Crane Mother is a major character in Iron Fist Season Two who doesn't even appear. In Iron Fist Season Three, she may appear in a flashback sequence.
The Crane Mother was the ruler of K'un-Zi- one of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven. She was highly respected among the other cities. In the early days, when the cities were being developed, Crane Mother was a key factor in rising K'un Lun to greatness. All but one realm had been colonized. The remaining one, The Beyonder called K'un Zi. It was barren and empty, just wasteland. Crane Mother took upon herself to rule the barren realm and it slowly rose to greatness alongside the other reams. K'un Lun's Order of The Crane Mother was named after her.
She was betrayed by The Beyonder when he thought her out of reality in order to allow The Hand to infiltrate Battleworld.