrester Roland's manipulations.
  • Mayor Hammer (voiced by Martin Short) - The fairly hammy and sometimes cowardly mayor of Toledo.
  • Zach T. Darwin (voiced by John Cleese) - Quincy's british-accented lawyer. He's quick to defend Quincy in whatever case he can by using all sorts of facts and evidence.
  • Sophie Williams (voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar) - Introduced in Season 3, Sophie is a gifted writer and also a love interest for Quincy. She's kindhearted and emphathic towards Quincy and cares greatly for him, even risking her own safety to save him at times, and eventually the two become a couple by the end of Season 3.
  • Annette Howard (voiced by Kath Soucie) - The secretary of the Police Station. She is shown to have a crush on Quincy, even showing jealousy towards his relationship with Sophie.
  • Roy M. Xander (voiced by Aaron Paul) - An officer for the Police Station.
  • Chester Johnson (voiced by Jeff Bennett) - He's a well mannered police chief who has good faith in his staff, particularly Quincy.




