TV Ideas Wiki
TV Ideas Wiki

There is permission automatically granted by the contributor of this page to edit or post more ideas in as long as it's we don't do this for a living. Also, us fans contributing to here should leave it to paid/professional writers to write the scripts for the movies, television shows and comic books like any episode of the television show. Other fans could come up with ideas of new characters casted or the productions if those projects get done by.

All those Marvel movies ideas are for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Let's hope the writers go with our ideas. This is to make them comic book accurate more. Most of the movies are like theatrical. Others are in the works while some are suggestions for movies or television shows. Numbers of movies to 20 or a little more than 20 to come from Post Avengers 4. They are not all in a row like on the years for them or whenever they come out. There are 3 to 4 MCU movies a year. This is for Phases 4 and 5 of the MCU. Maybe 2025 should start Phase 5 of the MCU.

Also there should be tie in books and comics for Phase 4 MCU films but the novelizations should be released right after the movies and the Disney company could make more money that way with authors or book companies under license by Marvel Studios like the Star Wars films have novelizations to them. Other fans could write in X-Men ideas and maybe with Fox owned by Disney there should be X-Men 2099 films or an Inhumans 2099 or even Fantastic Four 2099 film. That’s in the early 2030’s. Maybe making money off of film novelizations like full length and junior novels to the kid friendly ones could get more money for those other Marvel movies and even television shows like Heroes for Hire miniseries, Nick Fury, Midnight Sons, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Scarlet Witch, Loki and She-Hulk and maybe future seasons for Cloak & Dagger or New Warriors if the show is never cancelled. Larry Cranston should be the Mr. Fear on the Heroes for Hire miniseries.

Marvel Cinematic Universe Future Products like movies or television shows.

Fans could put in ideas like those there are pre Heroes For Hire Movies. Possibly 2022 and 2021 the Scarlet Witch and Loki television shows along with Nick Fury television show and in 2022 premiere Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and She-Hulk television shows. Those shows should be in the 2020’s.

Also there are ideas for television shows.

This show should happen after more seasons of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and the Punisher and Kevin Feige should canonize the TV shows.

There should be comic books to replace the cancelled MCU shows on Netflix. The Punisher Season 3, Iron Fist Season 3, Luke Cage Season 3 and Daredevil Season 4. That should be prelude to the Heroes for Hire miniseries. If it doesn’t get to be a TV show it should be web comics to comics in print. This should all be canonized by Kevin Feige that are Agents of Shield and Netflix TV shows.

Also there are ideas for television shows.

This show should happen after more seasons of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and the Punisher and Kevin Feige should canonize the TV shows.

There should be comic books to replace the cancelled MCU shows on Netflix. The Punisher Season 3, Iron Fist Season 3, Luke Cage Season 3 and Daredevil Season 4. That should be prelude to the Heroes for Hire miniseries. If it doesn’t get to be a TV show it should be web comics to comics in print. This should all be canonized by Kevin Feige that are Agents of Shield and Netflix TV shows.

This is a series of comics to take place in the 2020’s like 2023 or 2028 as Daredevil Born Again is to be concurrent with the Blip by Hulk undoing Thanos Genocide. Both this post DD Born again series and Heroes for Hire miniseries should be set in the 2020’s. Some of this pre Heroes for Hire comic book series could have later 2010’s flashbacks like during 2018 and 2019 or even 2020 flashbacks. This is most post MCU Spider-Man 4 post street saga.

The Season 4 of Daredevil and is also Luke Cage Season 3 and Iron Fist Season 3 with Jessica Jones Season 4 is when Matt Murdock dons the yellow and red costume of Daredevil. This season should consist of 10 to 13 episodes/issues. Iron Fist dons the trademark costume. Also Season 3 of the Punisher in a comic book. Originally before Daredevil born again but this should to be comics instead is post Daredevil Born Again series.

That one based on the cancelled Season 3 of the Punisher is the Punisher whacking out the Gnucci Crime Family. There's Ma Gnucci with her son Bobby and the rest of the gang. The Punisher gets into a gun fight with them as Frank Castle has a machine gun and pistol. He shoots them down killing Ma Gunnci and Bobby Gnucci after thugs of theirs's are whacked. Bobby Gnucci is a Capo of the crime family. There should also be when Eric Slaughter looks to take over the Kingpin turf believed to be retired but is to be arrested.

Eric Slaughter could be the villain for Daredevil Season 4 and Bullseye works for him and ending in season Eric Slaughter is arrested by Brett Mahoney as Bullseye is arrested by the good cops. Daredevil should also take on Eric Slaughter's gang. Maybe with DD rebooted by the MCU there should be the Heroes for Hire put into comic books. There should be an episode with Melissa Gold as Screaming Mimi. Jessica Jones faces that female villain. Jessica Jones defeats Screaming Mimi. Luke Cage should have an episode fighting Wilbur Day the Stilt Man. Also, should debut Bushwhacker and he loses his human parts as he fights Gladiator Melvin Potter out of prison. There should be in Iron Fist Season 3 Iron Fist battles Steel Serpent and he defeats him. That could be shown in one of those comics. Maybe before Bullseye and Eric Slaughter rise there should be a DD season 3 episode when Willie Lincoln is a new cop appearing. What should be made into comics are Season 3 of Iron Fist, Season 3 of Luke Cage and Season 4 of Daredevil along with the Punisher Season 3 if not made is put into comics.

Willie Lincoln is with Brett Mahoney on the Eric Slaughter arrest. There should be in the finale of DD season 4 after the arrest of Eric Slaughter and Bullseye that the Kingpin had escaped. Daredevil meets up with Luke Cage and Iron First and state have started Heroes for Hire agency. Daredevil puts thoughts into hiring Luke Cage and Iron Fist. There should be Iron Fist taking on Bushmaster. There are talks of other heroes to join the Defenders team if DD puts re actives that team. This should consist of 10 to 13 episodes/issues. Luke Cage takes on Biggie Benton a gang leader. Iron Fist has other villains he faces. This should be action packed. That’s after the arrest of Eric Slaughter when Luke Cage and Iron Fist start a Heroes for Hire team. The Punisher doesn’t appear in this but is to on Daredevil Born Again. Maybe there are talks that Black Widow in some time of dating Matt Murdock took on Silke and the hitmen of Roscoe Sweeney while the Fixer is going life in prison during Matt Murdock's time in law school after Elektra disappeared on him. That stuff could be in Luke Cage new show or The Punisher new show with Jessica Jones taking on Screaming Mimi.

Elektra could kill drug dealer Sophia in redemption slicing her to pieces with Lee Owlsley becoming the Owl and somehow found out Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin killed his father and when he hired hand survivors. There could be flashbacks to when comics Black Widow Natasha Romanova incapacitates Roscoe Sweeney’s thugs and zaps with the stun beam Silke. This could be the revived Luke Cage Series or even lead into Heroes for Hire comic book series to be prelude to the movie. Both TV show and comics.

·      Young Avengers Miniseries

Eli Bradley the grandson of Isiah could make appearances on the Young Avengers miniseries. He’s known as Patriot. Young Avengers team on the series with Stinger/Cassie Lang joining the team on an episode when Patriot defeats the Wizard and America Chavez defeats the Controller on that episode as they should be a one-episode appearance. That should be on the Young Movie Patriot defeats Aquarius and before Miss Marvel with Kate Bishop as Hawkeye defeats the Wizard and the Controller in the movie is defeated by Morgan Stark. The Avengers youths are mentored by Sam Wilson Captain America. Others on the roll call are Harley Keener/Iron Lad, Speed, Hulking, Patriot and Wiccan. Rattan has them hostage after the recruiting. Stinger defeats Rattan.

America Chavez, Miss Marvel, Hawkeye and Stinger Cassie Lang join with other heroes.  They each go their own ways after the series ends but Miss Marvel joins the Avengers team lead by Captain America.  Iron Lad Harley Keener takes on the Rattan a male assassin just as Captain America takes on the Wizard. Other fans could put in more ideas for this. Morgan Stark is an armored warrior.

·     Captain Britain Miniseries

The Red Skull should be the main villain. He comes to Earth in this one. There should be in the beginning the origin of Captain Britain and him with meeting up with Black Knight. They are in the fight of Nazism in the UK lead by Red Skull the founder of HYDRA. He has Nazi villains that Black Knight and Captain Britain face and then Captain Britain in the end defeats the original Red Skull.  Dr. Faustus could be one of the villains. It was Dr. Faustus who brought Red Skull back to life in physical form. He’s shot down by Captain Britain. There’s possible Red Skull made love with a woman from Earth when he was keeping the soul stone. This should be in the United Kingdom with prelude comics taking place before Heroes for Hire just as Dane Whitman goes back into the UK after his visit to NYC. 2 heroes making friends and taking on Dr. Faustus and Red Skull. This should be the TV show with a Black Knight origin episode.

·   Deathlok TV Series

HYDRA agents killed long ago are brought back to life. Andrea Von Struker the daughter of Wolfgang the Baron is the main villain. Edgar Lascome is a villain Deathlok kills on the series. She is in the end killed by Deathlock. He kills HYDRA agents. This should be ABC or Freeform

(Other Fans could write in ideas)

Eric Josten could be the main villain of the Moondragon series with Arcade as a side villain. There should be other enemies of Moon Dragon on the TV series. You fans could put ideas in. Eric Josten is known as Power Man. A Moondragon TV series could be in the later 2020’s. Other fans could write in the ideas for the Moondragon TV series. Moon Dragon takes down Murderworld at the defeat of Arcade. If not enough for a series then Disney Plus presentations.

Other fans could write in the Power Pack TV show like if there is another season In Power Pack King Cobra is the leader of the Serpent Squad while a woman becomes Cottonmouth with Puff Adder, a woman now known as Diamond Back with Black Mamba and Constrictor as maybe Constrictor.

In Power Pack King Cobra is the leader of the Serpent Squad while with Puff Adder, a woman now known as Anaconda with Black Mamba and Constrictor as maybe Constrictor or Black Mamba joined the Serpent Society You fans could write the ideas in. There could be an episode when Franklin Richards defeats Anaconda.

You fans could write the ideas in. Different villains on Power Pack Season 2 like Power Pack villains but Franklin Richards possibly on both Power Pack seasons.

Other fans could put in ideas for the Loki television series or Scarlet Witch television series. More fans could put in more ideas for the television shows of Marvel Comics in the MCU like most on Disney streaming or ABC or Freeform or Netflix. Maybe Nick Fury to premiere in 2020 with Scarlet Witch and Loki. 2022 maybe the Moon Knight, She-Hulk and Ghost Rider shows. Then in the 2020’s in the years of the Defenders movie and Heroes for Hire movie the shows on Season 2.  

There are other fans with the ideas for Ghost Rider and Moon Knight TV series. The not kid friendly ones could be on Amazon Prime Video.

Maybe in the early There should be Cassie Lang/Stinger TV series Maybe villains could be Fear Lords like Lurking Unknown, Knox, Straw Man or KKallakku. Cassie Lang as the Stinger takes on Lurking Unknown and K'Kallakku. Stinger could just be a Disney Plus presentation.

Here's for the first season of Agents of SWORD. Also, many Hydra agents are brought back to life.Hydra could return with members of the team Commander Kraken, Bob, Space Phantom, Arnold Brown and Laura Brown as the Young Avengers face them and Miss Marvel defeats the Laura Brown. Felix Blake kills Mockingbird Bobbi Morse. Later on Abigail Brand kills Felix Blake. Andreas Von Strucker is leader of Hydra. Nick Fury takes him on.

This is a different fan who put in the ideas of Moon Knight and Ghost Rider television show. Other fans could put in ideas for a Man-Thing TV series in the 2020’s later that decade. Man-Thing should be a 2028 show taking place in 2021. It begins with Dr. Theodore Sallis becoming Man-Thing. There are Fear Lords as the villains. There could be Fear Lords Nox and Straw Man as the main villains of the Man-Thing solo miniseries as he defeats them in the end. There should be Nightmare on Man-Thing returns and haunts dreams and comics into reality. He’s taken on by Man-Thing. Papa Legba and Samedi should be villains on Man-Thing. Man-Thing ends up killing them.

There could be in the beginning of Vienna she fights The Owl and his thugs that are escaped convicts just as the Owl had gotten out of prison and the Owl is Lee Owsley. This should be the Masters of Kung Fu TV series. She defeats them. Vienna is in origin when she fights the Owl but also the other members are on the team and there are other Masters of Kung Fu villains on the show that they face. Iron Fist could make a TV comeback on Masters of Kung-Fu TV series. Maybe a guest character of the show. Master Izo and Vienna could be the lead characters. Other villains on Masters of Kung FU TV series are Emperor Zhung Zu as the main villain. Iron Fist could appear on the season finale talking of taking down the Kingpin and his gang with the help of Luke Cage and Hellcat.  Others are Quan-St’ar and Shai-Than. Other heroes could be Black Jack Tarr, Clive Reston, Leiko Wu and Rufus T. Hackstabber. Other guest heroes or villains on Masters of Kung Fu should be Shen Kuai/The Cat, Rufus Carter also known as the Midnight, Shadow Slasher, Kogar and guest appearance by Iron Fist played by the same actor who portrayed him. Phillipe Bazin could be one of the main villains of the Darkhawk TV series. Andrea Haggard going by Lodestone is another villain for Darkhawk to face. His father of the NY PD is arrested for bribery during the show. There should be an episode with Kyle Richmond as a villain that Darkhawk faces. Darkhawk defeats Nighthawk. Nighthawk later on is in redemption. Darkhawk should take place in 2019 earlier on.

What should be comic books as issues per episode are Daredevil Season 4, Iron Fist Season 3, Luke Cage Season 3 and The Punisher Season 3. That all take place in 2020 while the Heroes for Hire comics takes place in 2021.

Those cancelled TV shows should become a comic book series like Heroes for Hire miniseries to follow Season 4 of Daredevil, Season 3 of the Punisher, Season 3 of Luke Cage and Season 3 of Iron Fist. Those are all what should be limited comic book series. Someone else has ideas for the Punisher Season 3 and Luke Cage Season 3. Maybe in the Punisher 3rd season he defeats the Enforcers without killing them.

Moon Knight, She Hulk and Miss Marvel are to become TV shows. Inhumans could be continued in Star Wars crossover comics.  As Disney owns Marvel and Lucasfilm there should be crossovers of Star Wars and Marvel superheroes. The founder of his wiki put ideas in for the Moon Knight TV series. This is the Inhumans villains work for Dr. Doom along with Fantastic Four villains in the crossover comics of MCU and Star Wars.  Tyrannus should be a villain on the World War Hulk Movie.

·      Agents of Atlas (Xialing show)

There should be earlier episodes like the first when Gorilla Man, 3-D man, Human Robot and Luna Snow are defeated by the Enforcers. They are of Eel, Blitz a woman and Tangle another woman. This is the return of the 10 Rings. This is when Xialing joins the Agents of Atlas as they are formed.

Richard Fisk also known as the Rose in the main villain of this flick. Great Wall and Grisly work for The Rose. Jimmy Woo is forming the team Agents of Atlas just as Shang Chi defeated the real Mandarin. Namora is part of the team. Whitie, Shredder and Sid are also villains of this film. Namora in the beginning defeats Yellow Claw. Jimmy Woo meets up with Xialing and Namora. Marvel Boy and Sword Master are on the team. Namora, Jimmy Woo and Shang Chi all together take on Shredder, Sid and Whitie. Marvel Boy and Sword Master take on Grisly and Great Wall. All those villains are defeated. There is to be the first battle of Xialing, Jimmy Woo and Namora fighting the Enforcers Eel, Blitz and Tangle. They defeat them after they get recruited by Jimmy Woo. In the final battle there is Xialing vs. the Rose. Shang Chi defeats Richard Fisk/The Rose. He’s in the end arrested.

Xialing and on earlier episodes Shang-Chi and his sister fight the Enforcers after they defeated Gorilla Man, 3-D Man, Human Robot and Luna. Xialing joins the Agents of Atlas.

                Wolverine vs. Hulk for Disney Plus

This is based on also Rogue/Gambit TV show too should instead be a limited comic book weekly issues series. This is Wolverine vs. the Hulk.

There should be before Nekra, Mandrill and the Hellfire Club in the 1s episode together defeat Ajax and the Omega Gang while in the Hulk prelude comics as It’s Gambit teaming with Strong Guy and Polaris. Rogue and Gambit are when they meet in the beginning but then take on Damage, Mister X, and Bloodlust. Wolverine kills Mr. X. Maybe the 2nd episode.  

This should start off with Captain Marvel taking on Rogue as she has redemption. Captain Marvel could lead appearing on the show Moon Knight, She-Hulk and maybe Wonder Man and Black Ant. That could be second seasons of the shows with maybe Miss Marvel and Kate Bishop Hawkeye if room for them.

The New Avengers roll call should be who ever are in the Avengers 5 & 6. The X-Men should be Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm, John Proudstar going by Thunderbird and Beast im cameos. Shuri is the Black Panther and offered to join the new Avengers team Hulk takes on Harry Leland while Storm takes on Holocaust. There are talks that Madame B was killed by General Ross just before the Thunderbolts team being formed when she was visiting the USA. The Hellfire Club consists of Azazel, Black Queen and Riptide. Cyclops defeats Riptide just as Rogue defeats Black Queen and Azazel is defeated by the Hulk. That should be 3rd episode.

Somewhere in the show should be Wolverine vs. The Hulk as this is Wolverine vs. the Hulk.

At the end of the show Thunderbird goes his own ways. There should be talks of Alpha Flight.Maybe even introduction of that team. There are talks they defeated Master of the World with Tundra and other monsters as the origin of the team with defeating those villains. This should lead into the Alpha Flight movies and Weapon X miniseries that’s either before or after it. There should be Rogue vs. Shenobi Shaw. They defeat the Hellfire Club without killing them. It’s when Rogue joins the X-Men with Gambit’s help on the team taking down guards of the Hellfire Club. It comes to the later episodes when there’s the new Hellfire Club and Rogue is offered to join the X-Men team. There are talks of of ending up killing Sebastian Shaw. Nekra and Mandrill have offers to join the Hellfire Club by Shenobi Shaw. This could consist of 6 to 7 to 8 episodes.3 to 4 Hellfire Club episodes. Captain Marvel and Hulk defeat Mandrilla and Nekra but there's talks of Magneto killing Sebastian Shaw. If this show doesn't get made then instead should be a comic book limited series of the MCU.

·      ·    Weapon X TV series (This is another show that should instead be adapted into comic books limited series that's weekly) What should be the MCU solo Wolverine Weapon X TV series. to when they face Mojo and Spiral together with minions of Mojo. Wolverine is the lead hero. There should still be the Generation X movie. Long Shot teams with Wolverine. This should be X-Men prequel. There should be a shot of the accident that paralyzes Charles Xavier. Wolverine meets with him and this is the forming of the X-men. There could be the beginning with Logan discovering he’s a mutant and years later facing Spiral and then in the Mojoverse meeting with Longshot. There’s Maverick in battle with Senyaka he defeats him. Spiral is who paralyzes Professor X with the sword after knocking down Wolverine. That’s when Logan starts going by Wolverine. It’s Wolverine in recovery defeats Spiral and sends Professor X to the hospital just before going to Mojo’s world teaming with Longshot. There is also Deadpool to appear on the show with Wolverine teaming with him. It’s to be prequel to the Uncanny X-Men movie. Other heroes and villains are to appear from Weapon X. There could be other notable Weapon X villains in the series. Wolverine is the main character of the series and teaming with Deadpool. Maverick and Silver Fox could appear on the Weapon X tv series that serves mainly as Wolverine backstory. There should be an episode with Deadpool as a villain who fights Wolverine. There should be Mastermind as a villain Deadpool in redemption kills Mastermind by shooting him down. On the Cable TV series that should be him going into the past he takes on Deathbird and D’Ken after they killed Corsair and overthrown Princess Lilandra. Cable takes on those villains. He defeats them. Also if no room in X-Men movies there should be flashback of Magento escaping slavery by the confederate army of the south during the American Civil War. Magneto could make an appearance of the Cable series like guest star.  He defeated Gladiator. Cable becomes allies to the Shi’Air empire after defeating certain villains while there should be Kree villains on the Champions TV shows on the 2nd or 3rd season. Cable has enemies from the future also he faces. There are other villains who in the Shi’air Empire for Cable to take on with the help of Gladiator and Princess Lilandra. There could be Mr. Sinister Cable takes on in the series as he turns out not to have died in all those years as he could be a villain in the series. It’s Cable defeat Mister Sinister in the finale. Nathaniel Essex before coming Mr. Sinister was the slave master to Magneto. Gladiator takes on Chrome and he defeats him. There are talks that Kang the Conqueror during the Secret Wars was killed by Deadpool. There should also be Cable take on Nimrod a sentinel with Cable destroying Nimrod.

·     Here are ideas for the Namor TV series. I The Fantastic Four should be defeating Mole Man and his minions in the sequel after bringing the Puppet Master to justice. The Sub-mariner sequel beginning in modern times. battle should be Mole Man and his minions defeated teaming with Namor the Sub-Mariner. Molecule Man earlier on meets with the Puppet Master as he’s controlling the city. Tyrant should be the main villain of the Silver Surfer solo movie who he faces after bringing down Firelord. Ben Grimm the Thing is in love with Alicia Masters the stepdaughter of the Puppet Master in the Fantastic Four sequel. This should consist of 6 to 7 to 8 episodes. It should be on the conclusion that Namor helps bring down Phillip Masters the Puppet Master. He could also battle Molecule Man in this.

A TV show for 2030 on Disney Plus should be Tigra as she’s a lady liberator or Fearless Defenders. Thundra, Valkarye and Black Widow Yelena Belova join with Tigra. The Neo Soviets are the villains. On the team Andrea Rostov is known as Red Barbarian leading the team. Also on the team are Ursa Major, Vanguard, Darkstar and Ivan Krushki. More fans could write in more ideas with this. There are Russian soldiers who are in league with Red Barbarian. The team takes them on.

Other fans could put in ideas for the Sentry TV series like Mentallo being a villain defeated by Sentry and Cosmo the Space Dog could appear on the show.

There are ideas to start off with for the X-Factor TV series. There should be Strong Guy, Polaris and Layla Miller with notable new Mutants and X-Factor members from the comics. Other fans could write in more ideas.

James Madrox as Multiple Man is a villain in the series. He’s defeated by Strong Guy. Villains should be Charon, Carnivore, Caliban and Cassandra Nova after Multiple Man is defeated. There could be earlier episodes with Callisto as the main villain leading the Morlocks. Also there are Angel Dust, Masque, Annalee, Plague, Tommy, Erg Tarbaby, Ape, Scaleface and Glow Worm in cameos. All hose villains get defeated. Polaris in the finale defeats Cassandra Nova. Callisto is redeemed. So is Multiple Man that leads into his own movie. Others fans or the writers themselves could write in more ideas. X-Factor could air on F/X or Disney Plus and lead into X-Men 2099 films but take place in modern times.

·     Spirits of Vengeance (ABC miniseries or Disney Plus older viewers show)

There should be the Spirits of Vengeance Miniseries in between the Midnight Sons movies. This should consist of 8 to 10 episodes. Nightmare could be a villain. On the team are Johnny Blaze, Daimon Hellstrom, Dan Ketch as a newcomer, Naomi Kale and Michael Badilino. There should be an episode guest starring Dr. Strange Naomi Kale teams with him against Nightmare and he defeats him. Gargoyle could appear on this that's Christian Isaacs.

Carter Slade is the Phantom Rider in that time. The main villain should be Lilith the Queen of demons. Nightmare is defeated by Naomi Kale and she could have better sleep. Zadkiel is a villain along with Deathwatch. They also face Blackhost and Centurious in possession of Madcap. Robbie Reyes faces Madcap. The heroes take on villains and army of demons brought on by Lilith. In the finale Dan Ketch defeats Lilith. Daimon Hellstrom defeats Centurious.

·       Agent Venom TV Series

There should be the Sinister Seven in the finale with Agent Venom Flash Thompson having team with him The MCU Sandman and Aaron Davis/The Prowler as 2 redeemed villains.  Flash Thompson joins the military. The villain of the first episode is Dr. Curt Conners as the Lizard. This should consist of 6 to 8 episodes. He defeats him. Ned becomes a sorcerer while Jason Maceldine becomes Hobgoblin. The Chief villain for the Agent Venom miniseries should be Gustav Fiers/The Gentleman forming a sinister syndicate. Those super villains whether or not debut in the MCU work for The Gentleman. NY PD has an APV on the Tinkerer and Quentin Beck's crew just like Shield is after them as is the FBI.

The symbiote comes into the MCU and onto Flash Thompson. This is when Dr. Connors was transformed into the Lizard. Joystick and Speed Demon are in league with Doc Ock. The Lizard in redemption takes on Joystick while Sandman another villain redeemed takes on Speed Demon. Those villains are defeated. Agent Venom on Agent Venom defeats Doc Ock. That Doc Ock is Carolyn Trainer a woman. Jason Maceldine becomes Hobgoblin.

Tarantula is working for The Gentleman. After the defeat of other super villains, The Gentlemen forms a new Sinister Seven just as Martin Li/Mr. Negative lead inner demons was taken down by Cloak & Dagger talked of. The Beetle Abner Jenkins along with Jason Maceldine as Hobgoblin. Tarantula, The Jackal, the female Electro Francine Frye and Hydro Man Morris Bench.

There should be some villain origins in cameos. The Lizard teams with Flash Thompson known as Agent Venom. Felicia Hardy as Black Cat should have some appearances on the show as she meets with Flash Thompson known as Agent Venom. He defeats them. They join forces to take down the Sinister Seven. Black Cat Felicia Hardy could take on Electro while Ned Leeds as a sorcerer supreme takes on The Beetle. Joystick redeemed takes on Tarantula while The Lizard takes on Hydro Man. The Prowler Aaron Davis takes on the Jackal.

The Lizard defeats Hydro Man while Joystick defeats Tarantula. Flash Thompson is going by Agent Venom in black clothes. Agent Venom later on defeats Hobgoblin. There’s The Sandman cameo to when he defeats random thugs. Those thugs are taken down by also Agent Venom. Ned Leeds defeats the Beetle. Black Cat defeats Electro with martial arts moves while the Lizard takes on Hobgoblin.

There’s Flint Marko in redemption talks of being the assistant to Talos after the death of Dimitri Smerdyakov. He was half-brother of Kraven the Hunter but are not aligned. Sergei Karvenoff was abusive to Dmitri Smerdvakov before becoming Kraven the Hunter. There’s the Prowler with knockout gas defeats The Jackal. This could lead into the Dark Avengers movie and Secret Wars movie. Maybe there could be comics of Agent Venom vs. Kraven the Hunter in the Secret Wars movie prelude that’s the second Secret Wars movie. From the battle Hobgoblin kills Ned Leeds trying to take him down in redemption as Hydro Man washes away Agent Venom. Hydro-Man is defeated. Agent Venom takes on Karl Fiers the Gentleman’s brother and killer of Peter Parker’s parents with NY PD organized crime strike force taking down Gustav Fiers/The Gentleman putting him in prison with the super villains in league with him. Flash Thompson as Agent Venom brings Karl Fiers and his brother Gustav to justice. Both Ned Leeds and Flash Thompson are the lead character of this show.

The show should consist of 6 to 8 episodes. More fans could put in more ideas for this. This miniseries could instead be comic books by Marvel Comics. There are petitions for Marvel/Disney having legal rights to characters and trademarks of Spider-Man.

·      Howard the Duck Solo Miniseries

If Grandmaster is surviving upcoming movies he should be a villain in this show who Howard the Duck defeats. Also there should be Beverly in the movie who he falls in love with as it’s Howard coming onto Earth. There should be Overlord as one of the villains he faces in the movie. More fans could write in more ideas. This should be either ABC or Disney Plus. If not a show then Disney Plus presentation.  

·      Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch

Galactus should be the main villain of the show. Adam Warlock should be the lead character. There are other fans that could come up with ideas for other villains. Adam Warlock in the end defeats Galactus. The roll call should be Pip the Troll and Moon Dragon. They report to Adam Warlock. Maxam is a member of Infinity Watch in the MCU. Moon Dragon takes on Griffin during this as this could be season 2 of Moon Dragon. Magitron taken on by Moon Dragon while Adam Warlock takes on Psycho Man. Magitron and Psycho Man defeat the Shi’Air Empire with Magtriton defeating Gladiator with the defeat of Corsair Christopher Summers and Princess Lilandra and others notable teaming with them. Emperor Dorrek should be a villain in the series that the team goes up against. Adam Warlock in the finale defeats Emperor Dorrek. Magitron should be played by Jude Law again. There should be other Galactus Heralds as the villains that are enemies of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Fantastic Four and even Adam Warlock. Other fans could put in more ideas like on villains the Infinity Watch goes up against.

The First Season of Lady Liberators there’s on the team Tigra, Hellcat, Thundra and Valkyrie. There’s the Winter Guard as the villains. On the team of Neo Soviets Vangard, Darkstar, Crimson Dynamo and Ursa Major. The Lady Liberators defeat the Neo Soviets. There should in the beginning be Tigra fighting Red Ghost. She defeats him in the show during the origins with his minions defeated by the others on the team.

Following that in the 2030’s there should be a couple of seasons of the Quasar and the Winter Guard TV show. Tania Belinsky as Lightstar teaming with the heroes. There should be various Winterguard villains from the comics. One of the seasons should be Redmont 6 as the villains. There should be flashbacks on the origin of Quasar on earlier episodes of the show. Dire Wraiths, Presence and Fantasma with Deathwings should be villains of the Winter guard series. There should be an episode when Tania as Lightstar is killed by one of the villains in battle.

More ideas could be written in by other fans.

Other fans could write in ideas for Marvel shows if they do well in a second season in the years until the 2035 with the 2099 movies like Masters of Kung Fu, Moon Dragon, Deathlok, Man-Thing, Lady Liberators and Red Wolf and Power Pack. Someone else put in ideas for Red Wolf, Ghost Rider and Moon Knight for Netflix before the proposal of Disney Plus. Limited series shows should to tie into movies like Secret Wars and Heroes for Hire movie are Nick Fury, Sentry, X-Factor and Spirits of Vengeance.

Even tie in shows like a miniseries is Adam Warlock, Darkhawk as that should be later in the the 2020’s taking place in 2021, Black Suited Spider-Man, Gambit, Weapon X (Wolverine back story), Loki, Secret Invasion, She-Hulk (female Avengers show should be a She-Hulk season 2), Hawkeye, Young Avengers, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, Damon Hellstrom, Miss Marvel and Hawkeye. The second seasons of Deathlok, Masters of Kung-Fu, Red Wolf, Lady Liberators, Moon Dragon, Power Pack and Man-Thing should be from 2029 to 2035.

Other fans could put the ideas in for the TV show. It should be start over for Ghost Rider, Moon Knight and Red Wolf. Other villains defeated in movies and TV shows that survived could come back like getting out of prison (such as prison escape) on those shows. Shang-Chi should be on Masters of Kung-Fu season 2 if they ever get to do it. Those could be villains if not redeemed there were defeated in Avengers movies or TV shows or even in the Secret Wars movie or Heroes for Hire movie.

There should be in the 2030’s a Squadron Supreme TV series with Hyperion, The Whizzer, Power Princess and Doctor Spectrum. Also on the first season could be Amphibian and Skrullian Skymaster . There should be Hyperion in Season 2 with the new team and they consist of Arcanna, Blue Eagle, Golden Archer, Lady Lark and Tom Thumb. Villains on the season should be Defenders of the Deep on the first season. The second season should be for villains defeated villains gotten out of prison like Stegron, Trapster and the Hood with his gang. Hyperion in the season 2 finale fights Trapster and he defeats him. Paste Pot Pete should be a villain of Season 2.

  • Alpha Flight TV series

There should be in the first season origins with the next season the various villains but also Department H is the main villain for the first season in Canada.

The main villain for Alpha Flight show should be Attuma. Also Tiger Shark is there. Sasquash could appear in the. Snowbird should be joining the team in the sequels and Taylor Swift as Snowbird or a younger blonde. Sub-Mariner is married to Marrina in a film of Alpha Flight. Attuma’s forces the team takes on. Sub-Mariner defeats Tiger Shark while Snowbird defeats Attuma. In Alpha Flight 3 the chief villain is Galactus. There are heralds of Galactus who battle the Alpha Flight team. No Sub-Mariner and Marrina in this show but there’s the other original members with Snowbird. It is talked of Namor and Marrina becoming parents. Machinesmith is a villain defeated by Snowbird in the series. Guardian James Hudson joins the team. Aurrora and Northstar are not in this as in the second Alpha Flight they ended up going their own ways. They battle evil robot versions of themselves. The brother and sister defeat Galactus in the end. Guardian defeats Diablo other wise Diablo is defeated by Sasquash if he could appear in the movies other wise Shamman defeats Diablo while Guardian and Puck together defeat Galactus and Snowbird defeats Machinesmith. Galactus could be the villain for Alpha Flight sequels. Maybe Sub-Mariner marries a member of Alpha Flight. Snowbird joins the Alpha Fight teams in next seasons. There could be an episode with the Savage Land when Ka-Zar takes on Sauron and he defeats him. There could also be Ka-Zar’s  partners like Shanna & Zabu take on. to when they take on Garook and other Savage Land mutants that Guardian James Hudson teams with. Those villains are Savage Land mutates while Sauron in defeat is Dr. Carl Lykos again and in redemption.

Other fans could write in ideas for Marvel shows if they do well in a second season in the years until the 2035 with the 2099 movies like Masters of Kung Fu, Moon Dragon, Deathlok, Man-Thing, Lady Liberators and Red Wolf and Power Pack. Someone else put in ideas for Red Wolf, Ghost Rider and Moon Knight for Netflix before the proposal of Disney Plus. Limited series shows should to tie into movies like Secret Wars and Heroes for Hire movie  are Nick Fury, Sentry, X-Factor, Spirits of Vengeance and a couple of show based on Wolverine vs. the Hulk.

There should be in the Nightwawk series Meteor Man being the main villain with some other Nighthawk villains. Kyle Richmond is Nighthawk as this is the show that should take place in between defeated by Darkhawk and Heroes for Hire movie before Daredevil forms the Defenders team. Nighthawk should be taking place in 2020. Tristram Silver should be the main villain of the Shroud series. Shroud defeats Tristram Silver and his gang and they are arrested. Shroud defeats Razor Fist also. They could just be presentations of Disney Plus.

There should be in the beginning Eric O’Grady becomes Black Ant. Titannus should be the main antagonist of Black Ant prequel miniseries . There should be Black Ant taking on Kl’rt the Super Skrull. Black Ant There are petitions for legal rights to Norman Osborn also in the MCU.

Other fans could put the ideas in for the TV show. It should be start over for Ghost Rider, Moon Knight and Red Wolf. Other villains defeated in movies and TV shows that survived could come back like getting out of prison (such as prison escape) on those shows. Shang-Chi should be on Masters of Kung-Fu season 2 if they ever get to do it. Those could be villains if not redeemed there were defeated in Avengers movies or TV shows or even in the Secret Wars movie or Heroes for Hire movie.

Even tie in shows like a miniseries is Adam Warlock, Darkhawk as that should be later in the the 2020’s taking place in 2021, Black Suited Spider-Man, Gambit, Weapon X (Wolverine back story), Loki, Secret Invasion, She-Hulk (female Avengers show should be a She-Hulk season 2), Hawkeye, Young Avengers, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, Damon Hellstrom, Miss Marvel, Silver Surfer and Hawkeye. The second seasons of Deathlok, Masters of Kung-Fu, Red Wolf, Lady Liberators, Moon Dragon, Power Pack and Man-Thing should be from 2029 to 2035.If not enough money for episodes there should be just presentations of Adam Warlock, Dark Hard, Gambit and Death lok as well as Power Pack and Man-Thing along with Moon Dragon just as Disney Plus short films.

Other fans could put the ideas in for the TV show. It should be start over for Ghost Rider, Moon Knight and Red Wolf. Other villains defeated in movies and TV shows that survived could come back like getting out of prison (such as prison escape) on those shows. Shang-Chi should be on Masters of Kung-Fu season 2 if they ever get to do it. Those could be villains if not redeemed there were defeated in Avengers movies or TV shows or even in the Secret Wars movie or Heroes for Hire movie.

If they don’t get to be TV shows they should just be Disney Plus presentations.

There are other producers as well as they don’t all have to be Kevin Feige produced movies. Those are ideas below for Kevin Feige and others working on Marvel projects with their plans.

Others put in ideas Fantastic Four first MCU movie, Dr. Doom flick and MCU crossover flick and Namor solo miniseries for Disney Plus. Also, someone put in ideas for the Doctor Doom movie. Invaders movie idea is written in by someone else. This should be the first Defenders movie. Jessica Drew should be the Spider-Woman of the Avengers 5 and Daisy Ridley had interest in playing that role. Big Hero 6 in the 2030’s for the MCU.

More fans could write in more ideas for those movies.

·     Captain Britain and Black Knight Movie

The Red Skull should be the main villain. He comes to Earth in this one. There should be in the beginning the origin of Captain Britain and him with meeting up with Black Knight. They are in the fight of Nazism in the UK lead by Red Skull the founder of HYDRA. He has Nazi villains that Black Knight and Captain Britain face and then Captain Britain in the end defeats the original Red Skull.  Dr. Faustus could be one of the villains. It was Dr. Faustus who brought Red Skull back to life in physical form. He’s shot down by Captain Britain. There’s possible Red Skull made love with a woman from Earth when he was keeping the soul stone. This should be in the United Kingdom with prelude comics taking place before Heroes for Hire just as Dane Whitman goes back into the UK after his visit to NYC. It could just be a Disney Plus special into possibly 2 of them on each of those heroes other wise just a Disney plus short with origins starting out and the 2 heroes making friends and taking on Dr. Faustus and Red Skull.

(more fans could write in more ideas)

The Astonishing Thunderbolts movie

The film could start out Punisher taking on the Russian Mafia lead by Tiberiu Bulat with his son Christu. The Punisher whacks them out with explosions and gun fighting. Tiberiu and Christu are shot and killed by the Punisher. The Main villain this show that should be ABC miniseries is Count Luchino Neferia. Hitman works for him as well. Madame Masque the daughter of Count Nefaria is in Maggia. This film should begin with the Punisher killing Moses Magnum. This is when the Punisher joins the Thunderbolts team.

Hitman is working for Maggia. The Punisher kills Hitman and meets with Winter Soldier. In the final battle The Punisher faces criminal mastermind Count Nefaria and shoots him in the leg. Elektra takes on Madame Masque. She defeats her without killing. Elektra talks of killing the gangster Biggie Benton. The Thunderbolts roll call there are Songbird in redemption, Winter Soldier, Jolt, Elektra, Taskmaster (Antonia Dreykov) and Red Ronin. On the Maggia team are also Vito, Silvio, Danny and Ace with other gangs of then. Winter Soldier and Songbird together take on Vito, Silvio, Danny and Ace. They defeat them. The Thunderbolts take on Maggia. The Punisher and Winter Soldier lead the Thunderbolts team.

·     Illuminati Movie

That should be the Illuminati movie. There should be the Inhumans movie with Black Bolt and Medusa joining the team.  Black Swan and Terrax should be the main villain along with the on the team Great Society. On Doctor Strange's team should be Black Bolt, Medusa and Black Ant. Doctor Strange looks to join with Ghost Rider and Blade his defeat of Nightmare. Clea with Doctor Strange team up against Nightmare before forming the team. In the comics Dr. Cho is younger and is the mother of Amadeus. Maddy and Phillip Cho were their parents and Beast. Terrax the Tamer comes to Earth as he said to have been thought to be dead. There is also the Great Society lead by Sun God. Other villains on the team are The Norn, The Jovian, The Rider, Doctor Spectrum and Boundless. Dormammu from the dark dimension has those villains in league with him. Black Ant in the beginning is fighting Terrax the Tamer. He defeats the former Herald of Galactus. Doctor Strange defeats Sun God. He meets up with Black Bolt, Black Ant, Medusa and Beast. Son God is the primary villain for the majority of the film. Black Swan is defeated by the Beast. Medusa and Black Bolt defeat Pride the Imperial Guard. The Illuminati defeats the Great Society. The Beast in the final battle defeats Sun God. All those defeated villains are arrested. After that the team goes their own ways.

(other Fans could write in more ideas)

·      Contest of Champions Movie (that’s the part 3 of the MCU Spider-Man 2nd trilogy if no more Tom Holland being Spider-Man).

Miles Morales is the lead hero of this film as this could be his solo movie in the main MCU. In there in the beginning there’s Moon Girl and American Son fighting Monolith and Heather Moon. They defeat those villains. Peter Parker had retired being Spider-Man. Miles Morales took his place. MCU Miles Morales defeats MCU Crime Master. Amadeus Cho is recruited onto the team calling themselves Champions. Moon Girl, Ironheart and the Fantastic Four. This is based on Champions and Contest of Champions comics. Miles Morales defeated Nova Sam Alexander and Ironheart founded the Champions team. Norman Osborn is the main villain. His son Harry had redemption. Norman Osborn is now out of prison. He becomes the Green Goblin drinking the goblin formula. He has 11 other super villains working for him called Shocker, Tombstone, Scorpion Mac Gargan, Hydro-Man, Boomerang in the MCU, Electro Francine Frye Boomerang, Black Tarantula, Speed Demon, Bombshell, Mysterio Francis Klum and The Gibbon. Francis Klum was a gang member to Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone. There are villains newer and others defeated before while Norman Osborn escaped from prison. He forms the Sinister Twelve as leader of the Sinister Twelve. 2 villains redeemed are Harry Osborn going by American Son and Abner Jenkins going by Mach. Abner Jenkins talks of joining the Thunderbolts team. The Champions team with the Fantastic Four take on the Sinister Twelve. Miles Morales should be the lead hero. This is based on comics from the 1970’s and series that started in 2016 while 2 redeemed enemies of Spider-Man become allies. Norman Osborne talks of being a hit by Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin and Gustav Fiers/The Gentleman as those villains are in prison still. Abner Jenkins going by Mach is a Thunderbolt and a member of the Thunderbolts team that’s teaming with the Champions team against the Sinister 12. There’s Joaquim Torres taking Sam Wilson’s place as Falcon

Here's the battle plan from the Champions roll call and 2 enemies of Spider-Man now allies.

1.  American Son vs. Shocker

2.       Nova vs. MCU Boomerang

3.       Joaquim Torres as Falcon vs. Scorpion

4.       Iron Heart vs. Electro

5.       Moon Girl vs. Bombshell

6.       Hercules vs. Gibbon

7.       Mach vs. Mysterio Francis Klum

8.       Ice Man vs. Speed Demon

9.       Archangel vs. Hydro Man

10.    Harley Keener as Iron Lad vs. Black Tarantula

11.     Hulk vs. Tombstone

12.    Spider-Boy otherwise known as Kid Arachnid vs. Green Goblin.

The writers could come up with those ideas for the battles on how those heroes fight those villains and they defeat those villains without killing them.

There are petitions signed for legal rights to Disney/Marvel Spider-Man with the characters and trademarks. This should be based on comics. The movies and TV shows can differ from the comics. This is also based on Marvel Knights Spider-Man when Norman Osborn as Green Goblin lead the Sinister Twelve. Not full success on petitions for legal rights to Marvel for Spider-Man with characters and trademarks.

·    Daughters of the Dragon Movie

Misty Knight and Colleen Wing are still around fighting. The main villain should be Celia Ricadonna. Freeze Burn, King Size, Dan Springer known as Flame and Blue Streak with Fera. They take them on. Misty Knight a veteran police detective arrests Celia Ricodonna. They battle other thugs with martial arts. Colleen Wing manages not to kill.

(other fans could put in more ideas for this.)

Here are for the Midnight Sons movies below…

I'll leave it to other fans for 2034 and 2035 Marvel TV shows like Mort the Dead Teenager, Jennifer Kale (prequel to the Midnight sons movies) and Werewolf by Night miniseries just before Midnight Sons 2.

Also Jack Russell the Werewolf should have is a member of the Midnight Sons in the sequel with Jennifer Kale killed by Deacon Frost.

It should be a Marvel 2034 TV show that Headsman is one of the villains. Also with enemies of Werewolf by Night, Mort the Dead Teenager and Elsa Bloodstone. They could be vampires or demons.

The Uncanny X-Men Film is the Brotherhood movie that is the X-Men vs. Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Magneto is the leader. On his team are White Queen/Emma Frost, Mystique, Juggernaut, Sabertooth, Toad, The Blob, Pyro, Omega Red, Wendigo and Exodus. The X-Men roll call is Psylocke, Night Crawler, The Dazzler, Storm, Ice Man, Shadowcat, Thunderbird, Jean Grey and Cyclops with Colossus and Beast. They take on the brotherhood and they defeat them. Wolverine shows up and fights Sabertooth and he defeats him. The Brotherhood kidnaps Professor X. He’s rescued and Magneto decides to join with the X-Men in redemption. He was targeting Senator Robert Kelly to be killed. The X-Men defeat the Brotherhood in this.

·  Heroes for Hire Movie

This movie is to take place in 2029 or 2030 as should be a 2029 released movie or in the early 2030's.

There should start out with Black Knight that was introduced in the Eternals. Black Knight joins the alliance by Daredevil. This is the beginning of the Defenders before hiring together Luke Cage and Iron Fist and 3 other heroes. Black Knight without killing is fighting Kingpin thugs. Bullseye and Typhoid Mary work for the Kingpin. The Hand brought back with a new leader. The Heroes for Hire learned the Kingpin survived after the Defenders recruits Black Knight team while Daredevil and Shroud as he’s a new member of the team and Thena takes on Typhoid Mary, Stilt Man (Turk took the costume from Season One of Daredevil) and Bullseye nearby the New York Bulletin. A woman named Angela Del Toro as White Tiger after her aunt is hires the team lead by Luke Cage and Iron Fist. She learns of her aunt murdered that had the White Tiger mantle and Kingpin Wilson Fisk is a prime suspect. Angela Del Toro with Daredevil together hire the team to take down this criminal alliance. Bullseye and Typhoid Mary are hired to kill the Defenders founding members and there is also the Hand lead by Roshi in league with the Kingpin. Bridge of Spiders Alessa, Scythe, Andrei Veznikov and Grigori take on Thena and Luke Cage. Nearby the Chaste headquarters is where the Hand is fighting other heroes in the return. The Beginning battle should be with Daredevil vs. Turk going by Stilt Man by a grade school. There should be shots of a boy doing a report on Daredevil with his enemies and allies and Turk falls out of the suit into the classroom window. He defeats him. Turk is arrested. Turk being arrest gives Daredevil the hit list information of the Kingpin and hired Typhoid Mary and Bullseye.

Jessica Jones is elsewhere while Luke Cage and Iron Fist started a Heroes for Hire agency. Turk is now known as Stilt Man. Also, Those are all ideas not shown in the movies. In the beginning of the movie there is the Hand lead by Roshi with survivors brought back to life. Somewhere else Gargoyle Isaac Christians comes to NYC and meets with Daredevil and Luke Cage. Dexter Bennet is working for the Post. The Kingpin of Crime Wilson Fisk hires other villains. The Kingpin Wilson Fisk is running a crime syndicate. The Kingpin has on the hit list for being killed on the NY PD Nick Manolis, Angela Del Toro and Brett Mahoney. There were in the very beginning reference to Daredevil issue 202 in the original Man Without Fear series. There could be villain cameos but other villains could have Road to Heroes for Hire origins novel. There should be a cameo by Franklin Nelson whos’ a target of the Wilson Fisk hits if he survives Daredevil Born Again.

Iron Fist teams with the heroes to take down the Kingpin. Also there Hand is lead by Master Roshi with a brief battle. Daredevil and Deadpool meet up with Master Izo the leader of the chaste. White Tiger is with them. Angela Del Toro is on the NY PD. Thena a member of the Eternals takes on the Hand with Master Izo and Claw. Teaming with them are Luke Cage, Thena recruited on the team and Iron Fist. Master Izo slices down some ninjas. Deadpool is a gun fight with Tyler (red head woman from Daredevil Season 2 finale) and Specialist in cameos as this time they should stay dead Angela Del Toro as White Tiger slices down Specialist with her sword. Luke Cage and Shroud defeat Scythe, Andrei Veznikov and Grigori knocking them out. Master Roshi kills Claw in battle with ninja stars. Iron Fist in return defeats Master Roshi with his roundhouse kick. Deadpool shoots and kills Tyler who killed Jerry a Vietnam Veteran that was a Marine.

The beginning battles should be back-to-back of the Heroes for Hire to when Master Izo hires them to take down the Kingpin. Tyler and Specialist went to work for the Owl as he expected those 2 hand members to stay dead by Master Roshi brought them back to life as he brought back the Hand but that’s not talked of as once before Tyler was killed by The Punisher Frank Castle. Bridge of Spiders Alessa, Scythe, Andrei Veznikov and Grigori have also returned to the Hand as they could be in uncredited cameos with Tyler and Specialist. Master Izo goes his own ways but hires the team to take down the Kingpin as the Kingpin is to hire other villains and talks Gargoyle Christian Issacs went his own way while Thena talks of her team going their own ways. He talks of burning up Tyler and Specialist so they stay dead. Those villains are arrested just as Iron Fist defeated Roshi and he’s arrested by the NYPD along with other members of the Hand who survived. Sometime later on the Daredevil, Shroud and Iron Fist meet with Master Izo bringing with him Thena, Deadpool, Luke Cage and Black Knight. A reference to the Sinister Seven The Kingpin has working for him Typhoid Mary, Bullseye, Ikari, Impasse, Goldbug and Chemistro. T-Ray is in league with those villains. Typhoid Mary and Bullseye are the Kinpgin’s personal assassins and they survived some defeats. There’s a hit put out on Daredevil along with the other team members that he hires and Foggy Nelson building a case against him along with the good cops. It’s Ikari, Impasse, Chemistro and Goldbug come to work for the Kinpgin after the death of mobster Biggie Benton talked of as he was talked of being killed by Elektra.

They with Iron Fist and Luke Cage forming a Marvel Knights team recruit Deadpool, Thena and Shroud. Master Izo is present with Black Knight and White Tiger showing up. Daredevil spreads the information from Turk as the Kingpin is alive still and they are informed by Turk of the Kingpin hit list. Daredevil finds out that Claw is dead from Master Izo. It is talked of it that Claw went his own ways before the Chaste was wiped out by the Hand and order of the crane mother that Claw was a part time member of with the Chaste and before discovering Master Izo the founder of the chaste and mentor to Stick still alive. There are talks that the hand at war with the Chaste that Stick was killed as the Chaste was defeated by the Hand.

Daredevil and team learn the plans of the Kingpin and the Sinister 7 by Master Izo as they run into him. White Tiger hiring Deadpool, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Thena, Shroud and Black Knight go to Central Park after the Insidious 7 while Daredevil goes to the News place after the Kingpin as he’s after BB Urich if she's still alive and Dexter Bennett. It’s at night time there’s the heroes vs. villains. It’s Iron Fist, Luke Cage, White Tiger, Shroud and Thena are teaming with Black Knight against the Insidious Seven. They go out at night. Daredevil asks them not to kill. They defeat them. Bullseye throws objects onto Luke Cage without doing him harm.  Black Knight in a martial arts fight takes on Chemistro. Black Knight in not killing defeats Chemistro and holds him with his sword. Luke Cage throws Bullseye to the ground while Thena defeats Impasse with her powers as he tries to shoot the member of the Eternals. White Tiger is fighting Typhoid Mary in martial arts fighting.  Daredevil defeats the Kingpin with tying him up just as BB Urich appears just as the veteran cops arrest him. The Kingpin talks of a hit out on Nick Manolis and Angela Del Toro without knowing she’s now White Tiger after her aunt Aayla to kill them but he’s the arresting officer of the Kingpin after defeated by Daredevil. T-Ray is a mercenary working for the Kingpin. Deadpool meets Daredevil just as Daredevil asks Deadpool not to kill even mercenaries. Maybe Shawn Michaels of pro wrestling if still alive as T-Ray or Dolph Lundgren as T-Ray. Maybe even if still alive Mathyus Hues as T-Ray.

Brett Mahoney a veteran of the NY PD is on the hit list of the Kingpin with hiring Typhoid Mary and Bullseye. There is the team when they meet in civilian forms. The Kingpin is in prison for the rest of his life. This should end with Daredevil swinging off into the night with Master Izo jumping out into the night. Nick Manolis arrests Wilson Fisk and talks that Jessica Jones killed Purple Man just as the other cops like Brett Mahoney arrest other super villains. Karen Page has a news report on them just as she’s Matt Murdock’s longtime girlfriend.  There are talks of the Kingpin arrested going away for life. There should be Goldbug lunging at Shroud. Shroud uses his powers to defeat Goldbug. There should be someway Iron Fist with his powers defeats Ikari in a martial arts fight. Donnie Yen as Ikrai. There is martial arts use by Bullseye as he gets back up. Luke Cage throws a punch onto Bullseye defeating him. Those villains after they are defeated are arrested by Angela Del Toro of the NY PD. Iron Fist fights Ikari in a martial arts fight. He defeats Ikari with his hand and powers. It's a sword fight of Deadpool vs. T-Ray. Deadpool on a teleport defeats T-Ray without killing him by a small slice on his arm. Deadpool aims his guns at T-Ray prior to the defeat.

There could be talks of after Roscoe Sweeney does life in prison and Black Widow incapacitated hit men of the Fixer and Silke as it was Natasha Romanovia the original Black Widow as Black Widow when she started to date Matt Murdock zapped Sammy Silke with a stun beam. This is when Matt Murdock started law school as he could be talked of turning over Roscoe Sweeney/The Fixer to the local police. There are Luke Cage and White Tiger hired by Master Izo and some others on the team to form the Marvel Knights and they take on the Insidious Six. This is the film to have the prelude comics with Natasha Romanovia becoming Black Widow fighting Silke and other henchmen to Roscoe Sweeney. Matt Murdock was for a short time dating Natasha Romanoiva after Elektra disappeared on him. Also talks of Ava Aayla killed by Wilson Fisk the Kingpin. It should be talked Matt Murdock is blind since before 10 years old and has a non-driver ID as he’s to be blind for the rest of his life and Stick was blind all of his life. Daredevil talks of The Punisher and Gargoyle going their own ways. Thena talks of her team going their own ways too just before she joined the Heroes for Hire agency.

There could be references and the Elektra movie on a long-time war of the Chaste vs. the Hand. Maybe after the defeat of the Hand Master Izo and Daredevil tell the others joining the Heroes for Hire team of the Chaste being killed by the Hand and that Stick was killed by the Hand ending the Chaste. It was the founder members of the Defenders who took on the Hand after the Hand’s win against the Chaste. Others to be talked of is that Claw owned a gym & dojo with the pool playing hobby. Master Izo owned the places with Claw when into playing in casinos nearby as Claw was playing pool in nearby pool halls. Others talked of in the Chaste were killed by those hand warriors long ago that grew up in New York City. It is Claw as co-owner of the gym and dojo. It’s known Master Izo was the mentor of the late Stick.

Matt Murdock talks of going blind before his teens and that Stick was born blind. The Chaste ninjas always living in New York City or growing up there are Claw, Arrow, Trahn, Wing, Star and Flame.  Trahn was a woman while the others were men that came from NYC. Those talked of killed by warriors of the hand are Shaft, Stone, Flame, Arrow, Trahn, Wing, Star and Flame. That’s talked of by Master Izo and Elektra was also killed by the Hand in the ancient war of the Chaste vs. the Hand. There are talks of Hand leaders killed like by Stick. Daredevil talks of with Iron Fist and Luke Cage defeating leaders of the hand. Also there are talks of other villains Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Daredevil have defeated. There are talks with Daredevil to NYPD officers on the Kingpin’s hit list that The Kingpin is responsible for the murder of reporter Ben Urich. Luke Cage tells Daredevil that Jessica Jones is possibly pregnant. This should lead into the birth of Danielle Cage.

(other fans could write in more ideas)

7 on 7 Battle Plan

Thena vs. Impasse

Luke Cage vs. Bullseye

Iron Fist vs. Ikari

Shroud vs. Matthew Gilden/Goldbug

Black Knight Dane Whitman vs. Chemistro

Angela Del Toro as White Tiger vs. Typhoid Mary

Deadpool vs. T-Ray

Daredevil then faces the Kingpin. Those are battles that should be back-to-back as the final battle just like Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Yoda vs. Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious in Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. Sources are saying that Kevin Feige doesn’t consider the Marvel Netflix shows canon. There should be petitions to canonize. Otherwise they could reference Netflix Marvel shows. There were movies proposed as a Daredevil reboot, Iron Fist and Luke Cage before the Netflix shows. This film should be based on them all and reference the TV shows. There could be talks of others on the Eternals team who survived that movie taking on Atlas and Zomm.

This should not be any more than 2 and a half hours long. 2 to 2 and a half hours and should be PG-13 rated.

If Karen Page and Foggy Nelson die on Daredevil Born Again maybe, then there should be Heather Glenn to take the place of Karen Page while at the law practice Matt Murdock’s new business partner is Rosalyne Sharpe. Also, there could be Hector Aayla killed by the Kingpin with Angela Del Toro replacing him the in the White Tiger mantle.

The MCU Spider-Man 5 should be Devil's Reign.

·         Part 3 of the Tom Holland Spider-Man 2nd Trilogy

This should be titled "Spider-Man & his Amazing Friends". That should be the MCU Sinister Six movie as the real Sinister Six film of the main MCU. This should be a film of the mutants saga.

Cynthia Moon as Silke like her beginning defeats Janice Lincoln the Beetle villain in the city. Then comes back to New York City after Miles Morales defeated Slyde when J. Jonah Jameson’s son is turned into a wolf just before going to other Earths. While the variants of Silke defeated Man-Spider in another world while Black Cat and Superior Spider-Man defeated Kraven the Hunter, Scorpion and Rhino. Maybe also Slyde is defeated before my main MCU Miles Morales. After that defeat Spider-Man of the main MCU returns to his home world. There should be prelude comics to the main MCU Otto Octavius becoming Dr. Octopus as he kills Dmitri that was in Spider-Man Far From Home. There should also be in the prelude comics when Agent Venom defeated a version of Kraven the Hunter like in the main MCU. Spider-Man defeats Spider-Carnage on another Earth. In the prelude comics there are Firestar and IceMan taking on Gog defeating him.

In the Beginning The MCU Spider-Man is battling Man-Wolf. When he defeats him he’s turned back into John Jameson. He turns back into John Jameson from the Tom Holland Spider-Man. The Tobey Maguire played Spider-Man’s daughter May from the Raimi Verse is born in 2012 or 2013 and the daughter of that Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson. Doctor Octopus is the main villain of this. He forming a Sinister Six recruits Janice Lincoln that was a member of Quentin Beck’s Crew from the main MCU. There is Mysterio/Quentin Beck from the world of Spider-Carnage that main MCU Peter Parker travelled to. the Sony Marvel Universe.   There are talks of Spider-Man/Peter Parker played by Andrew Garfield and Tobey MaGuire defeated many other super villains not shown like Mysterio, The Vulture, Hobgoblin, Scorpion, Rhino, Electro, Kraven the Hunter and many other super villains after the deaths of the Osbornes, Otto Octavius, Eddie Brock and the survival of Flynt Marko who was the Sandman. Spider-Man meets up with Shadow Spider and Agent Venom his friend Flash Thompson. Peter Parker Spider-Man meets the Firestar and Iceman.  They tell him of defeating Gog. They are going after their villains. Main MCU Spider-Man Peter Parker declares the Web Warriors Shadow Spider-Man and Agent Venom teaming with a few mutants and take on the Sinister Six.  Otto Octavius is Doctor Octopus of the main MCU just before Green Goblin with Doc Ock declares the Sinister Six. Doc Ock is the main villain of this film. This should be the film in the post multi verse saga like after the MCU rebooted that's originally labelled Earth 199999. The Tinkerer is dealing fire power to the Sinister Six. There could be the main MCU MJ as the lover of Spider-Man in this. If no Quentin Beck's crew in league with the Kingpin they help kidnap John Jameson to Sinister Six. Spider-Man and Shadow Spider rescue John Jameson turning over William Ginter Riva, Shanice, Doug, Gutes Guterman and Victoria Snow to the NY PD with others on Mysterio's crew fighting hand to hand. They testify that there's the Sinister Six formed and the Tinkerer is dealing to the Sinister Six before arrested William Ginter Riva. The Tinkerer along with Quentin Beck's crew are arrested by NY PD.

There are talks that Peter Parker graduated college after the Secret Wars and teaming with Venom. The Kingpin is arrested with the help of TASM Iron Spider Mary-Jane Watson-Parker as he was a suspect to many crimes talked of. It’s talked of in the multi verse travels like during or after the events of Spider-Man No Way Home talked that Harry Osborn was redeemed by killed by Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin but killed Donald Menken and Gustav Fiers/The Gentleman. Kingpin is the suspect of the Harry Osborn murder but not found out until after Norman Osborn has been defeated in the Spider-Verse movie that should be TASM 3 and Spider-Man 4 but this is part 3 of the MCU Spider-Man trilogy with a Sinister Six formed but the Tinkerer isn't a full-time member of the team. Also mentioned is the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man is taking on his version of Shriek just as his Black Cat takes on the Kingpin of there. The Sam Raimi Black Cat is taking on Mr. Negative and his gang with the help of The Prowler Hobie Brown. Fire Star and Ice Man team with the Web Warriors against the Sinister Six. The main MCU Sinister Six kidnaps John Jameson and maybe that could prove to J. Jonah Jameson of Spider-Man being a hero and Mysterio was the villain. Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends rescue him when they take on the Sinister Six. Tom Holland Spider-Man asks Deadpool no killing. This is also Peter Parker mentoring Miles Morales.

Battle Plan

Main MCU Agent Venom/Flash Thompson vs. Janice Lincoln the Beetle

MCU Peter Parker/Spider-Man vs. main MCU Doctor Octopus

MCU Miles Morales as Shadow Spider vs. Slyde

Firestar Angelica Jones vs. Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone of this Earth

Bobby Drake as IceMan vs. Mysterio variant

Deadpool vs. Scorpion

That Spider-Man of the main MCU takes on the Tinkerer when Miles Morales turns over Shanice, Doug, Victoria Snow and Gutes Guterman to NY PD and his father Jefferson Davis before they get help of a couple of mutants to take down the Sinister Six as the Tinkerer testifies to it. This is before the web warriors along with Firestar and Iceman take on the Sinister Six. Peter Parker as Spider-Man. Mysterio is arrested there. Janice Lincoln as the Beetle shoots blasts at Agent Venom. Mysterio shoots blasts at IceMan freezes Mysterio. Deadpool and Shadow Spider are fighting Slyde and The Beetle hand to hand. It was Gog who brought in the Mysterio variant that was supposed to fight Dr. Strange in Spider-Man No Way Home before his defeat by Firestar and IceMan. Agent Venom defeats The Beetle while Bobby Drake known as Iceman defeats Mysterio variant. Spider-Man defeats Doc Ock. The Sinister Six is arrested by Jefferson Davis. There could be Adrienne Toomes in redemption a client of Matt Murdock talked of if still alive. Deadpool defeats Scorpion uppercutting him.

There could be those from the Sony Marvel Universe cameo in this film and Sarah Jessica Parker as the sister of Aunt May in this movie. There are put in ideas for action sequences and villain fates. This is to merge the MCU and Sony Marvel Universe into one universe. If the Prowler dies in the next Spider-Man movie he's not in the Miles Morales MCU film but there should be him and Peter Parker take on mob guys.

There are petitions for the legal rights to Spider-Man characters and trademarks for Disney. There should be then be success on the petitions like for Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus in the main MCU other wise there could be characters created taking up those mantles.

There could be those from the Sony Marvel Universe cameo in this film and Sarah Jessica Parker as the sister of Aunt May in this movie. There are put in ideas for action sequences and villain fates. This is to merge the MCU and Sony Marvel Universe into one universe. If the Prowler dies in the next Spider-Man movie he's not in the Miles Morales MCU film but there should be him and Peter Parker take on mob guys. If Silke is off limits to the MCU Spider-Man movies then maybe Daredevil Matt Murdock could be teaming with web warriors and mutants helping Spider-Man against the Sinister Six.

If Daredevil is teaming with Spider-Man in the 4th film then there could be Silke teaming with Spider-Man against the Sinister Six while Firestar and IceMan are mutants teaming with web warriors to take down this incarnation of the Sinister Six. Scorpion could be in place of Green Goblin if there's no Scorpion in MCU Spider-Man 4 with Doc Ock leading the Sinister Six. Scorpion could be a Sinister Six member whether or not he’s a villain for MCU Spider-Man 4. Daredevil if not in MCU Spider-Man 4 is in place with Silke just as she’s to have her own series.

There are petitions for the legal rights to Spider-Man characters and trademarks for Disney. There should be then be success on the petitions like for Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus in the main MCU other wise there could be characters created taking up those mantles. This should be in the Champions movie with Green Goblin being leader of the Sinister Twelve.

Fantastic Four: Secret Wars

This should be the second Fantastic Four movie of the MCU. Masters of Evil. They have members of the Avengers and X-Men teaming with them in prelude comics.  There could be in prelude comics Baron Mordo defeated by Reed Richards Mr. Fantastic with while Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel defeats Umar with the help of Susan Storm the Invisible Woman. The Human Torch and the Thing defeat the great Dormammu. Also prelude comics there’s Echo vs. Bombshell to when she defeats her while there’s Ironheart vs. Supergiant an alien woman. Also Daredevil defeats Death Stalker and team with the help of Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Shang Chi. Shang Chi takes on Bird Man and Spider-Man Peter Parker takes on Cat Man. Those villains are defeated in the prelude comics. Also, to not appear in the movies but villains for the Prelude comics are Harry Osborn is Venom, Bullseye, Noh Varr and Ares as Ares hires those villains. Hercules takes on Ares but teaming with him are Silver Surfer, Firestar and The Hulk. Silver Surfer vs. Noh Varr Firestar vs. Venom the dark Spider-Man The Hulk vs. Bullseye The heroes defeat those villains. They should be 3 to 4 issues. The Masters of Evil and Dark Avengers take on Contessa Valentina Allegra De Fontaine of Shield. There’s Crossfire working for Dr. Doom.  He’s in battle with another Shield agent named Clay Quartermain in a gun fight. He ends up killing him. Scorcher and Crossfire report that they killed a couple of SHIELD agents. Those battles are back-to-back on Earth and Battleworld. There are heroes vacationing now to lead into the movie. Also, in prelude comics Doctor Strange is fighting Lady Death going by Grim Reaper in Marvel Comics. Doctor Strange defeats Lady Death while Diamondhead is defeated by Nova Sam Alexander to how he gets in the roll call for the Secret Wars to tip the balance. The Beyonder has the remaining Dark Avengers put together with the Masters of Evil. The heroes in this film fighting the Dark Avengers and Masters of Evil there should be mentions in the film of the defeat of Ares by Hercules with Firestar defeated Venom and Hulk defeated Bullseye. There should also be talks of the defeat of Baron Mordo and Umar as the lady Grim Reaper was defeated by Dr. Strange. Also, there should be talks of a member of the Masters of Evil killed Shield agents Contessa Valentina and Clay Quartermain. Betty Ross-Banner now married to Bruce Banner. Also, in prelude comics Agent Venom defeats Kraven the Hunter managing not to kill him but incapacitates him of the MCU. Gorgon, Moonstone and Daken are defeated by Wolverine, Firestar and Ice-Man.

It’s the Fantastic Four having some X-Men members team. The Fantastic Four takes on the Masters of Evil as they have teaming with them Strong Guy, Polaris and Layla Miller. Human Torch Johnny Storm defeats the Enchantress without killing her. She has redemption. She finds William Ginter Riva. She turns him over to NYPD after the defeat of her and the Masters of Evil. William Ginter Riva was leading the Masters of Evil in this as he could be in league with Earth 199999 version of Dr. Doom in the post multi verse saga.

There should be the Fantastic Four meet some mutants and team with them against the Masters of Evil. There should be battles talked of by those mutants and Fantastic Four.

Other battle ideas with non action ideas other fans could write in other wise the writers could come up with them. This is most of the ideas for the writers of this Fantastic Four movie. This could be a post Secret Wars but it’s Fantastic Four vs. Masters of Evil.

This should be the second solo MCU Fantastic Four film just like the 3rd Captain America MCU film had other members of the Avengers and the debut of MCU Spider-Man. On the Shadow Council unseen but talked of are Aloysius Thorndrake, John Steele, Grigory Raspnutin and Tutankhamun. All those villains are defeated. Other mutant superheroes battle smaller sentinels unshown.  The X-Men roll call are Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Storm, Professor X, Cyclops, Jean Grey and Beast before he goes his own ways. Many of the Avengers are dealing with the Doom Patrol. Fans could write in ideas for side story comics to the Secret Wars movie. The Hand ninjas keep on coming back. Master Izo and Nighthawk not shown.  Ancient Hand ninjas back to life are taken on by the Daughters of the Dragon (Colleen Wing and Misty Knight), Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Elektra, Jessica Jones, Gargoyle, Shroud, Daredevil and White Tiger Angela Del Toro. Maybe over 30 Hand ninjas masked. Lady Thor takes on Elsbeth Von Strucker the wife of the late Wolfgang Von Strucker. He is talked of killing him during the war oof the hand. Master Izo takes on Matsu’o Tsurayba. Nighthawk vs. Sabertooth. Also, an unshown battle is Darkhawk battling Evil Hawk at Area 51. Those are stuff talked of and all those heroes defeat those villains. The Marvel Knights team go their own ways after another defeat of the Hand. There should be talks of Murdock and Nelson having as clients the Fantastic Four along with Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Those talked of battles could be talked of should appear in X-Men vs. Avengers prelude comics. There should also be Lady Thor vs. Elsbeth Von Strucker in the X-Men vs. Avengers: Phoenix Force Prelude comics.

It is Peter Parker as Spider-Man taking reports on Long Island as he’s dealing with the Scorcher there not shown with that Miles Morales is also known as Shadow Spider. Nova, Miles Morales Shadow Spider and Wonder Man, Eric O’Grady the Black Ant, Jessica Drew the Spider-Woman, Black Knight, Jennifer Walters She-Hulk, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers Bruce Banner Hulk, Black Panther the female version Patriot Eli Bradley, Moon Knight, Ironheart and Hercules are dealing with the Doom Patrol that’s Doctor Doom’s evil robot army elsewhere. That’s either before or after the A-Force film. Ant-Man joined the Thunderbolts team. Wasp gave up maybe and Silver Surfer went to another star system. Miss Marvel that’s Kamala Khan is on another mission with the Young Avengers team with other kids in Latveria dealing with Dr. Doom’s robot doubles. They are Harley Keener/Iron Lad, Cassie Lang going by Stinger, America Chavez and Speed with Hulking and Patriot along with Wiccan teaming with Eli Bradley known as Patriot who’s the grandson of Isiah Bradley. Those Avengers members are just mentioned and not shown. Silver Surfer is elsewhere dealing with Galactus teaming with the Eternals. The X-Men are dealing with Shadow Council at the mansion but Magneto comes to team with the heroes against the villains as the X-Men are dealing with Black Talon. Other Marvel Knights are dealing with the Hand lead by Sabertooth. There are also talks of Nighthawk and Master Izo dealing with Matsu’o Tsurayba and Sabertooth. Lady Thor is elsewhere dealing with Wolfgang Von Strucker’s wife Elsbeth in teaming against the Hand. Heroes not shown by talked of are dealing with an army of ninjas for the Hand are the Namor the Sub-Mariner, Punisher, Hellcat, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Gargoyle, Shroud and White Tiger Angela Del Toro with so many hand ninjas brought back to life that’s not any less than 30. Dr. Strange is dealing with Nightmare that’s unrelated to the Secret Wars but mentioned. Those mentioned battles could be in MCU novels or comics.

This should end with the Masters of Evil defeated with Wiliam Ginter Riva arrested with those villains.

This is a film that should be rated PG-13 and running time is 2 to 2 and a half hours. Maybe even around 2 hours and 15 minutes or 2 hours and 20 minutes.

There is allot of activism with the Spider-Man characters and trademarks in the MCU with the Spider-Man (s) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There should be Black Cat of the MCU and Agent Venom of the MCU not shown taking on Dr. Doom robot doubles just as Magneto takes on the real Dr. Doom.

Here's the Secret Wars battle plan for Battleworld transport and main battle.

Johnny Storm the Human Torch vs. Amora the Enchantress as leader of the Masters of Evil

Mr. Fantastic vs. The Exterminator Phillip Sterling

The Thing vs. Radioactive Man

Invisible Woman vs. Titania

Polaris vs. Popcupine

Layla Miller vs. the Melter

Polaris vs. Trickshot

The Thing vs. Crossfire

Human Torch vs. Powderkeg

Dr. Doom should turn out to be leader of the Masters of Evil and fight in the Secret Wars Avengers movie. This could be taking place before or after the Star Wars crossover comics. This flick could take place in 2033.

·     Captain Britain and Black Knight Movie

The Red Skull should be the main villain. He comes to Earth in this one. There should be in the beginning the origin of Captain Britain and him with meeting up with Black Knight. They are in the fight of Nazism in the UK lead by Red Skull the founder of HYDRA. He has Nazi villains that Black Knight and Captain Britain face and then Captain Britain in the end defeats the original Red Skull.  Dr. Faustus could be one of the villains. It was Dr. Faustus who brought Red Skull back to life in physical form. He’s shot down by Captain Britain. There’s possible Red Skull made love with a woman from Earth when he was keeping the soul stone. This should be in the United Kingdom with prelude comics taking place before Heroes for Hire just as Dane Whitman goes back into the UK after his visit to NYC. It could just be a Disney Plus special into possibly 2 of them on each of those heroes other wise just a Disney plus short with origins starting out and the 2 heroes making friends and taking on Dr. Faustus and Red Skull.

(more fans could write in more ideas)

·             Midnight Sons Movie

(Other Fans could write in ideas)

We don’t need origins of all those but there could be prelude comics. Villains for the movie could be Black Heart, Mephista, Black Out and Mephisto. Ghost Rider defeats all those villains with help of Vengeance. Also, in the beginning Blade slays Chthon. Lillith is one of the villains. Blade and Moon Knight and the Ghost Rider and Doctor Strange created the Midnight Sons as they face Ghost Rider villains with Elsa Bloodstone on the team. Man-Thing also joins the team. Blade goes on slaying vampires. It’s a war between Lilith and Mephisto. Blade slays Dracula. Elsa Bloodstone takes on Mephista. Dr. Strange takes on demonic minions of Blackheart. Ghost Rider takes on Mephisto while Man-Thing takes on Black Heart. It’s the Ghost Rider on the team otherwise a woman takes his place. At the defeat of Mephisto by the Ghost Rider Blade slays Dracula. Elsa Bloodstone, Doctor Strange and Man-Thing go their own ways. The first Season of Man-Thing TV show should be backstory to this. There are also Scarlet Scarb, Wong and Black Night on the team. Elsa Bloodstone defeats Lilith. Black Knight defeats Blackout.

·      MidNight Sons Sequel

There should be prelude comics to when Hannibal King is a vampire and is given the cure by Doctor Strange. There’s also the showing on Dracula wiped out the Nightstalkers team with Blade and Hannibal King left. Dracula back to life is the main villain of this There should be Dracula battle Jennifer Kale. Dracula manages to kill Jennifer Kale. The Roll Call of the team this team are Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider Dan Ketch, Blade, Hannibal King the former vampire, Werewolf by Night, a woman named Topaz and Hellstorm. There is in the beginning Blade and Hannibal King are slaying vampires. Blade kills Deacon Frost as he is ashed. If the original Deacon Frost is killed then there's a clone of him in this. The main villain should be Zarathos. Also Outcast is a villain. There’s also the Six Fingered Hand. The Roll call are Avarrish, Fashima, Hyppkokri, Puishannt and a woman named Maya. Dracula could be the main antagonist teaming with demons. This is lead by Outcast the Six Fingered-Hand. Johnny Blaze defeated Mephisto. Blade slays Dracula while the other heroes defeat the various demons and Six Fingered-Hand. Dan Ketch defeats Zarathos. Johnny Blaze defeats Outcast. Maya is defeated by Werewolf by Night. There are pure bloods killed by Hannibal King. Blade slays Dracula. It’s like a war of vampires vs. demons. The heroes go their own ways. If no Zarathos in this he should be the main villain of the MCU Ghost Rider film. There should be Hannibal King slaying Blackout.

·       West Coast Avengers Movie

There are others fans that could write in West Coast Avengers movie. Do anymore of you have any ideas? Machete could be a villain for the West Coast Avengers flick. If it’s not Bruce Banner anymore than Amadeus Cho on those Hulk shows for Disney Plus. Also, the West Coast Avengers taking on Oddball and Lobo defeating them. Admedus Cho could be a Bruce Banner student before becoming the Hulk. On the West Coast Avengers team formed by She-Hulk are Wonder Man, Vision and Scarlet Witch turning out to survive Doctor Strange 2nd film. Also there’s the MCU Spider-Woman on the Avengers team. They are fighting the West Coast brought in by She-Hulk. Also War Machine if still alive and active at the time. They could come to NYC going after other villains. Spy Master should be another villain for the movie as he’s possibly the main villain. Albert Malik should be the chief villain of this as he’s the next Red Skull or a Red Skull wannabe. Scarlet Witch defeats the Red Skull wannabe. Spy Master is defeated by She-Hulk.

·       Astonishing X-Men Movie the main villain is Graydon Creed. They have a place on Genosha and the X-Men are there. There should be Beast vs. Bastion of the sentinels defeating that villain. There are talks of the evil mutants killed William Stryker just as he’s to be avenged by Creed. Also Dr. Trask and Henry Peter Gyrich are villains as well along with Master Mold. The X-Men roll call of that film are Beast, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Gambit, Cyclops, Magneto, Rogue a villain in redemption, Storm and Professor X is the leader of the X-Men. Magneto and Emma Frost take on the Friends of Humanity while the others in the X-Men team take on sentinels and Master Mold. Creed kidnaps Professor X. Gambit with his playing cards explosive kills Greydon Credd while Cyclops laser blasts Dr. Trask and Henry Peter Gyrich as they try to shoot the X-Men with their guns. There should be a prelude comic book when Hellfire club mutants are killed by Sentinels and the Friends of Humanity. Jubilee and Storm together destroy Master Mold. Professor X is rescued. At some point Gyrich and Trask are arrested. Master Mold had killed Azazel, Selene the Black Queen and Shenobi Shaw with other mutants in the Hellfire Club. Harry Leland is killed by Creed’s followers just as Graydon Creed managed to kill the Hellfire Club founder and leader Shenobi Shaw. The prelude comics events are to be mentioned at some point in this movie.

The killing of the Hellfire club should be in prelude comics to 2 of those X-Men movies about.

The Astonishing Thunderbolts movie (Deadpool 4)

The film could start out Deadpool taking on the Russian Mafia lead by Tiberiu Bulat with his son Christu. Deadpool whacks them out with explosions and gun fighting. Tiberiu and Christu are shot and killed by the Punisher. The Main villain this flick is Count Luchino Neferia. Hitman works for him as well. Madame Masque the daughter of Count Nefaria is in Maggia. This film should begin with the Punisher killing Moses Magnum. This is when the Punisher with Deadpool joins the Thunderbolts team.

Hitman is working for Maggia. The Punisher kills Hitman and meets with Deadpool. In the final battle Deadpool faces criminal mastermind Count Nefaria and shoots him in the leg and with the sword slices him. Elektra takes on Madame Masque. She defeats her without killing. Elektra talks of killing the gangster Biggie Benton. The Thunderbolts roll call there are Songbird in redemption, Deadpool, Jolt, Elektra, Taskmaster (Antonia Dreykov) and Red Ronin. On the Maggia team are also Vito, Silvio, Danny and Ace with other gangs of then. Winter Soldier and Songbird together take on Vito, Silvio, Danny and Ace. They defeat them. The Thunderbolts take on Maggia. The Punisher and Deadpool lead the Thunderbolts team.

(other fans could put more ideas in for this)

·      Illuminati Movie

That should be the Illuminati movie. There should be the Inhumans movie with Black Bolt and Medusa joining the team.  Black Swan and Terrax should be the main villain along with the on the team Great Society. On Doctor Strange's team should be Black Bolt, Medusa and Black Ant. Doctor Strange looks to join with Ghost Rider and Blade his defeat of Nightmare. Clea with Doctor Strange team up against Nightmare before forming the team. In the comics Dr. Cho is younger and is the mother of Amadeus. Maddy and Phillip Cho were their parents and Beast. Terrax the Tamer comes to Earth as he said to have been thought to be dead. There is also the Great Society lead by Sun God. Other villains on the team are The Norn, The Jovian, The Rider, Doctor Spectrum and Boundless. Dormammu from the dark dimension has those villains in league with him. Black Ant in the beginning is fighting Terrax the Tamer. He defeats the former Herald of Galactus. Doctor Strange defeats Sun God. He meets up with Black Bolt, Black Ant, Medusa and Beast. Son God is the primary villain for the majority of the film. Black Swan is defeated by the Beast. Medusa and Black Bolt defeat Pride the Imperial Guard. The Illuminati defeats the Great Society. The Beast in the final battle defeats Sun God. All those defeated villains are arrested. After that the team goes their own ways.

(other Fans could write in more ideas)

·   Multiple Man Movie

En Sabah Nur is the main villain going by Apocalypse of ArchAngel and Weapon Omega the dark version of Guardian. Other villains are Feral, Thornn, Scaleface, Marrow and Skids. This is an alliance of evil lead by Apocalypse. Mystique is posing as Multiple Man at Callisto. That person turns out to be Mystique. She gets into battle with Callisto and ends up killing her. In the story Multiple Man takes on the villains with kung fu multiplying himself. He meets with Guardian and Archangel for the final battle. Mystique is in redemption and teams with Multiple Man. She turns out to be Mystique and Mystique with the martial arts takes on Multiples of James Madrox. He defeats Apocalypse as Guardian defeats Weapon Omega and Archangel Warren Worthington III defeats Mimic. They go their own ways. Mystique with her guns helps Multiple Man defeat Apocalypse.  

(other fans could write in ideas)

·       Contest of Champions Movie (that’s the part 3 of the MCU Spider-Man 2nd trilogy if no more Tom Holland being Spider-Man).

Miles Morales is the lead hero of this film as this could be his solo movie in the main MCU. In there in the beginning there’s Moon Girl and American Son fighting Monolith and Heather Moon. They defeat those villains. Peter Parker had retired being Spider-Man. Miles Morales took his place. MCU Miles Morales defeats MCU Crime Master. Amadeus Cho is recruited onto the team calling themselves Champions. Moon Girl, Ironheart and the Fantastic Four. This is based on Champions and Contest of Champions comics. Miles Morales defeated Nova Sam Alexander and Ironheart founded the Champions team. Norman Osborn is the main villain. His son Harry had redemption. Norman Osborn is now out of prison. He becomes the Green Goblin drinking the goblin formula. He has 11 other super villains working for him called Rhino, Tombstone, Scorpia Elaine Coll, Hydro-Man, Boomerang in the MCU, Electro Francine Frye Boomerang, Black Tarantula, Speed Demon, Bombshell, Mysterio Francis Klum and The Gibbon. Francis Klum was a gang member to Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone. There are villains newer and others defeated before while Norman Osborn escaped from prison. He forms the Sinister Twelve as leader of the Sinister Twelve. 2 villains redeemed are Harry Osborn going by American Son and Abner Jenkins going by Mach. Abner Jenkins talks of joining the Thunderbolts team. The Champions team with the Fantastic Four take on the Sinister Twelve. Miles Morales should be the lead hero. This is based on comics from the 1970’s and series that started in 2016 while 2 redeemed enemies of Spider-Man become allies. Norman Osborne talks of being a hit by Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin and Gustav Fiers/The Gentleman as those villains are in prison still. Abner Jenkins going by Mach is a Thunderbolt and a member of the Thunderbolts team that’s teaming with the Champions team against the Sinister 12. There’s Joaquim Torres taking Sam Wilson’s place as Falcon

Here's the battle plan from the Champions roll call and 2 enemies of Spider-Man now allies.

1.   Hulk vs. MCU Rhino

2.         Nova vs. MCU Boomerang

3.         Joaquim Torres as Falcon vs. Scorpia

4.         Iron Heart vs. Electro

5.         Moon Girl vs. Bombshell

6.         Hercules vs. Gibbon

7.         Mach vs. Mysterio Francis Klum

8.         Ice Man vs. Speed Demon

9.         Archangel vs. Hydro Man

10.      American Son vs. Black Tarantula

11.      Harley Keener as Iron Lad vs. Tombstone

12.      Spider-Boy otherwise known as Kid Arachnid vs. Green Goblin.

The writers could come up with those ideas for the battles on how those heroes fight those villains and they defeat those villains without killing them.

There are petitions signed for legal rights to Disney/Marvel Spider-Man with the characters and trademarks. This should be based on comics. The movies and TV shows can differ from the comics. This is also based on Marvel Knights Spider-Man when Norman Osborn as Green Goblin lead the Sinister Twelve.

·     Daughters of the Dragon Movie

Misty Knight and Colleen Wing are still around fighting. The main villain should be Celia Ricadonna. Freeze Burn, King Size, Dan Springer known as Flame and Blue Streak with Fera. They take them on. Misty Knight a veteran police detective arrests Celia Ricodonna. They battle other thugs with martial arts. Colleen Wing manages not to kill.

(other fans could put in more ideas for this.)

Mystique returns as the main villain. She has in league with her Mimic the dark version of ArchAngel and Weapon Omega the dark version of Guardian. Other villains are Feral, Thornn, Scaleface, Marrow and Skids. Mystique is posing as Multiple Man at Callisto. That person turns out to be Mystique. She gets into battle with Callisto and ends up killing her. In the story Multiple Man takes on the villains with kung fu multiplying himself. He meets with Guardian and Archangel for the final battle. Mystique in the final battle is posing as Callisto. She turns out to be Mystique and Mystique with the martial arts takes on Multiples of James Madrox. He defeats Mystique as Guardian defeats Weapon Omega and Archangel Warren Worthington III defeats Mimic. They go their own ways.

Generation X movie with Emplate and the Rising Sons as the villains. On the team should be Banshee, Emma Frost with Jubilee in charge and teens on the team are Chamber, Mondo, Skin, Hollow and Penance. Banshee is the team leader while co leaders are Jubilee and Emma Frost. There should be prelude comics to when Morph who is maybe Kevin Sydney poses as Omega Red. He turns out to be Morph. Morph has battle with Emplate with his gun. Sunspot appears. He and Morph do battle against the Rising Sons. Those 2 mutants are killed in the pre beginning of Generation X movie. The prelude comics events are to be mentioned at some point in this movie.

In the X-23 movie she starts out fighting Silver Samurai and that villain is believed to be dead but somehow survives but is redeemed later on. X-23/Laura has Silver Samurai team with her against the Reavers lead by Dr. Xander Rice. Bone Breaker is killed by Silver Samurai as Laura kills the team and kills Dr. Zander Rice in the end. She finds out of being the daughter of Wolverine. She and Silver Samurai go their own ways. Wolverine teams with X-23 and Silver Samurai against the Reavers team. There should be prelude comics with the Nasty Boys as the villains defeated by Multiple Man and X-23 in their beginnings. Laura ends up killing the leader Rukus. The prelude comics events are to be mentioned at some point in this movie.

Fans could put in the ideas for a solo America Chavez Movie or Hellcat Solo Movie or even Tigra solo TV miniseries.

Fans could write in more ideas for movies for post phase 4 or 5 in the 2020’s and to the early 2030’s.

Most of the ideas for movies are in order of years to come.

More could be the Star Wars Crossover Trilogy before 2099 films and then rebooting the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 2099 films should be released in 2030 or early 2030’s before rebooting the MCU following the Star Wars Crossover trilogy and Phase 4 of movies in the MCU.

There should be beginning battle of the Inhumans movie against Mad Thinker and High Evolutionary as they are defeated by Crystal with the help of LockJaw. Devos should be the main villain of the Inhumans movie as other Inhumans villains are Devos, Timberius and Vulcan. Crystal in the final battle defeats Devos and the boyfriend of her is now Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four.

There should be in the World War Hulk movie Tyrannus being the main villain. There should be battles against Red Hulk or the Red She-Hulk. There should be some other villains They take on but The Hulk defeats Tyrannus. Maybe Skaar the son of the Hulk defeats Baron Mordo.

Ideas for New Warriors movies otherwise Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends movies. Are below here. Maybe in 2035 a New Warriors movie with Speedball, Squirrel Girl and Tandy Bowen as Dagger leading them and other notables on the team fighting against New Warriors villains. Tyrone Johnson is Cloak and him with Dagger mentor the younger heroes as warriors.  Ghost Rider series could come in 2028 to act as prequel to Midnight Sons first movie.

Those villans New Warrirors moives could be Gamemaster, Biohzard, Korvac, Bi-Beast and U-Foes.

There is also Sony and the Disney Company owning Marvel comics sharing the characters and trademarks of Spider-Man. There are ideas for MCU Spider-Man as he could join the Avengers and the Defenders teams. There could be Disney signing agreements with Sony on heroes and villains for the Secret Wars movie and for the 2099 for Spider-Man characters. Now comes to follow Spider-Man Far From Home. There should be Disney in the early 2030’s having legal rights to characters and trademarks of Spider-Man for Marvel 2099 films.

Many of us contributing to here could put in ideas for more television shows or movies in the MCU. Also Disney is owning 21st

You other fans have permission from the contributor of this page to write in more ideas for the MCU. Also put more ideas into the 2099 films of X-Men, Fantastic Four and X-Nation. Fans could write in ideas for the MCU Deadpool film and Shroud prequel movie and Nighthawk prequel movie for the early 2030’s just before the release of the 2099 movies.

There should be in the World War Hulk movie Tyrannus being the main villain. There should be battles against Red Hulk or the Red She-Hulk. There should be some other villains They take on but The Hulk defeats Tyrannus.

(other fans could write in more ideas for this.)

Fans could put in the ideas for a solo America Chavez Movie.

Fans could write in more ideas for movies for post phase 4 or 5 in the 2020’s and to the early 2030’s.

Most of the ideas for movies are in order of years to come.

More could be the Star Wars Crossover Trilogy before 2099 films and then rebooting the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 2099 films should be released in 2030 or early 2030’s before rebooting the MCU following the Star Wars Crossover trilogy and Phase 4 of movies in the MCU.

There should be beginning battle of the Inhumans movie against Mad Thinker and High Evolutionary as they are defeated by Crystal with the help of LockJaw. Devos should be the main villain of the Inhumans movie as other Inhumans villains are Devos, Timberius and Vulcan. Crystal in the final battle defeats Devos and the boyfriend of her is now Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four.

There should be in the World War Hulk movie Tyrannus being the main villain. There should be battles against Red Hulk or the Red She-Hulk. There should be some other villains They take on but The Hulk defeats Tyrannus. Maybe Skaar the son of the Hulk defeats Baron Mordo.

Ideas for New Warriors movies otherwise Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends movies. Are below here. Maybe in 2035 a New Warriors movie with Speedball, Squirrel Girl and Tandy Bowen as Dagger leading them and other notables on the team fighting against New Warriors villains. Tyrone Johnson is Cloak and him with Dagger mentor the younger heroes as warriors.  Ghost Rider series could come in 2028 to act as prequel to Midnight Sons first movie.

Those villans New Warrirors moives could be Gamemaster, Biohzard, Korvac, Bi-Beast and U-Foes.

There is also Sony and the Disney Company owning Marvel comics sharing the characters and trademarks of Spider-Man. There are ideas for MCU Spider-Man as he could join the Avengers and the Defenders teams. There could be Disney signing agreements with Sony on heroes and villains for the Secret Wars movie and for the 2099 for Spider-Man characters. Now comes to follow Spider-Man Far From Home. There should be Disney in the early 2030’s having legal rights to characters and trademarks of Spider-Man for Marvel 2099 films.

Many of us contributing to here could put in ideas for more television shows or movies in the MCU. Also Disney is owning 21st

What's not written by writers to make a living and thought of by fans is a sequel to the Defenders movie as both films, Star Wars crossover trilogy, Mid Night sons Movie. There are movies proposed to be cancelled as of television shows on Netflix like the Daredevil reboot, Iron Fist and the Luke Cage. They should have them in movies like a Heroes for Hire movie as Daredevil could be in both Defenders movies. There might as well be proposed television shows.

There are movies proposed to be cancelled as of television shows on Netflix like the Daredevil reboot, Iron Fist and the Luke Cage. They should have them in movies like a Heroes for Hire movie as Daredevil could be in both Defenders movies. Sony Pictures should've signed an agreement with Marvel Studios. Stick is likely to return but could as a spirit as his body was cremated after he died.

Release of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with years with phase 4 and 5 Fans could be put in ideas on years for X-Men or the Fantastic Four films for the MCU if Disney is owning Fox in the 2020’s along with Silver Surfer and Dr. Doom. There could be Fox films in both Phases 4 and 5 of the MCU.

In 2028 and 2029 other fans could put in ideas for Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in the MCU and the years. Early 2030’s should be Marvel 2099 films. There could in those years be Sony Marvel movies as well. It should be the Avengers crossover with Star Wars in 2029.

You other fans have permission from the contributor of this page to write in more ideas for the MCU. Also put more ideas into the 2099 films of X-Men, Fantastic Four and X-Nation. Fans could write in ideas for the MCU Deadpool film and Shroud prequel movie and Nighthawk prequel movie for the early 2030’s just before the release of the 2099 movies.

Also someone had the ideas for the first MCU Fantastic Four film as Annihilus as the main villain. Annihlus should come in the Silver Surfer Movie.

The Fantastic Four should be defeating Mole Man and his minions in the sequel after bringing the Puppet Master to justice. There should be in the second Fantastic Four film should have scenes with the Puppet Master as he’s defeated by the Fantastic Four. Thing defeats Molecule Man. Human Torch defeats Molecule Man. The Fantastic Four sequel beginning battle should be Mole Man and his minions defeated. Invisible Woman turns Puppet Master over to NY PD.

Molecule Man earlier on meets with the Puppet Master as he’s controlling the city as there are talks that Silver Surfer defeated Tyrant. There should be Frankie Raye as a Galactus Herald who turns to helping him as she defeats Galactus and the truly evil villain is Tyrant. Maybe in the Fantastic Four sequel Molecule Man somehow kills Frankie Raye also known as Nova. Tyrant should be the main villain of the Silver Surfer film. Silver Surfer in the movie should also face Annhilius. Ben Grimm the Thing is in love with Alicia Masters the step daughter of the Puppet Master in the Fantastic Four sequel. Galactus is a villain the Silver Surfer movie. Silver Surfer could cameo in the second MCU Fantastic Four and talks of his battles. The solo Silver Surfer movie is to be a Disney Plus Special. Fans could write in ideas for America Chavez solo movie and Tigra solo movie.

There should be in the World War Hulk movie Tyrannus being the main villain. There should be battles against Red Hulk or the Red She-Hulk. There should be some other villains They take on but The Hulk defeats Tyrannus.

(other fans could write in more ideas for this.)

Now for the Marvel 2099 as we're expecting Fox to be owned by Disney. Those are ideas the writers should go with. There are ideas below for the X-Men MCU trilogy The Uncanny X-Men Film is the X-Men vs. Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Magneto is the leader. On his team are White Queen/Emma Frost, Mystique, Juggernaut, Sabertooth, Toad, The Blob, Pyro, Omega Red, Wendigo and Exodus. The X-Men roll call is Psylocke, Night Crawler, The Dazzler, Storm, Ice Man, Shadowcat, Wolverine, Jean Grey and Cyclops with Colossus and Beast. They take on the brotherhood and they defeat them. The Brotherhood kidnaps Professor X. He’s rescued and Magneto decides to join with the X-Men in redemption. He was targeting Senator Robert Kelly to be killed.

·        Astonishing X-Men Movie the main villain is Graydon Creed. They have a place on Genosha and the X-Men are there. There should be Beast vs. Bastion of the sentinels defeating that villain. There are talks of the evil mutants killed William Stryker just as he’s to be avenged by Creed. Also Dr. Trask and Henry Peter Gyrich are villains as well along with Master Mold. The X-Men roll call of that film are Beast, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Gambit, Cyclops, Magneto, Rogue a villain in redemption, Storm and Professor X is the leader of the X-Men. Magneto and Emma Frost take on the Friends of Humanity while the others in the X-Men team take on sentinels and Master Mold. Creed kidnaps Professor X. Gambit with his playing cards explosive kills Greydon Credd while Cyclops laser blasts Dr. Trask and Henry Peter Gyrich as they try to shoot the X-Men with their guns. There should be a prelude comic book when Hellfire club mutants are killed by Sentinels and the Friends of Humanity. Jubilee and Storm together destroy Master Mold. Professor X is rescued. At some point Gyrich and Trask are arrested. Master Mold had killed Azazel, Selene the Black Queen and Shenobi Shaw with other mutants in the Hellfire Club. Harry Leland is killed by Creed’s followers just as Graydon Creed managed to kill the Hellfire Club founder and leader Shinobi Shaw. The prelude comics events are to be mentioned at some point in this movie. Wolverine kills Red Skull in cameo taking him on as Red Skull created Genosha and assemble mutant hating people.

The killing of the Hellfire club should be in prelude comics to 2 of those X-Men movies about.

·     ·        X-Men vs. Avengers Phoenix Force

Other fans could come up with the idea of X-Men vs. Avengers movie. This is the one of the Phoenix Force. The writers could write in the X-Men and Avengers roll call. Lady Thor was talked to having gone her own ways after defeating the mother of the Von Strucker siblings Master Izo defeated a member of the hand while the other heroes of NYC in the kitchen defeated Hand ninjas. Also talked of by the Avengers of defeating the Doom bots. Black Ant joins the Avengers team in this one. The X-Men roll call are Storm, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Professor X if still alive, Deadpool, Night Crawler and Wolverine. The Avengers roll call are Carol Danvers as Marvel, Black Ant (Eric O’Grady), Wonder man, Black Knight, Now Jessica Drew being Spider-Woman and The Hulk. Shadowcat is talked of going her own ways.

The Prelude comics should be side stories to the F4:Secret Wars movie of the X-Men and Avengers with also the Marvel Knights team as Nighthawk with laser defeated Sabertooth. Also there are Young Avengers and main Avengers with West Coast Avengers taking on the legion of Doom bots while there's the X-Men mansion siege. Also other mentioned battles of the Avengers and X-Men defeating those villains. The last issue of the prelude comics should be taking place during the Avengers crossover of Star Wars when IceMan defeats Queen Brood as the X-Men team defeat the Brood villains and other villains too with the Shi'Air Empire's help. Also Jean Grey defeats Vulcan who's Gabe Summers as the X-Men and Shi'Air empire faced Inciters and Scy'ar Tal dealt with by Cyclops and Havok while Storm and NightCrawler took on Inciters as there was IceMan, Beast, Rogue and Gambit taking on the Brood. Jean Grey started the Phoenix being possessed by Phoenix.

There should be a beginning battle of Dr. Doom having escaped from the Vault once again. He takes on Magneto. This time Dr. Doom defeats Magneto. He’s possessed by the Phoenix force and ends up killing him. Jean Grey of the X-Men becomes possessed. The X-Men take them on. There should be a battle of Sub-Mariner vs. Black Talon. Sub-Mariner defeats Black Talon as the Namor is on the Avengers team. Deadpool should be in this in the final battle against Doctor Doom. He defeats him without killing him. He’s taken for burn treatment. The X-Men and Avengers battle it out in exorcism. Doctor Doom in redemption defeats Phoenix with saving the life of Jean Grey. In the end credits Dr. Doom’s face is restored and just Victor Von Doom now. Storm is married to the Black Panther after this battle. It’s mentioned only of Storm married to M’Baku. M’Baku is a solider of Black Panther in replacing T’Challa as Chadwick Bosman died in real life. Other wise Erik Killmonger comes back to life taking the place of T’Challa and in redemption one day gets married to Storm of the X-Men. If T’Challa is re cast then he’s the husband of Storm/Orroro Monroe.

·   MCU X-Force film

Cable is leader of the team. He has on the team Deadpool, Syren, Forge, Domino, Moonstar, Shatterstar and Cannonball. The main villain should be Stryfe. Other villains are Fabien Cortez, Tusk, Random Members of Dark Riders, Black Tom Cassidy and Gideon. They take them on. Other fans could write in other ideas. After this battle Cable returns to his future like in the 22nd century. There are talks of in the future Cable killed Mr. Sinister while the defeat by Gladiator of Chrome with restoring the Shi’Air Empire.  

Generation X movie with Emplate and the Rising Sons as the villains. On the team should be Banshee, Emma Frost with Jubilee in charge and teens on the team are Chamber, Mondo, Skin, Hollow and Penance. Banshee is the team leader while co leaders are Jubilee and Emma Frost. There should be prelude comics to when Morph who is maybe Kevin Sydney poses as Omega Red. He turns out to be Morph. Morph has battle with Emplate with his gun. Sunspot appears. He and Morph do battle against the Rising Sons. Those 2 mutants are killed in the pre beginning of Generation X movie. The prelude comics events are to be mentioned at some point in this movie.

In the X-23 movie she starts out fighting Silver Samurai and that villain is believed to be dead but somehow survives but is redeemed later on. X-23/Laura has Silver Samurai team with her against the Reavers lead by Dr. Xander Rice. Bone Breaker is killed by Silver Samurai as Laura kills the team and kills Dr. Zander Rice in the end. She finds out of being the daughter of Wolverine. Wolverine is in battle against the Reavers team appearing in this film. She and Silver Samurai go their own ways. Multiple Man teams with X-23 and Silver Samurai against the Reavers team. There should be prelude comics with the Nasty Boys as the villains defeated by Multiple Man and X-23 in their beginnings. Laura ends up killing the leader Rukus. The prelude comics events are to be mentioned at some point in this movie.

Here comes to 2099 movies to conclude the MCU before being rebooted. They should be released in at least 2030 or early 2030’s. Other fans could to help the professional writers put in more ideas for X-Nation and X-Men 2099 as in X-Nation Trevor Fitzroy leads the Brotherhood of that time. Maybe by the early 2030’s for the early 2030’s movie Sony and Marvel could get their deal back and sign the agreement for Spider-Man 2099 in the MCU films with characters and trademarks of Spider-Man. Lyla the AI unit should appear in any of those movies if they have room for her. There are many petitions out there for Disney/Marvel to have legal rights to Spider-Man with the characters and trademarks. Each of the 2099 movies should have prelude comics and the events and battles with certain characters should be mentioned in the MCU 2099 movies.

·        World of Tomorrow Movie

Tiberius Stone should be the main villain of the story. Fiona is working for him. Mutagen is one of the villains of the story. There are Alchemex robots. Miguel O’Hara had become Spider-Man. There could be prelude comics to when that Spider-Man defeated the Hobgoblin of his time. There is now John Eisenhart is the Hulk of that time. Roberta Mendez had become Captain America in that time. Also teaming with them is Sonny Frisco the Iron Man of that time. They defeat those villains. Captain America takes on Fiona and she defeats her. The Hulk defeats Mutagen while Spider-Man and Iron Man of that time defeat robots. Spider-Man with his webs captures Tiberius Stone and he’s arrested. The heroes each go their own ways. This should start out on New Year’s Day in 2099 as of the beginning of that year.

·      X-Men 2099

The main villain is Phalanx with Cameron Hodge there as he’s immortal. There’s the X-Men of that time. Others fans could write in ideas for heroes and villains but maybe Skullfire defeats Phalanx as all those villains are defeated. Ahab is also the Hound Master of that time. Rachel Summers the offspring of Jean Grey and Scott Summers/Cyclops battles the Rory Campbell going by Ahab that ruins his body believed to be killed. Phalanx with other super villains make Rory Campell into a cyborg with going by Ahab with harpoon like weapons. There is Nimrod created by Cameron Hodge. Hope Summers is the adopted daughter of Rachel Summers in this. Ahab is defeated by Metal Head. X-Men roll call are Lumuel Krug as Bloodhawk, Shakti Haddad as Cerebra, Skullfire Timothy Fitzgerald, Ruth Agada also known as Krystlain, Henri Huang as Meanstreak and Tina Potters also known as Surpernetina. Sal and Ramon are a couple of other villains the team faces. Ahab, Sal and Ramon are in league with Phallanx. Pynchon is the main villain. It was Alchemex scientists who turned Dr. Roderick Campbell into a cyborg. Phallanx is defeated by Hope Summers. Skullfire defeats Pynchon just as the others on the team defeat the 2 henchmen Sal and Ramon. There should be Meanstreak believing to have destroyed Nimrod that leads into a future when Cable defeats that villain.  Rachel Summers defeats Cameron Hodge. In the prelude comics the X-Men of that team defeated the Rat Pack and Nevada Syndicate. Those are villains of that team who don’t appear in the movie. There’s the defeat of human Cameron Hodge in flashbacks by Deadpool believing to have killed him in the prelude comics.

·      Punisher 2099  

Jake Gallows is now the Punisher in that time. He is an ex cop of Public Eye in redemption. Jigsaw of the future is the main villain and New York City gang leader. There could be other 2099 villains to make up as of villains for the Punisher 2099 film.

·         Secret Wars 2099

There’s the beginning of the Avengers formed in that year. Spider-Man Miguel O’Hara joins the team. Iron Man and Captain America of that year get back together. Tanya becomes Black Widow. She also joins the new Avengers team. Also Hercules joins the Avengers team in that time. There should be prelude comics to when Electro of that time is defeated by Franklin Richards if no room for him in this movie. They are at war with the Chain Gang. Also older heroes Franklin and Valeria Richards the offsprings of Invisible Woman Sue Storms and Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic. They talk of no more of Dr. Doom as his face was healed many years ago. Victor Von Doom came to living a free life for the rest of his life. The main villain of that film should be the alien Avataar who came to Earth and met with the Chain Gang. Also there is the Board of directors for Alchemex. They defeat those villains. Black Widow defeats Avataar while the Iron Man and Captain America defeat the Chain gang and Spider-Man defeats Scorpion of that time and the daughter and son of Susan and Reed Richards Valeria and Franklin take on the Board of directors along with Alchemex bots after defeating those villains. Hercules takes on dirty cops. There are talks of a person becoming Daredevil of that time who was a warrior in the Order of the Crane Mother. This is the descendant of the Kingpin that’s Samuel Fisk. Spider-Man goes his own ways.

·     Silver Surfer and Inhumans 2099

Should be the sequel to Silver Surfer. In the prelude comics to this there’s Magus the evil version of Adam Warlock. He killed Inhumans Gorgon, Medusa and Black Bolt. Silver Surfer coming to Earth defeats Magus. There is the beginning on memories of the Fantastic Four talked of with Silver Surfer and the Inhumans team. Stark Fuji-Kawa are the villains of that film. The Inhumans roll call are Triton, Karnak, Crystal and the dog Lockjaw. Hikaru-Sama is the main villain of this film. On his team are Suzanna Carter, Yukio Kawanza, Owen Sarkissian, Jakko and Stoller. In the beginning the Inhumans of 2099 defeat the Negative Zone Enforcers. Negative Zone’s Tzzar Enforcers. Silver Surfer meets with the Inhumans of that time and they team against the Stark Fuji-Kawa on Earth. H.E.R.B.I.E. the robot appears in that time. HERBIE is taken hostage by Hikara-Sama. Silver Surfer faces the CEO Hikara-Sama. The team defeats those villains. Silver Surfer defeats Hikara Hikara with the help of H.E.R.B.I.E. There are memories of the Fantastic Four.

§ The Defenders 2099  

There could be prelude comics with origins. Clea forms a new Defenders team. She’s the daughter of Umar. On the team are Ghost Rider Kenshiro Cochrane, Daredevil Samuel Fisk, The Hulk of that year, Black Panther (it’s unknown who he is) and Jennifer D'Angelo. Samuel Fisk is the Daredevil of that time. He’s a cop who arrested corrupt cops and is descended from the Kingpin as Richard Fisk had a son with an illegitimate mother. Master Izo as he gave up his immortality dies of old age and Matt Murdock is living in a retirement home as a very old man and is blind for the rest of his life. Those Defenders members of learned the history of the chaste became costumed superheroes. There are talks that Stick and his warriors were killed by the Hand in the long time war. The main villain is Takashi leader the hand. There's the Defenders against the hand with those who won't stay dead. Daredevil faces Takashi. He defeats him. The Ghost Rider faces Umar the sister of Dormammu. He defeats her in the end as the leader of the Hand is defeated. Umar coming to Earth in 2099 hires the Hand as those old ninjas were brought back to life. Clea defeats ninjas of the Hand.

·       Spider-Man 2099 Movie

This is to conclude the MCU before rebooting it. Miguel O’Hara is almost half a year of being Spider-Man. There’s a woman Sarena Patel going by Dr. Octopus working for Alchemy. The owner is Walker Sloan. Spider-Man of then takes on those villains and the company. Fear Master is one of the villains that Spider-Man defeats after defeating the Doctor Octopus of that time. Those villains with Walker Sloan all go to prison as there are good cops that arrested Walker Sloan.

·     X-Nation 2099

Bishop should have in the final battle take on Trevor Fitzroy as he’s the main villain. Bishop of then is leading the X-Men team. Trevor Fitzroy is the main villain who is looking to go back into the present and alter history as Bishop is on the mission to prevent this. Deadpool could have a cameo killing Avion a follower of Trevor Fitzroy doing battle with that villain as Deadpool after X-Force joins X-Nation. Trevor Fitzroy is leading the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in that time and killed Shard in the begging who’s the sister of Lucas Bishop. There should be prelude comics when Greeters are defeated by the team. X-Nation members killed in prelude comics are Willow, Uproar and Wulff. The roll call is Cerebrs, Clarion, December, Nostromo, Twilight and Metal Smith. John Herod and Bennet Du Paris as Exodus. Sentries are also in league with Trevor Fitzroy. Bishop hires the X-Nation. Bishop was on the X-Men team in the 2090’s as his was his sister Shard.

§ Avengers 2099 Movie

On the team are Cecil McAdams a minister is now Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America and Hawkeye (not known of that Hawkeye but maybe descended from Clint Barton). Captain America of that time is a woman. The main villain is Tyler Stone a dictator. There could be prelude comics with the origin of the heroes. They also face Electro and Vulture of that time. Other heroes like Black Widow and Hawkeye face the Alchemax owned cops. There could be villains in the prelude comics to make or other wise Marvel having the legal rights to them. The Captain America of that time defeats Tyler Stone just before the New Year’s Ball drops on 2100.

Fans could write in ideas for other 2099 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the other ideas for shows and movies proposed or ideas by fans.

Star Wars Crossover of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Star Wars MCU crossover comics could start in at least 2027 or 2028 or just after that year. The crossover of Eternals and Star Wars takes place in times when Rey is a jedi and training a new generation in times of peace. They could be in those in 50 years after the very first Star Wars film. Those could be the road/journey to the crossover trilogy. If they won’t make movies crossovers then they should just be books that later get adapted into comics like the Thrawn trilogy did. This series is to take place in later spring of 2029 going into the summer of 2029. This is to be post Avengers Secret Wars movies. If not in 2029 the very near future for this like 2034. It's expected Avengers Secret Wars to take place in 2027. .

Here are the comics that should come first.

The Eternals and Star Wars Crossover should be the 40’s ABY like post 40 ABY. Maybe 45 ABY or beyond it to take place after the ending of the New Jedi Order movie or not so long after the sequel trilogy like a decade after Darth Sidious was killed by Rey. Abraxas should be the main villain of the Eternals crossover of Star Wars. Abraxas is the main villain in the crossover of the Eternals and Star Wars. Abraxas brings back battle droids. He has imperial survivors working for him along with a bounty hunter as he plots to rule the universe. Former jedi Ezra Bridger is looking to run inthe galactic republic chancellor. He’s targeted by Bazine Netal and saved by Maz Kanata. DJ is a villain who was played by Benicio Del Toro in The Last Jedi with the help of Chewbacca. He’s arrested by Finn and Rose as republic soldiers. Rey is the grandmaster of the jedi order. There are the 3 children of Luke Skywalker and her offspring she trains as jedi. Those should be times of peace in the galaxy and no more of the sith. The Eternals take on battle droids. Rey kills Abraxas with her own light saber yellow bladed. It’s Abraxas who brings back trade federation battle droids long after the Separatists are no more. Rey talks of defeat of Grummgar after Maz Kanata defeated Bazine Netal when Darth Maul’s father attempts to rule the galaxy when he’s found out alive.

Maz Kanata battles Bazine Netal and ends up shooting her to death. Maybe Zay and her team with the daughter and son of Wedge Antilles joining the resistance take on the Gauvian Death Gang and Zay who's mother defected from the empire kills Bala-Tik. Maybe other characters take original film character that’s an alien Kardue'sai'Malloc that long ago went by Labria leading  gang.

This person is killed by Wedge’s son as he's fighting against the First Order along with Razoo Qin-Fee killed by Jacen Sydulla the co chancellor of the republic. Zeb, Hera, Sabine Wren and Bo-Katan have all retired in over those years. There’s a vision of Unkar Plutt killed in battle by Kaydel Ko Connix with surviving members of the resistance as are his thugs arrested with others from the resistance in the sequel trilogy in a blaster fight.  Colonel Kaplan is one of the first order officers arrested by the new Republic as the 2 gang leaders were hunted for years. The storm troopers who survived had redemption.

Zorri Bliss takes on imperial officers who survived like Captain Chesille Sabrond teaming with Jannah. She turns over war criminal Kaplan to the republic restored. Ochi turns out to be killed by Kyle Katarn a jedi killed by Snoke before the Force Awakens. Luke Skywalker’s oldest offspring with padawans take on the Sith Eternal and Acolytes of the Beyond Survivors. Abraxas brought back the Acolytes of Beyond in this tale. They Acolytes of the Beyond are defeated just when Rey with a power of the force kills Abraxas. Those planets are Jakuu, Kashyyyk the Wookie home world and Endor system. This is when Earth is discovered in the Star Wars galaxy along with it’s solar system/galaxy. Maybe if those villains are killed on a TV show that’s post sequel trilogy then they are brought back with the bounty hunter back Abraxas.

There should be both movies and comic books crossovers on the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars. For comics in the crossovers there are the Fantastic Four, Inhumans and the Eternals. Each movie of the crossover trilogy should have prelude comics to certain battles of Marvel heroes and villains. The movies are Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, The Defenders and the Avengers. There could be beginning comics to the origin of the Fantastic Four as they are hit by cosmic rays before ending up in the Star Wars galaxy and meeting the Inhumans. There’s allot of sith magic in those times bringing back dead dark lords and long dead imperial troopers like tie fighter pilots and storm troopers killed by blasters, light sabers and explosions. The crossovers of the Fantastic Four and Inhumans comics take place in the later 2020’s AD.

Fans could come up with ideas for comics in between the movies like the crossovers of Inhumans like with Gorgon, Lockjaw, Crystal, Black Bolt, Triton or even other character from Inhumans in the Star Wars galaxy. Lockjaw could teleport the Fantastic Four and Inhumans to the Star Wars galaxy. That could be crossovers of the Eternals long ago with Star Wars. We could also work together on putting in ideas of years of Marvel movie releases. Maybe by then Marvel should have the legal rights to Fantastic Four. It should be a comic book short time series with the Inhumans and the Fantastic Four teaming up against Cyber and other villains like Blastaar, Trapster and Stergon and Auran with re activating separatist battle droids as prequel to the crossover trilogy. Dr. Doom is the main villain who’s defeated by The Thing after the Secret Wars. Joshua Ayers as Miracle Man is joining forces with Dr. Doom. Dr. Doom had managed to escape prison. The Fantastic Four and Inhumans defeat those villains just as those villains are captured by the republic soldiers of today.

There should be a bit of space battles in each of the movies and the comics that are prequel to the movie Exar Kun in spirit is training Dantuis Wingdor in the sith arts before coming back to life out of the sith urn. Also there is bringing back storm troopers killed in battles against the galaxy empire long ago. The Inhumans and Fantastic Four fight Dr. Doom and those other villains in the Coco District of Coruscant. Gorgon battles Miracle Man in the area of the diner owned by Dexter Jester long ago. The space battles in the comics are the republic ships fighting droid ships while in the movies the republic ships are fighting tie fighters brought back all in the Star Wars galaxy. Human Torch burns battle droids. Black Bolt and Crystal take on battle droids also. The Thing defeats dr. Doom without killing him. It should be in going to 2029 AD on Earth when the Fantastic Four and Inhumans come into the Star Wars galaxy. Maybe somewhere in the galaxy Silver Surfer kills Thanos for good. Thanos and Silver Surfer had teleported to the Star Wars galaxy and end up on a planet. Then is was 2028 AD and then in 2029 AD that’s when Dr. Doom forms this villain alliance. Cyber, Trapster and Stegron are Earth villains working for Dr. Doom after sprung from the Vault by Auran and Blastaar. Miracle Man works for those villains as well who’s an Earth villain. Dr. Doom was chosen to lead this villain alliance and rule the universe. Dr. Doom in the new Separatist movement is ruler of Earth while other worlds are to be ruled by Blastaar. They are all together to rule the universe. Doctor Doom managed to escape the Vault meeting up with other Earth villains and Blastaar and Auran not from Earth. The guardsmen put the other defeated villains back in.

Somewhere else the Eternal/Kree Hybrid is in battle with Black Knight. Black Night defeats Ultimus slaying him on Earth.  Johnny Storm falls in love with Crystal of the Inhumans after the Thing defeats Dr. Doom in the Star Wars galaxy on Coruscant. Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman with the help of Triton defeat Stegron, Aurran and Trapster without killing them. Medusa defeats Blastar. Silver Surfer joins the Defenders team in 2029 AD from a galactic transporter in the Star Wars Galaxy and in 2029 AD as he goes off to New York City with Lockjaw teleporting him and the Fantastic Four and the rest of the Inhumans team to Earth in New York City. Miracle Man is defeated by Gorgon.

At the point of the Silver Surfer facing Thanos in the Star Wars galaxy it’s the tomb of Darth Tenebrous on Yavin 4. It's jedi and sith history to the Silver Surfer on this planet that other sith lords came from. Silver Surfer meets a jedi master at the tomb of Tenebrous after killing Thanos. There is Rey spirit defeating the spirit of Darth Skrye with the help of Revan in taking redemption and other sith lords who served Darth Skrye another jedi turned sith. Darth Zannah apprentice of Darth Bane spirit is defeated by the spirit of Yoda’s master that so long ago killed Darth Bane in the beginning of the rule of two that believes to have ended the sith back then. Ahsoka Tano spirit defeats Darth Andeddu spirit. Those long dead sith lords are sent to the hades. Somewhere else Thane the son of Thanos is killed by Morg. There should be a shot of Thane defeating Galactus just before killed by Morg on the Yavin system. It’s those female jedi defeat ancient sith lords on Yavin 4 while the others are on Coruscant. It’s in 2028 AD when Silver Surfer was on Korriban and Yavin 4 later in the year of 2028 coming to an end.  The jedi spirts of Ribilo Darte and Quinlan Vos at the time also take on sith spirits Darth Noctyss and Darth Sanguis. The other battles. Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats Darth Tenebrous the master of Darth Plagueis. Darth Plagueis trained sith lords from beyond the grave to cheat death who have been masters but Darth Sidious was pure evil who was killed twice long ago. Darth Sidious long ago was the first dark lord to come back to life cheating death trained by Darth Plaguies the Wise. He’s a force ghost training the sith lords of long ago this sith alchemy beyond the grave. Exar Kun is the sith master of Dantius Wingdor. It should be Aayla Secura vs. the dark jedi who was daughter of the dutchess of Malastare as force ghosts to the redemption of a sith spirit. The sith spirits defeated by spirits of Yoda and Mace Windu were the first dark lord who in legends was known as Ajunta Pall and Lady Lumiya the dark jedi as they are sent back to Chaos.

Also Dr. Doom in 2029 AD on Earth is on Coruscant with battle droids and the other Fantastic Four and Inhumans villains in the ideas for that comic book series. Dr. Doom is defeated on Coruscant while Coruscant cops arrest all those villains. There should be battles in the crossover trilogy on Coruscant in the early spring of 2029 AD for the movies as this is the capital planet of Star Wars. Also, each part of the crossover trilogy should show some space battles when it’s 2029 AD on Earth. Maybe before going into the Star Wars galaxy or modern with lord and storm troopers coming into NYC is when there are cameos of space battles. There should be Yoda and Mace Windu as force ghosts talking with the descendant of Luke Skywalker on the firey spectres of Lady Lumiya a dark jedi and the first dark lord of the sith.

Mace Windu on his training from Yoda or Qui-Gon Jinn defeated the first sith lord the same way Yoda during the Clone Wars defeated Darth Bane. They send to the hades Darth Wrend and Darth Krall. Also Qui-Gon Jinn sends Darth Caldoth to the Hades in pre crossover trilogy. The spirits of Kanan Jarus, Leia Organa, Ben Solo and Ezra Bridger defeat the spirits of sith lords Darth Tanis, Phobos, Descolous and others noted at war with the jedi before and after Darth Bane. Asajj Ventress defeats Darth Krall while Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats one of those known canonical sith lords Darth Tenebrous who trained Darth Plagueis in the sith arts. Those force ghost battles of jedi and sith are on the planet of Coruscant by the current jedi temple. The first of the crossover series should be The Eternals to the republic brought back. Then should come the Silver Surfer and Black Knight vs. Thanos and Ultimus as the jedi spirits battle sith spirits and they defeat them. That’s when next Dr. Doom brings together FF/IH villains and the Fantastic Four with the Inhumans come to the Star Wars galaxy. The final force Ghost War is when Silver Surfer is looking to join the new Defenders team on Earth just as a jedi in that time informs him of the force ghosts they get to see.

Those battles in the crossover comics are on Coruscant from the Fantastic Four and Inhumans team up against this villain alliance. Silver Surfer comes to live on Earth and made it his home planet. Earth villains captured are transported back to Earth and Dr. Doom is healed with doing prison time again back in the Vault as the others put in there got put back in by the guards that don’t appear in. Blastaar and Auran are in a prison off of Earth. It’s when Silver Surfer battles Thanos that Yoda defeats Darth Bane as force ghosts and Mace Windu defeats the very first dark lord of the sith for that information given to Silver Surfer before coming to Earth to join the Defenders team. That’s really before the Fantastic Four and Inhumans come to the Star Wars galaxy. There’s Luminara Unduli defeats the Sith Emperor Vitiate who’s real name is Tenebrae as force ghosts as he was killed by Revan long ago that drove him to the dark side.

Now comes the ideas for a novel trilogy to be adapted into comics later on after those prone novels are released.

·       Part one of the MCU/Star Wars Crossover Trilogy

Defenders/Marvel Knights Crossover with Star Wars film saga should be released in 2029 2 to be current and 60 years before 2099. That should be first book of the trilogy


There the founding members of the team with Dr. Strange and Silver Surfer now on the team. There should be prelude comics to when Dr. Strange defeats Nightmare. Also in prelude comics is when the origin comics by Marvel of Tania Belinskaya becoming Starlight fighting the villain Man-Ape to when Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade as force ghosts defeat the sith spirts of Darth Malgus, That could be mentioned in the novels or comics. Darth Malak and Darth Nihilus just as Darth Plagueis is redeemed as a sith spirit helping the 2 jedi trained by Luke Skywalker back in canon. Man-Ape is redeemed after his defeat by Tania Belinkskaya as Starlight. The beginning of Starlight when 2 Luke Skywalker trained jedi ghosts take on those 3 sith ghosts is to all in this comic book take place in 2027 AD. Also The Silver Surfer defeats the Possessor in the prelude comics. The Beginning of the book should be Starlight origin to when she defeats Man-Ape.

Kagenobu Yoshioka is the leader of the Hand. There’s also the Wrecking Crew. The younger heroes like Daredevil, Silver Surfer, a woman named Tanya Belinsky going by Starlight new member of the team, Dr. Strange, Namor the Submariner and Howard the Duck on Earth joining the Defenders team. Wrecker is leader of the Wrecking Crew. A woman is now Bulldozer taking the place of a Hood’s gang member. Also there are Piledriver, Excavator and Thunderball on the Wrecking Crew. They defeat them. They also battle Hand ninjas that won’t stay dead. Submariner meets up with Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Silver Surfer, Howard the Duck and Starlight by the harbor of NYC as Namor jumps out of the water. That’s where they take on the Hand and the Wrecking Crew. Howard the Duck fights with Quack Fu. Daredevil states that Wilson Fisk the Kingpin is in prison sentenced to life.

With Doctor Stephen Strange the scientist they discover a futuristic galaxy far away. Daredevil is leader of the Defenders with Dr. Strange as co leader of the Defenders team. There should be there a space battle. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage have a child born. That’s talked of by Daredevil to Sub-Mariner, Dr. Strange, Starlight and the aliens Howard the Duck and Silver Surfer. A battle not shown is Nighthawk and Paladin as a villain in redemption taking on Ammo and Bullet talked of being defeated. The same with Shroud and Darkhawk taking on The Wildboys Jet and Spit with defeating them and also mentioned only is Gargoyle taking on Dragon Man as he defeats him. Also talked of is Leap Frog being defeated by White Tiger Angela Del Toro. Daredevil They are no longer on the Defenders team but Daredevil recruited Tania Belinsky going by Starlight. Daredevil also after the battle against the Wrecking Crew talks of his defeat of the Kingpin hiring Luke Cage and Iron Fist as heroes fighting against the Kingpin’s crime syndicate as Wilson Fisk is believed to be dead and Byron Pharris takes his place. That Marvel Knights team ends up in this far, far away galaxy after a brief space battle. They discover history of jedi and sith. Kagenobu Yoshioka is there. They explore the galaxy. Storm troopers are brought back to life that are in red armor as the sith troopers in the 2020’s AD from various legions like Phobos and Desolous. Exar Kun talks of ancient jedi defeating recent of Phobos and Desolous They are on Takodana nearby where Maz Kanata’s castle was long ago. Dantius Wingdor with his sith magic not only brought back Exar Kun but a bunch of storm troopers from long ago in the empire that were shot down or sliced or killed by explosions with various arts of sith magic. Jim Antilles the descendant of Wedge Antilles is now chancellor of the republic. They learn the history of the first galactic empire and the new republic. The Hand becomes a sith faction.

There are descendants of the original movie characters. Bruno Skywalker is the descendant of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade just as in the canon Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker had at some time just dated. There’s Wingdor who wants to be the second in command with Exar Kun as wannabe Emperor of the galaxy in that time. Dantius Wingdor is going by Darth Voltres. He had sith training from Exar Kun as a sith ghost and was bringing him back to life. Dantius Wingdor plots to kill the Chancellor of the current republic. Wingdor has the leader of the Hand in league with him. The heroes take on storm troopers while Bruno Skywalker direct descendant of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade battles Dantuis Wingdor the sith apprentice. Sith followers take on the other heroes while Daredevil faces Kagenbou Yoshioka. Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange take on Sith troopers while Howard the Duck, Starlight and Submariner battle ninjas of the hand on Takodana while republic soldiers take on storm troopers in the white armor at nighttime. This battle is by the seas and where was long ago Maz Kanata’s castle. Maz Kanata died of old age at 2,000 years old. Daredevil is jumping trees on the planet. Also, Howard the Duck is jumping trees and Daredevil states he learned to jump trees from Stick who was blind his entire life that was killed by the Hand at the end of the war of the chaste vs. the hand. Exar Kun shows up with the apprentice of his Wingdor.

Doctor Strange also takes on some sith troopers after arriving on Takodana with Silver Surfer shooting lasers out of his eyes on them just as a squad of people there fight sith troopers. Daredevil defeats the leader of the hand while some other jedi present defeat sith followers and other heroes defeat new storm troopers at buildings on this planet that were built post sequel trilogy of Star Wars. Bruno Skywalker defeats the sith apprentice Wingdor killing him. Daredevil talks with Bruno Skywalker privately of being blinded as a child and that he can’t drive and never was driving. Daredevil even talks of Luke Cage and Iron Fist as heroes for hire from his home city that are 2 of the original members of the Defenders team. They are talked of hired by Trish Walker in taking on Kingpin out of prison who’s real name is Byron Phillis and his crime syndicate in Harlem. Diamondback Willis Striker and Shades are in league with the Kingpin as those villains aren’t shown but mentioned only. Jessica Jones is talked about with the child to her and Luke Cage named Danielle. The ID Daredevil shows is the non-driver ID to Matt Murdock. New York state ID for Matt Murdock. Bruno Skywalker says that the jedi of long ago in spirits defeated the many long dead sith lords like those in the rule of two along with sith lords of who the sith troopers had legions named for that served Darth Sidious long ago. Dr. Strange takes on Exar Kun with magic. Dr. Strange with his powers takes on Exar Kun making a magic sword just as Exar Kun takes out his light saber of 2029. Exar Kun is sword fighting Dr. Strange. Jedi spirits Revan a sith lord in redemption also a jedi before the times of Darth Bane, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, both Skywalker twins, Ben Solo, Ahsoka Tano and Rey Skywalker along with Qui-Gon Jinn that trained the jedi as force ghosts are in communication with Dr. Strange with his mystic powers eliminates Exar Kun With those jedi spirits in him sending him to Chaos into the firey pits after defeating him a sword fight.

There is the information sent to Bruno Skywalker by Anakin the first of the jedi in the Skywalker family and former sith Lord Darth Vader that has been redeemed. The Marvel Knights team return home but the jedi learned that Naga Sadow is the true sith leader of today and after long ago dead brought back to life by sith followers in sorcery and could take on another apprentice as the sith master in this one is Exar Kun. Daredevil learns of Kingpin defeated by Trish Walker the Hellcat while Big Ben is arrested on corruption charges by Nick Manolis. They learn from jedi. They tell others of this galaxy. The Defenders learn of the galaxy being true when they come to there. Silver Surfer joins the team and chooses to live on Earth. Sith followers in sith sorcery had managed to bring Ommin back to life but Ommin isn’t shown and talked of the mythical Naga Sadow back to life. Kingpin is back in prison but escaped after the Secret Wars and had the Wrecking Crew work for him.

What should be in the not shown battle in the Defenders crossover of Star Wars is while Trish Walker takes on the Kingpin just as Luke Cage takes on Zingh, Iron Fist takes on Cottonmouth, Misty Knight takes on Shotgun while Colleen Wing takes on Bengal. Jessica Jones goes with Nick Manolis and take down Shades, Viktor Smerdilovisc and the corrupt lawyer Big Ben Donovan just as Danielle Cage is watched over by Jessica Jones. The Kingpin is with those villains in Harlem.  There is Daredevil stating Misty Knight and Colleen Wing are the daughters of the Dragon while Luke Cage and Iron Fist are Heroes for Hire. Not shown but mentioned should be Hellcat defeated the Kingpin getting him in prison and learning that Wilson Fisk is still alive just as Typhoid Mary and Bullseye escape from prison with other villains hired by Wilson Fisk. The Defenders team splits up going their own way after they returned from the Star Wars galaxy and to New York City. Daredevil talks of Umar the sister of Dormammu defeated by Black Widow. Morg the killer of Thane and former executioner and Herald of Galactus is talked of that he killed Thane after defeating Galactus.  It’s Count Abyss as this new sith apprentice and his personal executioner if Morg. Morg turns out to be Count Abyss’s executioner and is in a vendetta against the guardians of the galaxy.

·       Part 2 of the MCU/Star Wars Crossover Trilogy

Guardians of the Galaxy/Star Wars Crossover book if not movie 2030 Should be release year

On the Guardians of the Galaxy team are Moon Dragon, Nova Richard Ryder, Groot and Adam Warlock as he’s redeemed. Richard Rider is the Nova member teams with the Guardians of the Galaxy and ends up in Star Wars. Beta Ray Bill joins the Guardians of the Galaxy. In the prelude comics to this film Gamora after being reborn dies again as she’s betrayed by Morg a herald of Galactus. It’s talked of in the movie Drax and Gamora have been killed by the Universal Church of Truth. The writers could come up with ideas for the members of the team. Thane the son of Thanos is in the prelude comics killed by Morg. He defeated Galactus. Milos Abyss before joining the sith and the empire kills Stakar Ogord and his wife and the Ravagers team in the prelude comics as Morg cuts down the Ravagers team. Somewhere Charlie-27survives but goes his own ways becoming a citizen of that galaxy. He was rescued by Adam Warlock secretly. There could be in the prelude comics when Thane found out his true father was Thanos before killed by Morg. The killing of the Ravagers in the prelude comics to this film should take place concurrent with the MCU Secret Wars but the film itself takes place in 2029 AD. Those prelude comics could be comics later on as of the beginning of this book.

This should begin with Stakar played by Sylvester Stallone with his wife and son along with Thane killed by Morg the Executioner and Count Abyss just before the team goes up against the Universal Church of Truth. They are up against The Universal Church of Truth that traveled to another galaxy. That should be the new sith faction. Marvel writers could come up with ideas for the Universal Church of Truth members in this. Nebula and Peter Quill/Star-Lord take real jobs going their own ways as Nebula had redemption long ago as the Guardians are no more.  It is lead by Yon Rogg. The beginning battle is the Guardians against the Universal Church of Truth while Richard Rider joins the team going by Nova. Beta Ray Bill defeats the Universal Church of Truth leader. The Guardians of the Galaxy defeat the Universal Church of Truth while Moon Dragon takes on Yon Rogg. She defeats him learning that the former court executioner Morg is the killer of Drax and Gamora. They learned of Morg after he killed Thane in working for Count Abyss joining the sith and is fighting to over throw the republic of today bringing back the Galaxy Empire. There is a cameo by Matriarch with the cardinals. Beta Ray Bill defeats Matriarch. Arokine is defeated by Richard Rider as Nova and other cardinals are defeated by the team. There are talks of Cosmo the space dog up against The Great Old Ones with the help of others who were on the Avengers teams to not at all appear in the Avengers crossover of Star Wars. There should be Star Lord on Earth battling the Grandmaster played by Jeff Goldblum. The Grandmaster is defeated by Peter Quill as they are on Earth.

There are some bits of space battles. Morg is with Count Abyss in a distant galaxy after his galaxy had a visit by Ommin and Naga Sadow. Naga Sadow talks of Ulic-Qel Droma turning his back on Exar Kun and that Ulic Qel Droma many years before the empire has risen. Count Abyss is the sith apprentice to Naga Sadow while Ommin is a minion. He doesn’t get Darth as a rename but took the place of Dantius Wingdor after his death. In league with Naga Sadow and his apprentice Count Abyss are his executioner Morg, Obliterator and the Collector as part of Naga Sadow’s sith empire after the defeat of the Hand. Count Abyss talks of killing Stakar and the Ravagers team with Morg the Executioner’s help. Repytl with his pirate band are joining forces with the sith and go to invade Naboo. They work together to bring back the empire and those villains are sith minions.

Ommin was brought back to life in restored his body. The Guardians are on the space ship are brought into the very far away galaxy that the Defenders had been in. Acolytes of the Beyond are out there of this time period as that’s brought back as those who are brought Naga Sadow, Ommin and Exar Kun back to life. Most of the sith spirits were sent by jedi spirits back to Chaos talked of.  They are on Naboo in the Theed area. Chancellor Antilles’s daughter Dana is the jedi apprentice of Bruno Skywalker. They meet the Guardians of the Galaxy. They battle resurrected sith troopers from the legions of Revan and Tanis while some disciples of the beyond are thrown against the walls knocked out by Bruno Skywalker. There is stating Revan redeemed defeated Tanis in force spirit. There’s a battle of Adam Warlock vs. Repytl Prime in Theed. Adam Warlock defeats Repytl. Nova Richard Rider with Moon Dragon, Groot and Beta Ray Bill take on the pirates of Reptyl that come to Theed.

Republic soldiers capture the Collector as they see him in league with the dark lord of the sith Naga Sadow. Dana Antilles takes on Ommin. Bruno Skywalker in a light saber duel takes on Naga Sadow. Nova Richard Rider battles Morg. Beta Ray Bill takes on Obliterator.  Adam Warlock takes on the sith apprentice Count Abyss. Modern republic soldiers battle those brought back to life sith troopers while Groot and Moon Dragon battle imperial officers are of this time period. The Naboo security captain battle storm troopers brought back to life. Naga Sadow is killed by Bruno Skywalker by his light saber with a stab in the heart while Dana Antilles kills Ommin. She is no longer a jedi apprentice and a jedi knight. Count Abyss admits to killing Stakar Ogord with the help of Morg. Nova Richard Rider defeats Morg without killing him. Adam Warlock in battle with his powers shooting mystic blasts shoots down Count Abyss defeating him with his magic powers. There are talks of Yoda’s master defeating Darth Bane after the sith rule of two is formed 1,000 years before the sith revealed themselves to the jedi in the rise of power to the empire.

Obliterator is defeated by Beta Ray Bill. There are talks of Silver Surfer in that galaxy twice. There is at the end just before the end credits Count Abyss is arrested by modern republic soldiers as they also arrested Morg, The Collector and Obliterator. There should be in mid credits Metro Torri wanting to be a sith lord was contacting Darth Plagueis the final sith lord to be out there not found by jedi as force ghosts. In the post end credits the republic feels a disturbance in the force. The guardians of then break up and there’s Adam Warlock and Moon Dragon starting the Infinity Watch. Adam Warlock talks of the jedi council members defeating sith lords back to life known as Locphet, Mindran, Felkor and Sissiri at the jedi temple. It was Darth Bane in the spirit meeting with Merto Torri reanimating his body in the Sith tomb. Darth Plagueis is a force ghost in redemption and goes to heaven after the jedi council defeat some ancient enemies and that Darth Bane the founder of the sith rule of two is out there and maybe restored to the living. This is the apprentice to Darth Bane in 2029 AD on Earth.  

·       Part 3 of the MCU/Star Wars Crossover Trilogy

The Avengers/Star Wars Crossover book if not movie to be released in 2031

There could be prelude comes of Amora and Skaar fighting other fear lords in the later 2020’s AD or talked of in the book. Also, during the Secret Wars Solo (James Bourne) fighting Lucia Von Bardas while the Avengers were fighting the Doom patrol in a gun fight. Also Red Skull revealing to still be alive and then killing Solo next revealing to James Born Lucia Von Bardas is alive still and nearly killed her during the Secret Wars. Amora the Enchantress in NYC is facing the Lucia Von Bardas with cybernetic implants. She talks of being almost killed by Solo and that Solo was killed by Red Skull afterwards. That’s talks of James Bourne. She defeats her without killing. Skaar is born to Betty Ross and Bruce Banner in 2009 and becomes a superhero during his teens. Amora joins the Avengers team as she was redeemed after a secret war. On the Avengers Sam Alexander as Nova and Captain Britain Brian Braddock while Eli Bradley is now Patriot, Skaar son of the Hulk, Spider-Woman Jessica Drew, Sentry, Wonder Man and Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel on the team. The Fear Lords defeat should be in the beginning by really Amora fighting Lucia Von Bardas should be the beginning of the book with talks of her battle with Solo.

Merto Torri now going by Darth Rage is given the path of immortality by the revived Darth Bane. He states of training by Darth Plagueis to cheat death as he is back to life in modern times in the flesh like Exar Kun came back in the flesh. Darth Bane states to what he did the sith rule of Two was for to rise of the empire and the sith ruling the galaxy.  The powers of the sith is to embody and crave as of the rule of two. He gets a new light saber back to life and sith cultists that were killed in the 2020’s AD they were brought back to life.  Darth Bane has the apprentice as leader of the sith cult. HYDRA becomes a sith faction in serving the dark lord of the sith. Dana Antilles has become a jedi knight and she defeated the spirits sith lords and others in the sith rule of two before him with the help of jedi spirits Mace Windu, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Anakin Skywalker with his own son Luke when Darth Bane was being brought back to life by Merto Torri as to restore the sith just as the jedi council members Yoda, Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker have sent Darth Sidious to the Hades to where he’s gone for good but failed to on Darth Tenebrous who was master of Darth Plagueis. This one should be on Korriban in the Star Wars Galaxy.

Anakin Skywalker told of his killing of Darth Sidious and possibly for Sheev Palpatine joining the sith that Darth Plagueis killed Darth Tenebrous. Red Skull is with his daughter Sin also known as Mother Superior who’s real first name is Cynthia. He knows of the defeat of Lucia Von Bardas by redeemed villainess Amora. On Red Skull’s team to bring the empire back in power and make Darth Bane as he was before he was first killed are Hammer (HYDRA version of Thor), Bowman (HYDRA version of Hawkeye), Whirlwind, Grey Gargoyle, Grim Reaper, Militant (HYDRA version of Captain America) and Tactical Force (HYDRA version of Iron Man). There is HYDRA joining with the sith. Whirlwind and Grey Gargoyle are in league with HYDRA. Red Skull is leader of HYDRA in this tale and also sith minion to the 2 dark lords. He survived his defeat at the hands of Captain Britain and was believed to be dead but his daughter is also in HYDRA as is Grim Reaper. Whirlwind and Grey Gargoyle work for the Red Skull also. Darth Rage with the enemies of the Avengers come to New York City while Darth Bane stays to rule the galaxy and maybe his apprentice could rule Earth and other living worlds there and recruit HYRDA into the sith empire in 2029 AD.

There’s a bit of a space battle in the Star Wars galaxy there. Bruno Skywalker faces Darth Bane on the world of Korriban the home world of the sith. Dana had felt the empire and sith apprentice coming to Earth Sometime later Dana Antilles ends up in New York City at the Avengers tower with a freedom fighting squad. She meets up with the current Avengers team members. Darth Rage with black suited death troopers and Red Skull with his team come to NYC. Sith troopers show up on the Avengers and Dana Antilles. They fire on the avengers. Nova Sam Alexander blasts death troopers while Dana Antilles deflect blaster shots with her light saber. There are republic soldiers taking on sith troopers in the Tenebrous Legion revived/resurrected in the Star Wars galaxy. R.A.I.D. That’s lead by Cynthia Schmidt is who the un shown members of the Avengers team were facing. It was Moon Knight, Black Panther, Black Knight, Shang-Chi, Lady Thor that’s the girl from Thor Love and Thunder taking Jane Foster’s place, Iron-heart, Xialang the sister of Shang-Chi, She-Hulk and Echo are facing as Shang-Chi joined the Avengers team against Fasaud, Ecstasy, Firebrand, Zaran, Shockwave and robotic minions. It’s also talked of as the Avengers team members defeated RAID members in a battle not shown. RAID is part of the modern sith empire of Darth Bane in his quest to rule the universe. Those battles should be shown elsewhere if this is not a movie but just a book and comics.

For the final battle Captain Marvel takes on Sin. Spider-Woman takes on Bowman. Captain Britain takes on Red Skull the leader of HYDRA still alive and believed to be dead after he defeated him. Wonder Man takes on Whirlwind. Amora takes on Hammer. Nova takes on Grim Reaper. Sentry takes on Grey Gargoyle. Eli Bradley as Patriot takes on Militant. Skaar takes on Tactical Force. Modern republic of the galaxy soldiers take on the 26th legion that’s Tenebrous Legion of today while Dana Antilles takes on Darth Rage a jedi who turned to the dark side at the empire state building. She slices down some storm troopers before taking on Darth Rage. Doctor Leonard Samson with superhuman abilities is evacuating Times Square fights Scout Troopers that are brought back to life with the help of Rick Jones. Rick Jones is in a cowboy hat like on the early 1980’s cartoon series of the Incredible Hulk. This is the Rick Jones cameo in this film as he’s a good friend of Bruce Banner/The Hulk and a Shield agent at this time. Maybe then Doc Samson is bashing scout troopers in Times Square. Rick Jones takes out a squad of HYDRA soldiers with “cut off one head two more should take it’s place”. Bruno Skywalker takes on Darth Bane over on Korriban. There are jedi vs. disciples or the dark side. There are also space battles are also shown above Korriban. It’s the Hulk friends taking on the small group of scout troopers and HYDRA soldiers together in Times Square. Somewhere else the younger Avengers America Chavez, Iron Lad, Miss Marvel, Stinger and Kate Bishop Hawkeye with other members of the team like Patriot Eli Bradley are battling HYDRA agents brought back. That’s talked of by Doc Samson and Rick Jones after they defeat both HYDRA and scout troopers and talk of Shield agents who are still alive out there are kidnapped by HYDRA like Sharon Carter, Quake and others from the TV show.

There’s an epic battle. Those battles are back-to-back. Captain Britain Brian Braddock almost ends up killing Red Skull on the Empire State Building knocking him to his doom as Red Skull grew more powerful from the Red Skull is for sure dead. The others on the Avengers defeat those villains. Bruno Skywalker kills Darth Bane slicing him in half with the first jedi sending him to the hades. Darth Rage gives up and the light saber battle stops. There are talks of force ghost battles Mace Windu defeated the first dark lord of the sith not shown. There are villains redeemed while Earth super villains are arrested by NY PD and the soldiers of Dana Antilles take Darth Rage as a prisoner as he felt the defeat of Darth Bane the creator of the sith rule of two. There are Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn talking of defeating Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus the second apprentice of Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis the master of Darth Sidious as they weren’t truly evil and both sith ghosts in redemption went to the afterlife with defeating other ancient enemies by modern jedi. There is at the end some jedi in New York City with a celebration. Jim Antilles the chancellor is there with his guards and some republic soldiers. The Chancellor is kidnapped as Darth Bane back to life wanting to come back as emperor of that galaxy. Bruno Skywalker comes to rescue the chancellor teaming with Dana Antilles teaming with the Avengers in NYC. Also, Dana Antilles and her mother are in NYC with the Avengers team. She feels the defeat of HYDRA in the force. Captain Britain tells the SHIELD agents were rescued by the younger Avengers members and defeated those HYDRA agents. Jedi spirits like Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker who brought the jedi back managed to come all the way to Earth in celebration of the defeat of the sith There are talks of the Red Skull followers arrested and incarcerated. It should turn out Red Skull survived his fall off of the building for him to be in Wolverine vs. Hulk movie.

The jedi spirits are seen at the very end with the jedi killed by the galactic empire in the afterlife in NYC.  The celebration is at Central Park with Dana Antilles and Bruno Skywalker 2 of the jedi with the soldiers who came to Earth where the Avengers are at. Spirits of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker have come to Earth with the offspring of Luke also a jedi who was trained by Rey. The spirit of Rey is also there. Back on the celebration on Korriban there is Chancellor Jim Antilles the father of Dana is there with soldiers and guards and other jedi who serve Bruno Skywalker with the jedi spirits of Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda, Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi as peace reigns in the galaxies. Other jedi as force ghosts are Cal Kestis, Sia-Lan Wezz, Quinlan Vos, Shadday Potkin, Koffi Arriana, Bultar Swan, Roan Shryne and Ma’Kis’Shaalas and Bultar Swan. There are also Plo-Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi as force ghosts along with Aayla Secure, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, Argen Kolar and Even Piell along with Yaddle, Dama Montalvo and other notable jedi from Episodes 1, 2 and 3 as most never had a love interest and so many killed by the galactic empire and the dark lords of the sith long ago like Stass Allie and Adi Gilla, Barriss Offee and Luminara Unduli along with force ghost Jastus Farr a male blue furry alien heavy that was in the first Purge comic book first appeared.

Each prose novels of the SW/MCU Star Wars crossover trilogy takes place during 2029 AD in the spring time.  This is 6 decades before 2099. This should be talked of in the crossovers of the each part of the trilogy the sith masters tell the apprentices of the battles. There is Rey spirit defeating the spirit of Darth Skrye with the help of Revan in taking redemption and other sith lords who served Darth Skrye another jedi turned sith. Darth Zannah apprentice of Darth Bane spirit is defeated by the spirit of Yoda’s Ahsoka Tano spirit defeats Darth Andeddu spirit. Those long dead sith lords are sent to the hades. Yoda had sent Darth Bane back to Chaos/The Hades. The jedi spirts of Ribilo Darte and Quinlan Vos at the time also take on sith spirits Darth Noctyss and Darth Sanguis. The other battles. Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats Darth Tenebrous the master of Darth Plagueis. Darth Plagueis in redemption went to the afterlife as his master was truly evil but Darth Sidious was pure evil who was killed twice long ago. Darth Plagueis as a force ghost in a battle not shown of jedi vs. sith is with the spirits of Yoda. Ommin is the sith master of Dantius Wingdor. Mace Windu on his training from Yoda or Qui-Gon Jinn defeated the first sith lord the same way Yoda during the Clone Wars defeated Lady Lumiy.a They send to the hades Darth Wrend and Darth Krall. Those should be official force ghost war battles in the crossovers of Star Wars and Fantastic Four/Inhumans as Mace Windu defeats the very first sith lord and Yoda defeats Lady Lumiya just before Exar Kun is back to life. Also Qui-Gon Jinn sends Darth Caldoth to the Hades in pre crossover trilogy. The spirits of Kanan Jarus, Leia Organa, Ben Solo and Ezra Bridger defeat the spirits of sith lords Darth Tenebrous the master of Darth Plaugies, Tanis, Phobos, Descolous and others noted at war with the jedi before and after Darth Bane. Asajj Ventress defeats Darth Krall while Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats one of those known canonical sith lords Darth Tenebrous. Those force ghost battles of jedi and sith are on the planet of Coruscant by the current jedi temple. All this should be mentioned in the films of the trilogy that come from comics. It’s talked of in the later 2020’s AD from Earth to many of those notable sith lords defeated by ancient jedi. It’s Bruno Skywalker and his jedi warriors mentioning those battles of force spirits on jedi vs. sith recently. It’s the official spirit of Lady Lumiya taking on Yoda with Yoda defeating Lady Lumiya while Ulic-Qel Droma defeats Freedon Nadd with jedi spirits defeating sith spirits and gets talked of in the Avengers crossover of Star Wars. Those battles of Yoda and former sith lord Ulic-Qel Droma taking on Freedon Nadd and Darth Plagueis as the jedi show him not to be a truly evil villain.  while Mace Windu takes on the first dark lord of the sith should be in the end of the series leading into the movie trilogy.

Each the parts of the trilogy of the SW/MCU Star Wars crossover trilogy takes place during 2029 AD in the spring time to the start of the summer of 2029 AD.  This is 6 decades before 2099. This should be talked of in the crossovers of the each part of the trilogy the sith masters tell the apprentices of the battles. There is Rey spirit defeating the spirit of Darth Skrye with the help of Revan in taking redemption and other sith lords who served Darth Skrye another jedi turned sith. Darth Zannah apprentice of Darth Bane spirit is defeated by the spirit of Yoda’s Ahsoka Tano spirit defeats Darth Andeddu spirit. Those long dead sith lords are sent to the hades. Yoda had sent Darth Bane back to Chaos/The Hades. The jedi spirts of Ribilo Darte and Quinlan Vos at the time also take on sith spirits Darth Noctyss and Darth Sanguis. The other battles. Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats Darth Tenebrous the master of Darth Plagueis. Darth Plagueis in redemption went to the afterlife as his master was truly evil but Darth Sidious was pure evil who was killed twice long ago. Darth Plagueis as a force ghost in a battle not shown of jedi vs. sith is with the spirits of Yoda. Exar Kun is the sith master of Dantius Wingdor. Mace Windu on his training from Yoda or Qui-Gon Jinn defeated the first sith lord the same way Yoda during the Clone Wars defeated Lady Lumiy.a They send to the hades Darth Wrend and Darth Krall. Those should be official force ghost war battles in the crossovers of Star Wars and Fantastic Four/Inhumans as Mace Windu defeats the very first sith lord and Yoda defeats Lady Lumiya just before Exar Kun is back to life. Also Qui-Gon Jinn sends Darth Caldoth to the Hades in pre crossover trilogy. The spirits of Kanan Jarus, Leia Organa, Ben Solo and Ezra Bridger defeat the spirits of sith lords Darth Tenebrous the master of Darth Plaugies, Tanis, Phobos, Descolous and others noted at war with the jedi before and after Darth Bane. Asajj Ventress defeats Darth Krall while Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats one of those known canonical sith lords Darth Tenebrous. Those force ghost battles of jedi and sith are on the planet of Coruscant by the current jedi temple. All this should be mentioned in the films of the trilogy that come from comics. It’s talked of in the later 2020’s AD from Earth to many of those notable sith lords defeated by ancient jedi. It’s Bruno Skywalker and his jedi warriors mentioning those battles of force spirits on jedi vs. sith recently. It’s the official spirit of Lady Lumiya taking on Yoda with Yoda defeating Lady Lumiya while Ulic-Qel Droma defeats Freedon Nadd with jedi spirits defeating sith spirits and gets talked of in the Avengers crossover of Star Wars. Those battles of Yoda and former sith lord Ulic-Qel Droma taking on Freedon Nadd and Darth Plagueis as the jedi show him not to be a truly evil villain.  while Mace Windu takes on the first dark lord of the sith should be in the end of the series leading into the movie trilogy.

Extra Ideas on Marvel and Star Wars.

Other jedi as force ghosts are Cal Kestis, Sia-Lan Wezz, Quinlan Vos, Shadday Potkin, Koffi Arriana, Bultar Swan, Roan Shryne and Ma’Kis’Shaalas and Bultar Swan. There are also Plo-Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi as force ghosts along with Aayla Secure, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, Argen Kolar and Even Piell along with Yaddle, Dama Montalvo and other notable jedi from Episodes 1, 2 and 3 as most never had a love interest and so many killed by the galactic empire and the dark lords of the sith long ago. Those are appearing on jedi of the crossover of MCU and Star Wars after the sith lords are killed again just as Yoda sends Darth Bane to the hades in the Avengers crossover of Star Wars. There are force ghosts in the MCU/Star Wars crossover saga of jedi under the new jedi order started by Luke Skywalker and finished rebuilding by Rey as jedi in the post movie trilogies.

It should be Netflix shows producers of Marvel or Steven DeKnight on the Defenders crossover of Star Wars. Kevin Feige maybe the producer of the Guardians of the Galaxy crossover of Star Wars. It's not shown but Bob of HYDRA should be taken out by Kate Bishop Hawkeye in the Avengers crossover of Star Wars when rescuing Shield Agents. There’s a way talked of on Bob taken out by Kate Bishop. In the Defenders crossover of Star Wars Big Ben is the boss mentioned only. Other villains not shown are Zingh, Viktor Smerdilovisc, Shades, Bengal and Shotgun. The Daughters of the Dragon are taking on those villains to. They are all arrested at the defeat of the newest sith lord as Count Abyss becomes a sith lord under Naga Sadow. Diamondback had escaped prison as did Wilson Fisk the Kingpin of crime did and hired the Wrecking Crew against the Defenders team. He is the mastermind in Harlem who’s arrested. Big Ben is also arrested who’s Benjamin Donovan. The unseen battle of the Avengers crossover of Star Wars is the MCU version of Sleeper bots that do both shoot lasers and fight hand to hand to unseen members of the Avengers team. It’s an unshown battle talked of that the Kingpin in the Defenders crossover of Star Wars hired the Wrecking Crew. In the unshown battle Hellcat battles the Kingpin. It’s talked of her defeat over him. The Daughters of the Dragon and Heroes For Hire defeated those villains in league with the Kingpin. In the central part of the city not shown Elektra takes on Typhoid Mary and The Punisher takes on Bullseye. That should not really be talked of as of keeping Star Wars crossovers kid friendly. Those 2 heroes maybe don’t kill those 2 villains. Bullseye and Typhoid Mary are top employed villains of the Kingpin. Jessica Jones had asked Elektra and the Punisher not to kill those assassins. In defeating them Elektra and the Punisher refrain from killing Typhoid Mary and Bullseye. The Hand should become a sith faction with toning down the violence. There should also be Deadpool killing Black Queen not so violently.

Also, the Star Wars/MCU crossover trilogy other fans could come up with ideas for members of the Avengers not seen or even mentioned in the crossover of the Avengers and Star Wars. They could be on different missions on the team. Red Skull could have an army. Wiccan, Speed, Firestar and maybe Vision if he’s brought back are teaming with Cosmo the Space Dog in the Guardians of the Galaxy crossover of Star Wars against the Old Ones. James Rhodes retired and as has Bruce Banner as Hulk if Amedus Cho has taken his place or if Bruce Banner in Wolverine vs. Hulk. It’s not shown but talked of after both of the sith lords are defeated before the Naga Sadow comes back to life and masters a newer sith lord Wiccan the son of Scarlet Witch and Vision joins the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Also, in the crossovers of Star Wars in comics it should be Thanos decapitated cloned by Ultimus. Most of those Chaste warriors never had a driver's license and never a learner's permit. Never even owned cars. Stick never can drive. Stick with Daredevil Matt Murdock in the MCU should have no driving experiences in their lives. There should be talks of the war of the chaste vs. the hand with the chaste defeated by the Hand. The ideas are given in more for Heroes for Hire. Most of those Chaste warriors never had a driver's license and never a learner's permit. Never even owned cars. Stick never can drive. Stick with Daredevil Matt Murdock in the MCU should have no driving experiences in their lives. There are talks of the Hand winning the war against the Chaste before the original Defenders team defeated the Hand. There should be talks that Stick was killed by the Hand after his warriors were killed before the Defenders defeated the Hand. There are talks of Master Izo with immortality mentored Stick a slower aging mortal and was believed to be killed in this very long war of the chaste vs. the hand.

There should be in the unshown battles during the Star Wars/MCU crossovers that the X-Men are taking on the brood and they defeat them just as Wolverine and the Thunderbolts take on the Hellfire Club reborn as there are long dead sith lords back to life. Peter Parker is in a multi verse while Miles Morales is taking on MCU Francis Klum as the new Mysterio of the main MCU not shown as there might not be legal rights for any of the characters of Spider-Man in Star Wars crossovers of the main MCU just as Wolverine teams with the Thunderbolts. This is when Wolverine is a part timer for both the X-Men and Avengers team over those times. Other wise this just shown only in books. Iceman defeated the Queen Brood, but Wolverine not shown took on club soldiers while the Thunderbolts took out Black Queen, Shinobi Shaw, Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Donald Pierce and Azazel. Mentioned battle of Shi’Air Empire vs. Brood should be at the end of the Defenders by Dr. Strange crossover of Star Wars while Wolverine Avengers then but really X-Men and the current members of the Thunderbolts take on the Hellfire Club during the crossover of Guardians of the Galaxy. Deadpool is that time on the Thunderbolts along with Taskmaster, Red Gaurdian, Ava Starr with recruiting Baron Zemo, Songbird and teaming with Wolverine during the Star Wars crossover right when the X-Men is dealing with mutant hating villains. Deadpool slays Selene the Black Queen. Wolverine and the Thunderbolts teaming up is when some other jedi of that time battle ancient sith lords is in between the crossover of the Defenders with Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy with Star Wars. It’s in those comics Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn with the Skywalker family jedi and Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi show Darth Plagueis a sith lord ghost he wasn’t truly evil. It's in that battle of the living and force ghosts that Darth Plagueis as a ghost who had the power to cheat death and trained the truly evil sith lord Darth Sidious in it before killed by him. Darth Plagueis before redemption trained the sith lords beyond the grave to cheat death and escape Chaos. That’s when the Darth Bane is not found by jedi spirits leading into the crossover of the Avengers and Star Wars. Mentioned battle should be the Alpha Flight Team in battle Slayback and Gemini also up against Department H. This is during the Avengers crossover of Star Wars just as Alpha Flight defeats that Canadian government fighting in Canada. There should be comics in between parts 2 and 3 of the trilogy with the other ancient sith lords brought back killed by modern jedi while Deadpool and Wolverine the mutants team with the Thunderbolts against the Hellfire Club brought back to life by the sith of this time. There should be Peter Parker in the end of the comics coming back from the alternate universe after defeating his fallen counterpart who took the symbiote on him.

It should be the sith ghosts who were sith lords before and after Darth Plagueis that learned from him to cheat death with the jedi vs. sith spirit wars in the MCU crossovers of Star Wars. Most of the sith lords and other dark side force users like dark jedi are trained by the master of Sidious. Darth Plagueis trained that to Darth Sidious when they were both still alive and that long ago Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine was twice killed. Most of those sith lords are before Darth Plagueis like his own master. Exar Kun with some other sith lords of the distant past managed to come back to life but then Naga Sadow comes back to life to be the main villain of the Avengers crossover of Star Wars. It’s a jedi killed not by Darth Sidious but Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine is responsible for the killing of that jedi and most of the jedi of the prequel trilogy as there were some jedi killed by Darth Sidious himself. The main villain for the Defenders/Marvel Knights crossover of Star Wars is Exar Kun. Naga Sadow is the main villain of the crossover of Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy. In part 3 of the trilogy the Avengers crossover of Star Wars Darth Bane trained by Darth Plagueis the wise if the main villain who. That’s before Darth Plagueis was redeemed just as Darth Bane is coming back to life with the death of Naga Sadow. Part 3 of this trilogy Darth Bane is the chief villain as he was truly evil. Qui-Gon Jinn spirit did take on the Darth Plagueis spirit while the sith apprentice Count Dooku spirit was taken on by Yoda spirit during the battle of jedi council vs. ancient enemies as Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus and Darth Plagueis as sith ghosts take redemption going to heaven during the battle of Bruno Skywalker taking on Naga Sadow. The sith vs. jedi battle as force ghosts should be during the Wolverine & Deadpool teaming with the Thunder Bolts against the Hellfire Club after the Guardians of the Galaxy are on Naboo. Those are in comics. As the trilogy is just books to later be adapted into comic books/graphic novels there should be the shown battles of the other Avengers taking on RAID and other HYDRA villains and Bob shot down by Hawkeye with the bow and arrow. It's on Earth force ghosts of Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn vs. Darth Plaguies and Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus during the 2 mutants teaming with members of the Thunderbolts against the Hellfire Club with Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk teaming with them as there could be force ghosts come onto Earth.

There is in epilogue of the Avengers crossover of Star Wars should talk of the Thunderbolts teaming with Deadpool and Wolverine against the Hellfire Club and main MCU Peter Parker/Spider-Man defeating the evil variant of him before returning to his Earth. Others in the epilogue are the sith lords meeting up with the masters brought back to life in first the Defenders and then Guardians of the Galaxy. Solo should be talked of in the start of the Avengers crossover of Star Wars epilogue with Amora taking on Lucia Von Bardas. Maybe in those years Guardians of the Galaxy or Hulk vs. Wolverine stories. The Defenders isn’t kid friendly so battles of the Heroes for Hire should be mentioned only like The Punisher and Elektra. This should be in the epilogue after jedi in New York City of the Avengers crossover of Star Wars talk of the X-Men defeating their enemies along with Spider-Man defeating the version of him in a symbiote as that Peter Parker volunteered to go to another Earth just as Alpha Flight defeated Department H talked of. There might’ve been Red Hulk with his daughter as the Red She Hulk defeat soldiers of the Hellfire Club while the Thunderbolts team killed the Hellfire Club members just as Bruno Skywalker vanquished Darth Bane once and for all. It’s the father and daughter team with the X-Men members and the Thunderbolts as Red Hulks. There is no way to believe in video game crossovers of Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars. Not even TV shows. Originally those were ideas for movies as Wolverine Deadpool are to join the X-Men and Betty Ross is to join the Defenders after the Defenders crossover of Star Wars. There should be talked of the Avengers crossover of Star Wars that Hulk is teaming with Professor X and Warpath against Gamesmaster and Sienna Blaze.

For the Secret Wars Movie Trilogy the first should be Avengers Secret Wars, Part 2 is Secret Wars that’s the Dark Avengers movie and Part 3 is Secret Wars 2099. If Miles Morales is in the mantle grown up by Champions movie he should go by Shadow Spider or if he starts out not any younger than 18. That's the main MCU. This would be in Secret Wars second film and Contest of Champions movie that Miles Morales should go by Shadow Spider-Man if not Spider-Man (2).

Dakota North could show up in TV shows but have her solo movie with the main villain being Louis Lombardo with Anthony Lombardo and his thugs that she takes them all on. She could appear on Season 3 of the Thunderbolts on an investigation and teaming with them. Agent Carter is talked of taking down Joey Manfredi.

If legal rights Abner Jenkins could appear on Thunderbolts third film with the Bastards of evil as the villains and Aftershock to appear in the movie. That's post Champions movie. The Superior should be the primary villain. Savage Steel should be a villain on Darkhawk along with Phillipe Bazin and he defeats those villains. Bullseye also joins the Thunderbolts team who is Benjamin Pointdexter in redemption. Maybe then Black Widow with Elektra are the Thunderbolts roll call if a 3rd movie. Shocker could join the Thunderbolts too.

If those shows don’t happen they could be Disney Plus presentations like Man-Thing and Elsa Bloodstone as other future shows could just be presentations rather than a series to save money. Maybe Ghost Rider spirits of Vengeance the same as just a presentation. Cancelled shows could become comics. Maybe on legal rights the MCU for the Osborns and MCU Victor Von Doom were employees of Pepper Potts Stark as of no Oscorp known in the main MCU. That’s Stark Industries after Quentin Beck and his crew left.  

More MCU Ideas other fans could put in like Agatha Harkness is gone for good when killed by the Ghost Rider on the Spirits of Vengeance miniseries.

If Karen Page and Foggy Nelson die on Daredevil Born Again maybe, then there should be Heather Glenn to take the place of Karen Page while at the law practice Matt Murdock’s new business partner is Rosalyne Sharpe.

There should be a Ghost Rider movie to replace the solo MCU Hulk or Sub-Mariner movie. Those ones could just be books or comics of the MCU. Maybe a Beta Ray Bill solo comic book series that should be prelude to Guardians of the Galaxy 4 that is before the Guardians of the Galaxy crossover of Star Wars. Tyrant should be the main villain of the solo Silver Surfer movie along with Firelord in it and Frankie Raye meets Norrin Radd the Silver Surfer.

Also, there could be ideas for a Gargoyle miniseries but also Dakota North in movies or TV shows to us to put in. That’s for in the 2030’s.

This is first on the Marvel movies whether Sony Marvel Universe or Marvel Cinematic Universe. There should be DC comics DCEU movies like 2 or 3 of them released on those years. There could be a Dakota North TV show or movies in the 2030's and other fans could write in for the writers the ideas.

The shows could be either ABC television, freeform but most shows should be Disney Plus.

More MCU Ideas other fans could put in like Agatha Harkness is gone for good when killed by the Ghost Rider on the Spirits of Vengeance miniseries.

If Bruce Banner is no more of the Hulk after the She-Hulk series then there should be Amadeus Cho taking his place.  That should be in Wolverine vs. the Hulk and maybe World War Hulk if a sequel and then joins the Avengers team in a Secret Wars movie.

More MCU Ideas other fans could put in like Agatha Harkness is gone for good when killed by the Ghost Rider on the Spirits of Vengeance miniseries.

Also, there could be ideas for a Gargoyle miniseries but also Dakota North in movies or TV shows to us to put in. That’s for in the 2030’s.

There should be villains created for the Dakota North movie but also the near future like post Star Wars crossover of the MCU when the Heroes for Hire movie takes place like in the earlier 2030’s. If Dakota North has a sequel, then Mr. Fear that’s Zoltan Drago should be the main villain. Maybe Alice Nugent is Doctor Spectrum as a villain for the Dakota North sequel film.

Gideon Mace should be the villain of the White Tiger solo series while Doctor Spectrum there are 2 men that were from the comics in that role. Also, the Purifiers are the villains of White Tiger lead by Matthew Risman. Also, she faces some notable villains who have yet to make MCU appearances or other superhero movies or shows of Marvel. In the Illuminati movie Doctor Spectrum is Kenji Obatu while on Squadron Supreme that Doctor Spectrum is Billy Roberts.

There could be both Norrin Radd and Frankie Raye as Silver Surfer but also on Agents of SWORD show Nick Fury or Abigail Brand ends up killing Felix Blake.

There should be in the beginning Eric O’Grady becomes Black Ant. Titannus should be the main antagonist of Black Ant prequel miniseries. There should be Black Ant taking on Kl’rt the Super Skrull. There are petitions for legal rights to Norman Osborn also in the MCU. There could be an episode of Black Ant feature the start of the Power Pack taking on. Force Four are villains along with Basilisk, Snake Eyes, Trash and Johnny Rival. There should be Black Ant taking on Kl’rt the Super Skrull.

There should be a Ghost Rider movie to replace the solo MCU Hulk or Sub-Mariner movie. Those ones could just be books or comics of the MCU.

Here are ideas for Submariner TV series and Silver Surfer movie. If no Annihilius in the next Fantastic Four movie then he’s the main villain of the Silver Surfer movie. Also, there are Fireflord and Tyrant the Silver Surfer goes up against like a beginning battle against Firelord and Tyrant in the final battle. Those are ideas put in for the solo Submariner series. That’s when Frankie Raye and Firelord are the heralds of Galactus. Namor in the beginning battle takes on Firelord and that villain has redemption and he and Frankie Raye the heralds of Galactus all together face the army of Tyrant. Silver Surfer kills Tyrant. Maybe there could be Annihilius pop up and be defeated by Silver Surfer somewhere in the show. The Fantastic Four should be defeating Mole Man and his minions in the sequel after bringing the Puppet Master to justice. The Fantastic Four sequel beginning battle should be Mole Man and his minions defeated with help from Namor the Submariner on the TV series. Invisible Woman turns Puppet Master over to NY PD.

Molecule Man earlier on meets with the Puppet Master as he’s controlling the city as there are talks that Silver Surfer defeated Tyrant. There should be Frankie Raye as a Galactus Herald who turns to helping him as she defeats Galactus and the truly evil villain is Tyrant. Maybe in Namor series Molecule Man somehow kills Frankie Raye also known as Nova. Tyrant should be the main villain of the Silver Surfer series who he faces after bringing down Mole Man and Molecule Man and the Puppet Master. Ben Grimm the Thing is in love with Alicia Masters the step daughter of the Puppet Master in the Fantastic Four sequel helping Namor. Galactus is a villain the Silver Surfer movie. Namor could have Fantastic Four appear on some episodes as him defeating Mole Man the Fantastic Four bring Puppet Master to justice. This should consist of 6 to 7 to 8 episodes.

More ideas could be written in by other fans.

This is first on the Marvel movies whether Sony Marvel Universe or Marvel Cinematic Universe. There should be DC comics DCEU movies like 2 or 3 of them released on those years. There could be a Dakota North TV show or movies in the 2030's and other fans could write in for the writers the ideas.

The shows could be either ABC television, freeform but most shows should be Disney Plus.

More MCU Ideas other fans could put in like Agatha Harkness is gone for good when killed by the Ghost Rider on the Spirits of Vengeance miniseries.

If Bruce Banner is no more of the Hulk after the She-Hulk series then there should be Amadeus Cho taking his place.  That should be in Wolverine vs. the Hulk and maybe World War Hulk if a sequel and then joins the Avengers team in a Secret Wars movie.

Maybe on Lady Liberator series there’s a person as Captain Marvel take on Tyrannus and defeats him.

More MCU Ideas other fans could put in like Agatha Harkness is gone for good when killed by the Ghost Rider on the Spirits of Vengeance miniseries.

Also, there could be ideas for a Gargoyle miniseries but also Dakota North in movies or TV shows to us to put in. That’s for in the 2030’s.

There should be villains created for the Dakota North movie but also the near future like post Star Wars crossover of the MCU when the Heroes for Hire movie takes place like in the earlier 2030’s. If Dakota North has a sequel, then Mr. Fear that’s Zoltan Drago should be the main villain. Maybe Alice Nugent is Doctor Spectrum as a villain for the Dakota North sequel film.

Gideon Mace should be the villain of the White Tiger solo series while Doctor Spectrum there are 2 men that were from the comics in that role. Also, the Purifiers are the villains of White Tiger lead by Matthew Risman. Also, she faces some notable villains who have yet to make MCU appearances or other superhero movies or shows of Marvel. In the Illuminati movie Doctor Spectrum is Kenji Obatu while on Squadron Supreme that Doctor Spectrum is Billy Roberts.

There could be both Norrin Radd and Frankie Raye as Silver Surfer but also on Agents of SWORD show Nick Fury or Abigail Brand ends up killing Felix Blake.

If Karen Page and Foggy Nelson die on Daredevil Born Again maybe, then there should be Heather Glenn to take the place of Karen Page while at the law practice Matt Murdock’s new business partner is Rosalyne Sharpe. Also, there could be Hector Aayla killed by the Kingpin with Angela Del Toro replacing him the in the White Tiger mantle.

There should be a Ghost Rider movie to replace the solo MCU Hulk or Sub-Mariner movie. Those ones could just be books or comics of the MCU. Maybe a Beta Ray Bill solo comic book series that should be prelude to Guardians of the Galaxy 4 that is before the Guardians of the Galaxy crossover of Star Wars. Tyrant should be the main villain of the solo Silver Surfer movie along with Firelord in it and Frankie Raye meets Norrin Radd the Silver Surfer.

Villains in Wolverine vs. Hulk movie could also be Lt. Ethan Warren, Master Jip, Nitro and Crusader while Tyrannus is the main villain. Wolverine and the Hulk first fight but then take on Tyrannus with those X-Men movies are Lt. Ethan Warren, Master Jip, Nitro and Crusader and they defeat those villains.

The shows could be either ABC television, freeform but most shows should be Disney Plus.

Years are subject to change on movies.

This is first on the Marvel movies whether Sony Marvel Universe or Marvel Cinematic Universe. There should be DC comics DCEU movies like 2 or 3 of them released on those years. There could be a Dakota North TV show or movies in the 2030's and other fans could write in for the writers the ideas.

The shows could be either ABC television, freeform but most shows should be Disney Plus.

Years are subject to change on movies.

This is first on the Marvel movies whether Sony Marvel Universe or Marvel Cinematic Universe. There should be DC comics DCEU movies like 2 or 3 of them released on those years. There could be a Dakota North TV show or movies in the 2030's and other fans could write in for the writers the ideas.

The shows could be either ABC television, freeform but most shows should be Disney Plus.

Years are subject to change on movies.

Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie release years and Sony Marvel Universe. There could be other Marvel movies or solo hero/villain movies in the 2030’s. Maybe then 2038 for 3 decades after the start of the MCU. Other fans could write in ideas for years of those MCU movies as there could in those years be a Ghost Rider movie. Maybe even move up Ghost Rider movie or even Alpha Flight movies with the Sub-Mariner solo miniseries.

Movies on MCU…


Captain America Brave New World

MCU Fantastic Four

Thunderbolts Movie

Maybe Beyond the Spider-Verse that year.


Armor Wars Movie other wise World War Hulk

MCU Spider-Man 4

Blade MCU film

Avengers: Doom War movie


Black Panther 3

that's X-Men reboot

The Avengers Secret Wars

Midnight Sons movie


Part 2 of a Spider-Man MCU Movie that should be Devil's Reign

Brotherhood Movie

Armor Wars Movie Other wise World War Hulk movie that year.

If Armor Wars movie is on that year Wolverine vs. The Hulk

If a part 2 for Avengers Secret Wars then it’s that year.

Nova Disney Plus Special


The novel crossover of the Defenders and Star Wars to be adapted into comics later on.

Scarlet Witch Movie

Fantastic Four Secret Wars

Heroes for Hire Movie

Also Galactus Disney Plus Special.

Live Action Spider-Verse movie


Astonishing Thunderbolts movie (that should be Deadpool 4)

Guardians of the Galaxy Crossover with Star Wars that should be book adapted into comics later on along with the Guardians of the Galaxy movie that year that's the solo Star Lord movie.

Illuminati Movie


MCU Spider-Man 6 that should be title "Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends"

Maybe MCU live action Big Hero 6 movie that year.   

Avengers Crossover of Star Wars that should be novel adapted into comics that's with Astonishing X-Men Movie that year.

Captain Britain and Black Knight Special for Disney Plus


Dr. Strange 3

Silver Surfer Solo Movie

Thor 5 Movie


Daughters of the Dragon Movie

Avengers Annihilation

MCU Spider-Woman Movie


There could be a Big Hero 6 sequel in that year for the MCU.

Multiple Man Movie

Contest of Champions Movie


Dakota North Movie

Generation X movie

West Coast Avengers Movie


The Invaders movie that's prequel to the Captain America films

X-23 Movie

MidNight Sons Sequel


X-Force Movie

Dakota North Movie

New Warriors Movie


X-Men vs. Avengers Phoenix Force to conclude the Mutant Saga

Third Thunderbolts Movie


New Warriors Sequel if the movie is a success.

Dakota North Sequel

World of Tomorrow Movie (for the 2099 as the first or final movie of that year.)


Part 3 of the Big Hero 6 Trilogy of the MCU

X-Men 2099

The Punisher 2099


The Defenders 2099

Secret Wars 2099                       

Silver Surfer 2099


Spider-Man 2099

X-Nation 2099

Avengers 2099

There could be MCU movies pushed up a year on this idea of years on certain ones.

Now come years for MCU TV shows coming up.

MCU shows a year whether ABC television or Disney Plus.


Ironheart, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and Daredevil Born Again that year as the first show. Vision Quest if can fit in that year other wise a 2026 show.


Sentry could just be Marvel Special presentations or comic book series. A new Punisher series with White Tiger series that year that could just be comic books like based on cancelled season 4 of Daredevil, The Punisher Season 3, Jessica Jones Season 4, Luke Cage Season 3 and Iron Fist Season 3. What If Season 3 (if not in 2025 or 2026), Young Avengers TV series as well be Daredevil Born Again Season 2. Captain Britian series too that year. There should be Nova that year along with Vision Quest and Spider-Man Sophomore year (2nd season of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man).


Weapon X TV series that year that should just be comics. MCU X-Men prequel series that year. The new Iron Fist series that year along with Alpha Flight First season. Ghost Rider series that year also replacing the cancelled show and prequel to Midnight Sons movies. Maybe then comics released that year that are to be the Netflix show Heroes for Hire. There could also be Beta Ray Bill MCU Comic book series. Agent Venom that year that might just instead be comic books.


Wolverine vs. the Hulk series.  Dr. Doom miniseries film that’s backstory to the movies of the main MCU on Disney Plus.

Power Pack TV series.

Black Ant Prequel TV series


Death lock and Darkhawk second specials.

Solo Submariner series

Masters of Kung-Fu TV series

Alpha Flight Season 2


Howard the Duck solo series (could just be comics instead).

X-Factor TV series. If can't afford it then comic book series instead.

Power Pack Season 2 TV series.

For Sony there should be Spider-Man 2099 series.


Lady Liberator TV series.

ABC Spirits of Vengeance miniseries.

Miniseries of Moon Dragon.

Masters of Kung-Fu Season 2


Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch TV series.

Lady Liberators TV series Season 2.

First Season of Man-Thing

First Season of Squadron Supreme


Also Winter Guard TV series that year.

Supreme Squadron TV series debut Season 2. Solo Hercules MCU TV show

Second Season of Man-Thing


Mort the Dead Teenager series.

A TV show starring Werewolf by Night and Topaz.

Elsa Bloodstone miniseries that’s both prequel and sequel to Midnight Sons movie.

First Season of Red Wolf TV series


Shroud Solo Series

Nighthawk Solo Series

Second Season of Red Wolf


Gargoyle Solo series that's prequel that year.

X-Factor Season 2 (should be comics if they can't afford it)

Marvel Champions Season 2

Cable TV miniseries


Marvel Champions Season 3 that year.

The Invaders/Stars and Stripes as Isaiah Bradley back story TV series.

Spider-Man 2099 show


Hercules Season 2 of the first season is successful.

Maybe on that year Season 2 of Stars and Stripes.

Mort the Dead Teenager Season 2


There could that year be solo MCU Spider-Girl (Mayday Parker) TV series that should consist of 18 episodes. Any other Marvel shows other fans could put in ideas for it. Maybe X-Men character back stories miniseries too that year. Also Tigra solo Miniseries that year.

They could move up years. It should be 30 years of the MCU or up to 2039 and reboot the MCU in 2040.  There should be for Sony the Silke TV series in the 2020’s. Maybe modern TV shows in the rest of the years of the MCU other fans could come up with called Darkstar & Winter Guard. There could be appearances' of Starlight on the TV Show.  Other fans could put in ideas for Invaders TV series and Cable TV series who formed the X-Force. Originally Guardians of the Galaxy volume 3 in 2020 along with Black Widow solo movie and the Eternals movie. GOG was delayed due to James Gunn fired and rehired while the 2 others delayed to 2021 due to CoVid 19. As of the virus outbreak there were delays on WandaVision and after that The Falcon and Winter Soldier as those were the Disney Plus shows. It appears the Secret Invasion show is being moved up. Possibly Armor Wars is moved to 2024. If not enough time for them then there should be the latest movies and TV shows bumped up to 2039 taking place 60 years before 2099.  

Maybe the live action Spider-Verse in 2025 and MCU Spider-Man 4 in 2024 as they could switch. There's proposed as in the later 2020's a Wong series with America Chavez. Shows like Red Wolf, Shang Chi woman, Deathlok, Darkhawk, Power Pack, Moon Dragon and Man-Thing should be presentations. Maybe even the shows that should be that are for Halloween Mort the Dead Teenager, Elsa Bloodstone and Gargoyle. Stinger and Sentry for solo should be Disney Plus presentations too. There are 2023 shows being postponed/delayed. Maybe Mephisto special in 2025. If not enough room the main MCU that’s Earth 199999 lasts up to 32 years and rebooted after 2040 if not enough room for this with movies and shows to fit on Star Wars with other Disney projects.  There could be other shows of Marvel up to 2042 for 4 decades after the original Spider-Man movie. This is the same for movies. The Power Pack could have a miniseries as they could appear on Black Ant.

There could be changes to the years on suggestions for Disney or Sony to Marvel Studios. Cancelled TV shows, presentations and movies should be books or comics. Some other shows could move up on years.
