Lone Ranger Jr. (Also known as Lone Ranger Jr. and his Company) is an Animated television series inspired by the radio shows by Fran Striker and George W. Tremble.
Lone Ranger Jr.[]
After the death of his father, Fran Reid (known as The Lone Ranger Jr) must dawn his mask and use his skills to fight outlaws in the American Wild West... while also balance his time with his Native American wife Monta.
Green Hornet II[]
Van Reid, nephew of Britt Reid, is the wealthy publisher for The Daily Sentinel but at midnight, he is known as The Green Hornet II. He is also accompanied by his partner and co-worker for The Daily Sentinel, Kata.
Sgt. George of the Yukon[]
George, an orphan, was taken in to be trained by Preston to take on evil-doers and help others due to his retirement while George's pet dog Bongle is being trained by Yukon King and his mate Wilda the wolf.
- Fran Striker (until his death) and George W. Tremble both worked as the supervising writers, directors and creative consultants for the show.