George, George, George of the Jungle is an American animated comedy television series based on George of the Jungle by Jay Ward and Bill Scott, being developed by TBD. The series is produced by TBD and premiere on TBD since TBD 20??.
The series follow the misadventures of George, an Tarzan-like man, along with an ape named Ape and Ursula as they go on wild adventures in the jungle.
Cast & Characters[]
- George (voiced by ) - a friendly yet clumsy ape man and the king of the jungle where he was raise in the jungle when he was a baby and has a habit of crashing into trees while swinging on jungle vines.
- Ape (voiced by ) - a intelligence yet sarcastic gorilla and George's best friend/brother-figure who help guide George with his responsibility of being the king of the jungle TBD
- Ursula (voiced by ) - George's kind and friendly yet feisty love interest who decide to live in the jungle and stay with George so she can learn of living in the jungle and often act as a damsel in distress, much to her dismay, at times, and, like Ape, often help out George with his responsibilities of being the king of the jungle.
- Shep (vocal effects by ) - George's loyal African bush elephant who act and behaves like a lap dog, whom George thinks is a dog, TBD
- Tooky Tooky (vocal effects by ) - a toco toucan and George's second pet TBD
- Rilla (voiced by ) - a tomboyish female gorilla who has a secret crush on Ape TBD
- Narrator (voiced by ) - TBD
- Madeline "Maddie" (voiced by ) - a cheerful yet rather mischievous monkey who loves to causing some mischiefs in the jungle and formed a friendship with both Ursula and Rilla.
- Lee (voiced by ) - a thrill-seeking but somewhat rather curious liger who like to challenge any animals, even George, to different kind of challenges TBD
- ???
- Dr. Chicago (voiced by ) - a mad scientist who seek to TBD
- "Tiger" Titheridge & "Weevil" Plumtree (voiced by , respectively) - a pair of poachers who seek to hunt down animals TBD
- Queen ??? (voiced by ) - a flirtatious and near sadistic yet rather bratty queen of a empire run by a tribe of tribal-like warriors where she formed a strong rivalry with Ursula, whom she seek to have George to be her future husband.
- ??? (voiced by ) - a slightly ditzy yet rather incredibly loyal tribal-like warrior and Queen ???'s bodyguard/assistance who has a huge crush on her TBD
- ??? (voiced by ) - an highly skilled yet somewhat rather eccentric Russian-accent female poacher and tracker who skills made both "Tiger" and "Weevil" look like amateurs.
- ??? (voiced by ) - Ursula's narcissistic yet cowardly former ex-lover who seek to get rid George so he can get Ursula back TBD
- ???
See List of George, George, George of the Jungle episodes.
- Each several of the characters in the series are parody version of Tarzan's characters:
- Queen ??? is a parody version of Queen La.
- ???
- ???