Country Friendship is an upcoming live-action/animated sitcom television series that is coming exclusively to Disney+. It will have segments from The Barnyard Hero Brigade, which are stories shown and told by a magical farmer gnome.
The Faulkner family has got some good friends in the country while living in Idaho, especially the magical farmer gnome.
Live-action cast[]
- Zac Efron as Pembroke Faulkner
- Emma Watson as Velvet "Velva" Faulkner
- TBA as Janelle Faulkner
- Nathalie Cox as TBA
- Chris Hemsworth as the Magical Farmer Gnome
Animated voice cast[]
- Characters from The Barnyard Hero Brigade segments
Season 1[]
# overall | # in season | Title | Barnyard Hero Brigade segment #1 | Barnyard Hero Brigade segment #2 | Airdate |
1 | 1 | The Country Beach Party | Beach Blanket Brilliant (Part 1) | Beach Blanket Brilliant (Part 2) | TBA |
The Faulkner family welcomes some new neighbors and they have a country beach party together. |