DC Alpha Animated Universe is an American animated shared television series universe based on the characters from the DC Comics universe, being produced by DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation and William Street (mature content only) since TBD 2017.
List of Television series[]
- The Adventures of Superman (Cartoon Network, 2017)
- Batman: Gotham Knight (Adult Swim, 2017)
- Wonder Woman: The Amazing Amazon (Cartoon Network, 2018)
- Justice League: Heroes (Cartoon Network, 2018)
- The Sentinels of Magic (Adult Swim, 2018)
- Teen Titans: Chronicles (Cartoon Network, 2019)
- Suicide Squad: Task Force X (Adult Swim, 2019)
See DC Alpha Animated Universe/Tropes.
- Batman: Gotham Knight, The Sentinels of Magic, Suicide Squad: Task Force X are the only series to be under mature content by William Street.
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