Power Mouse is a French-British animated television series based on the original series of short films created by Henry Maron.
Melia Mounica is a mouse who works for The Cheesy Independant but under her secret identity, she is really Power Mouse, a superheroine that fights evil and saves the town of Toopietown from any kind of danger
Patricia Legrand - Melia Mounica (Super Mouse), Polly Packery, Muffet Tuffet, Additional Voices
Roger Carel - Billy, Pickie, Omon, Roger, Additional Voices
Jacques Morel - Felito (Captain Ferro)
Lulu - Melia Mounica (Super Mouse), Polly Packery, Muffet Tuffet, Additional Voices
Gordon Rollings - Billy, Pickie, Omon, Roger, Additional Voices
Rob Rackstraw - Felito (Captain Ferro)