Gambit is an American web television series created for Hulu by IllegalNova, based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films and other television series of the franchise. The series is produced by ABC Signature Studios and Marvel Studios, with Shane Acker serving as showrunner.
Matthew Bomer stars as Remy LeBeau, an orphan who grew up in the streets of New Orleans stealing from tourists for a living. However, his life would take a drastic turn when a mysterious man named Jean-Luc, played by Josh Duhamel, found him in the streets when he was 14 years old, and offered him a position as a member of the New Orlean's sect of the ancient organization known as the Thieves Guild. Jodie Comer, Claire Danes, and Joel Edgerton also star in the show.
The first season of the show establishes the life of Remy, a former orphan growing up in New Orleans, who now finds himself together with his father again working for an international organization of robbers and bandits called the Thieves Guild. It all began 25 years ago when a then 16-year-old Remy tried to pick the pocket of Jean-Luc LeBeau, the patriarch of the Thieves' Guild. Jean-Luc adopted Remy as his own son and taught him the advanced arts of the Thieves Guild. The other members of the guild referred to him as "le diable blanc", meaning the white devil. They believed that Remy was prophecized to unite the warring factions of Thieves Guild in Louisiana. As part of a peace pact between the Thieves Guild and the Assassin's Guild, their decades-long rival, an agreement was made that Remy LeBeau and Bella Donna Boudreaux, the daughter of Marius Boudreaux and the successor of the head position of the Assassin's Guild. Soon after the wedding ended, Julien, Bella Donna's brother, lashed out at the prospect of his sister being married to a filthy commoner and challenged Remy in a fight to the death. Remy fought Julien and managed to kill him. However, he was excommunicated by the two groups and banished from New Orleans. However, Marius Boudreaux wanted revenge and hired a professional killer to assassinate Remy LeBeau. Remy, now being nicknamed Gambit by fellow local thieves of Louisiana, found himself targeted by an assassin by the name of Gideon.
In the second season, Gambit has developed an extraordinary reputation within Louisiana as one of the most notorious thieves in the state's history. However, this reputation would also be his undoing when a mysterious man named Bennet du Paris arrived in Baton Rouge with the intention of capturing Gambit for unknown purposes. After killing off Marius Boudreaux and heavily injuring Jean-Luc LeBeau, Bennet du Paris took over both the Thieves Guild and the Assasin's Guild and combined the two groups into one single terrorist cell he calls the Acolytes. Members of both groups who managed to escape Bennet du Paris and his henchmen contacted Gambit for help. Together, Gambit alongside Bella Donna Boudreaux and former members of both the Thieves Guild and the Assassin's Guild fought Bennet du Paris (now calling himself Exodus) and his Acolytes. At the end of the season, Gambit receives a letter from one Charles Xavier, who offers him a place with a team of mutants he has formed called the X-Men. The series ends as Gambit walks through the doors of the X-Mansion, leaving his old life behind forever.
Cast and characters[]
- Matthew Bomer as Remy LeBeau / Gambit: The gentleman thief of New Orleans. Gambit is a former orphan and member of the Thieves Guild who was exiled by the group after killing someone in self-defense. Since then, Gambit has become the most notorious thief in Louisiana, constantly avoiding law enforcement and the assassin known as Gideon.
- Josh Duhamel as Jean-Luc LeBeau: The foster father of Remy LeBeau. He is the leader of the New Orleans division of the Thieves Guild.
- Jodie Comer as Bella Donna Boudreaux / Belladonna: Gambit's resentful ex-wife. Despite the fact that he killed her brother, a part of her still genuinely loves Remy and wants to be together with him. However, this side of her is buried deep underneath resentment and hatred of Gambit for killing her brother.
- Claire Danes as Mercy LeBeau: the foster sister of Remy LeBeau. She finds ways to support her brother-in-law as best as she can be given the circumstances.
- Joel Edgerton as Bennet du Paris / Exodus, a mutant who has existed since the Crusades of the 12th Century. He was fighting in the Holy Lands looking for a mystical place called Akkaba when he stumbles into a mutant conqueror known as En Sabah Nur, who unleashed Bennet's latent mutant powers while enhancing and speeding up du Paris' mutant powers, turning him into Exodus. He was frozen in time by En Sabah Nur for refusing to kill his mentors and was only recently awoken from his suspended animation due to the actions of Thanos snapping his Infinity Gauntlet a few years back resulting in various unintended consequences to happen. Now Exodus prepares to conquer New Orleans, and the only mutant who can stop him is Gambit.
- Antonio Banderas as Marius Boudreaux: The leader of the Assassin's Guild. After his son Julian was killed by Gambit, he has spent considerable resources in order to exterminate the Cajun permanently. He was killed by Exodus early in Season Two of the show.
- Alfred Molina as Gideon, a mutant External born in Spain during the 15th century. He is immortal and has lived for centuries under various aliases. He is the founder and CEO of Oprah Industries and was hired by Marius Boudreaux to kill Gambit as revenge for killing Marius's son.
- Lana Condor as Eileen Harsaw, a mutant who possessed the ability to sense and manipulate electromagnetic energy fields.
- Gaspard Ulliel as Ivan Kivelki / Black Death, a mutant member of the Acolytes who has the power of suggestion that allows him to control a person's actions and tell them what to do. After being exposed to the experimental virus, Ivan became a carrier of it and was forced to wear an exo-suit in order to keep it in check; without the suit, Ivan's body constantly emits the virus and can kill perhaps any living thing within his vicinity.
- Gabriel Garko as Paulie Provenzano, a homophobic Italian movie star who rails against the LGBTQ community and mutants. However, he is secretly also a mutant himself but chose not to reveal it to anyone. However, Gambit managed to expose his status as a mutant and his reputation became heavily tarnished as a result.