Animal Crossing (also known as Animal Crossing! The Series) is a American/Japanese television series for Cartoon Network. Based on the videogame of the same name, it showcases the relationships of several anamorphic animals, who have a selection of interests depending on their personalities. The series aired on Cartoon Network on 10 June 2017, by Warner Bros.
The story of an animal that was crossing about. Join Stitches, Rosie, Goldie, and Apollo as they go on exciting adventures in Animal Village.
Main Characters[]
Cathy Weseluck as Stitches, a young, yet funny, lazy bearcub that makes practical jokes on his friends but easy to make friends with.
Tara Strong as Rosie, a cute, peppy cat that wants to be a superstar! She also likes doing yoga.
DeeDee Magno Hall as Goldie, a sweet dog that owns a grand piano, along with other expensive instruments.
Roger Smith as Apollo, a kind but grumpy eagle that is likes to take care of his childhood favourite bonsai tree, and is a helicopter pilot.
Recurring Characters[]
Kristen Schaal as Margie, an shy elephant and Apollo's best friend that likes to paint pictures.
Tom Kenny as Jitters, a jock bird that is runs fast and is very interested into football and rugby.
Tara Strong as Shari, an Uchi monkey that is often rude, but is kind to her very precious tulips and roses (and wants no one to step on them as a recurring gag).
Eric Bauza as Jacques, a smug and crafty bird that is Jittter's older brother that plays the guitar and drinks alot of coffee.
Katheen Barr as Caroline, a squrriel that is young like Stitches. She likes to play with her yoyo and write comic books, and wants to be a volleyball player.
Haley Tju as Marina, an kind and young octopus that likes to read, sing, and dance but can squirt out water if provoked.
Teresa Gallager as Willow, a posh, yet snooty sheep that is interested into fashion. A gag is that she sometimes ends her sentences with a "z". Gallager also voices Robin, a bird that Jacques has a crush on.
Kate Micculi as Cherry, a dog that is a rockstar, and is good at catching bugs.
Grey Griffin as Apple, a hamster that has a similar personality to Stitches. She owns a treehouse (That she lives in).
Supporting Characters[]
Hynden Walch as Isabelle, the working Shi-zu that wants Stitches to do different jobs before they get kicked out of Animal Village, but it never happens.
Kevin Richardson as Tom Nook, a raccoon that owns Nook's Homes that allows Stitches to upgrade his house every few seasons.
Jessica Didcco as Timmy and Tommy, Tom Nook's children that run Nook's Cranny (which is upgraded every season).
Frank Welker as K.K Slider, a dog that performs songs for the villagers.
Jeff Bannet as Chip, a beaver that hosts the Fishing Tourney.
??? as Brewster, a coffee making pigeon.
United States: Cartoon Network, NBC
United Kingdom: Cartoon Network, CBBC
France: Boing
Japan: Boomerang, Kids Station
Italy: RAI
Australia: ABC Me
India: Pogo
Canada: Teletoon, BBC Kids (until it closed down)
Season 1[]
Season 1 will have 40 episodes.
- Moving In: Stitches and his friends move into Animal Village so that they "can make friends". However, a problem happens with the other villagers, and so Stitches is brave to help.
- Shopping Season: There is a bargain in Nook's Cranny, so Rosie tries very hard to buy it. But her friends don't her to buy the bargin, so a fight occurs.
- Gardening: Apollo helps Shari create a show so that she can raise money for a charity she is supporting.
- Cheer Up, Jitters: Goldie's friend is sick for the day, so Stitches and Jacques, the crafty bird, have to get him medicine.
- My New Best Friend: A elephant by the name of Margie moves in and delights Apollo, who really wants to be friends with her.
- Off-Day: Isabelle has a day-off work, but when Apollo's tree-cutting axe gets chipped, he has to convince her to help him.
- Debate Between Hobbies: Caroline and Marina have a quarrel over hobbies, so Stitches has to intervene.
- Spelling Bee: Rosie teaches Willow how to pronounce her own sentences properly.
- Fishing Tourney: A beaver named Chip visits Animal Village for the annual Fishing Tourney, and all the villagers can't wait.
- Let's Go To Main Street: Stitches and his friends pay a visit to Main Street to discover all of the surprises it has got.
- Taking Over The Shop: Apollo, Margie Jitters, and Jacques have to be in charge of Nook's Cranny for the day.
- Monkeybars: Goldie and Shari construct a playground for the children so they can play. But it wasn't a success then.
- Sharing Is Fun: Stitches has to share as many fruit and vegetables to win Apollo a lifetime of water for his bonsai tree.
- Wasps!: A wasp monster is invading Animal Village, and so Goldie, Apollo, and Margie have to stop it.
- The Love Triangle: Jitters almost falls in love with Shari, and Jacques has to stop them from proposing.
- Comic Stuck: Stitches and his friends get stuck in a comic book that Caroline is drawing.
- The Roost: Goldie works with The Roost's working pigeon, Brewster, to make coffee for her friends.
- Treasure Hunting: The villagers have to finish an impossible treasure hunt.
- Cherry The Bravisimo!: Cherry hosts a music festival in Animal Village to show what is good to be a rockstar.
- Shari, Can You Spare A Cookie: A cookie-making competition catches Shari's eye, but has to work with Goldie to win.
- Through The Wings Of An Angel: Apollo teaches Caroline how to get wings and fly.
- Fireworks Show: A fireworks show happens at night, and Stitches tells his friends a story during it.
- Birdsong: Jacques tries to make Robin, an new Animal Villager citizen, love him.
- The Secret Treehouse: Apple invites Stitches, Rosie, Shari, Caroline, and Marina to her treehouse.
- Sleepover: Rosie has a sleepover with Shari, Marina, and Apple. However Shari is worried about staying in another individual's home.
- Club L.O.L.: Apollo and Margie go to Club L.O.L. for some Friday night fun, while Jacques plays guitar near the Town Hall.
- Autumn Preparations: Summer is nearly over, and Stitches has a morning feast to celebrate.
- Frightened Of Monsters: Apple is concerned if the town's being invaded by a wave of monsters, and Goldie tries to calm her down.
- Take a Chill Pill: Stitches and his friends go to the beach to chill.
- Crosstube: A new video site opens up, and Rosie watches clips of her friends causing chaos, inspiring her to be viral on it.
- At Night: A compilation of the population's dreams that they're having.
- Visiting To Shari: Apollo comes over to Shari's house to help do the rest of her chores.
- Trick Or Treating: It is Halloween, and Stitches goes trick or treating to his neighbours, but it is not what it seems.
- Busting Boredom: Goldie has to keep Jitters busy when his older brother is on vacation.
- K.K's Visit: K.K Slider visits Animal Village and plays to many of the residents.
- We All Scream For Ice Cream: Apollo finds a buried ice cream van and decides to repair it so he can sell ice cream.
- Apple and the Spicy Pepper: Apple has to survive a day with a hot pepper in her mouth.
- Movie Night: Rosie rents a film to watch with Marina, so they can have a movie night.
- Missing Shirt: While her shirt is in the laundry, Shari borrows Caroline's school shirt for a day.
- Thankful (half hour special and Season 1 finale): It is the Harvest Festival, but not much people are thankful for something.
Season 2[]
Season 2 will have 42 episodes.
41. 1. Detective Stitches: Stitches has to find out who stole Rosie's necklace before he gets kicked out of Animal Village.
42. 2. Lost In The Internet: Goldie gets stuck in her computer and struggles to get out of it.
Add more if you like, I don't mind!
- If this series were real, Stitches and Rosie would've appeared in the O.K.K.O! episode Crossover Nexus.